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Is George Soros Using Canadian Trade to Defeat Trump?

September 28, 2018


(That's Trudeau's wife but it might as well be Freeland. Both are "global citizens" i.e. Communists.)

Delicate trade negotiations have not prevented Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland from attacking Trump as a "tyrant."  She deliberately twists the tiger's tail.  Both she and Justine are proxies for George Soros.  Soros' strategy for Canada:

Call Trump's NAFTA car tariff bluff  The ensuing chaos will destroy Trump

in the midterm elections. When I tweeted this thought, "RD" sent a JR Nyquist piece that provides the bigger picture:

"If we want to understand how the great totalitarian machine is able to morph and shift and change with the times, we must go to its soul. At bottom Marxism is a strategy behind which stands a pathological desire for absolute power and global destruction." JR Nyquist

latest- Trump will wait until after November election to put tariffs on Canadian made cars.

America is under occult attack from within. 

The new methodology provides explanations for many contradictions and anomalies in the communist world on which the old methodology throws no light. -Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old, p. 102



Golitsyn's Methodology and the Trump Administration 20 February 2017

By JR Nyquist

(abridged by 

What would Anatoliy Golitsyn, the KGB defector who correctly anticipated the fake collapse of communism, say about the Trump administration? I believe he would say that the communist strategists have launched a new provocation based upon a supposed split between the communist-dominated U.S. Democratic Party and (Soviet) Russia.

This supposed split offers some tantalizing tactical advantages to the communist side. It diverts attention from the extensive and treasonous collaboration of the American Left with Russia and the communist bloc. It also helps to camouflage future collaboration on the part of Trump's critics. (People who warn of Russian interference with the elections will not be scrutinized too carefully themselves in this regard, especially by a media that is packed with communist operatives). ...


(Obama's spiritual and biological father.)

Meanwhile, Barack Obama continues to relay commands to his leftist cadres within the U.S. Federal Government. This is why he stayed in Washington. For all intents and purposes, he is still president; that is, he is the commander-in-chief for the communists in Washington. Their conspiracy continues, as ever, toward the "inevitable" convergence of capitalism with communism (on communist terms)...

Of course, you probably think I am crazy. You think communism went away in 1991. You think that communism no longer exists. But then you will have to explain how we got here - with communist thugs using open intimidation on the streets of our cities! If communism lost the Cold War, why does it presently hold such power in government agencies, universities and newspapers? Why do you think U.S. counterintelligence is spying on the President of the United States and his staff? Who wants to bring him down? You need to explain all the variable phenomena of today: from the communist-inspired economic sabotage of global warming "science" to the insistence that our border remains a sieve. It is only our enemies who stand to gain from these policies....


What is decisive to understand about Marxism is its ever-shifting role as a rationale for a new kind of power. What is important here is not the particulars of the rationale itself, but the spirit which calls forth the rationale in the first place. If we want to understand how the great totalitarian machine is able to morph and shift and change with the times, we must go to its soul. At bottom Marxism is a strategy behind which stands a pathological desire for absolute power and global destruction. 

The outward phenomenon of Marxism is merely the intellectual camouflage of the politically self-actualized psychopath. Here is the outward expression of his rationalization for murder, for seizing power. This outward expression has changed time and time again, but its spiritual essence is always the same. 


(Sign of fealty to Satan) 

And we always seem to miss the point of it. We always seem to address the inner thoughts and intentions of people who are assumed to believe or not believe in a set of "principles." But this is an error. We do not understand these people at all! The communist does not take ideas seriously. He is serious only about power and strategy.

A mask is not an idea. A strategy is not a principle. These are tools, weapons, methods. Marx did not believe in his tools. He used them, and his followers used them, until the tools of the hour no longer served their purpose. Then the old tools, the old weapons, were discarded for a new set of weapons - "new lies for old." Those who talk about belief or disbelief are only talking about the superficial shell of the thing, which can be replaced with a new shell - a new outward appearance.

If Marx did not believe in Marxism, then the true Marxist should not believe in it either. It is a sorry swindler who believes in his own swindle. Behind the shell of the communist's outward pretenses, we find the same core phenomenon: the malevolent soul of the destroyer, the envious lusting for power and revenge, the hatred of the good for being good. 

And in this soul's self-affirmation we find, curiously, a reformulation of the same old totalitarian themes; the same old bag of tricks for debasing and leveling humanity. All that being said, the outward shell of the supposedly debunked Marxism is by no means out of the game. Out-and-out communism could return to power at any time. The various outer shells - the rationales and swindles - may change and shift as circumstances require; yet the driving force from within remains ever constant, ever alert to new opportunities. Marxism is strategy, not belief. That is why Mao Zedong said, "Marxism is better than a machine gun." One does not believe in a machine gun. One uses it, merely, to neutralize an enemy. One must keep in mind the usefulness, in this regard, of ideological mortars and howitzers and atomic bombs - the whole arsenal of political correctness.


So where did all the communists go? Did they simply revert to Christianity? Did they become Scientologists? Stop and think for a moment. You control half the planet and you've been fooling people in every country for decades. And what do you do for an encore? You fall off the edge of the flat earth! Well, I guess they topped themselves after all. And then, twenty-five years later, suddenly, you discover they have taken over your child's mind and sent him into the street to beat up an old displaced factory worker wearing a hat which says, "Make America Great Again." You have the CIA and FBI spying on the President of the United States to the advantage of change agents. And Congress is dragging its feet on Trump's cabinet nominees because they've been honey-trapped by the Satanic Pedophile communist zombie apocalypse. It is real Satanism, real pedophilia, real undead communists, and a real apocalypse.


Have you ever seen the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers? It's an allegorical fiction about a communist takeover. Well, we're living it. In fact, the pod people are attempting to convince the world that they are the ones fighting the alien invasion! This lie is repeated on every news channel. And you might easily believe them: First, because you did not understand who the enemy was. Second, because you don't believe in pod people. Third, because you voted pod people into the White House in 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012. And when the pod people finally colonized your government and rotted out your nuclear arsenal, the old pod president didn't go back to Illinois. He remained in Washington to command the pod-people army inside the federal government, while Mr. Trump erroneously believes himself to be in charge.

So they don't believe in Marxism-Leninism anymore? So why do we have socialized medicine? And why does Vladimir Lenin, who died in 1924, lie calmly with his eyes closed in his mausoleum on Red Square - not buried in a grave with a stone marker? No doubt, he is kept on display in Moscow because "nobody there believes in him any more"! It's a funny kind of not-believing in someone, don't you think?


(Before entering politics, Freeland was planning to write George Soros' biog)

Nobody in Moscow believes in communism! They refuse to bury Lenin because he makes a nice tourist attraction. And besides, Vladimir Putin wears a cross and says he believes in God. (Well, he doesn't really like to talk about it. But we think he believes in God.) And so, at the end of the day, we are all Kremlin puppets. We are all bouncing helplessly at the end of Moscow's string. Even now the puppet-master appears to be at odds with his most secret creatures - the moles at CIA and FBI! Appearances notwithstanding, the puppeteer must always hide the puppet's strings. This he accomplishes by a diversion in which he calls the man (Trump) a puppet and the puppet (Obama) he calls a man. And so, as well, he calls his friend enemy and his enemy he calls a friend.

If President Trump could read one paragraph of these scribblings, I would wish that he read this last paragraph. Then he might understand, in an instant, who his enemies are - both foreign and domestic. And I say, that enemy is not an opponent, not a competitor, not a business rival. No, no. I mean - an enemy! And once our president can tell friend from foe, his strategic compass will align to true north and half the battle will be won.


RelatedCommie EU Defends Freeland 


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at