"The Wing" - Man-Hating Psychopaths Are New Face of Feminism
August 7, 2018

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August 7, 2018
Tony B said (August 8, 2018):
Like in the old Tom T. Hall song, "Women think about their selves when menfolk ain't around." (Old dogs and children and watermelon wine)
God makes no mistakes, He made man the HEAD, not the partner, and the woman "a HELP like unto himself." This is the natural relationship as created by God which is exactly why when men take the HEAD and their women HELP their men from home the result is a happy marriage. Otherwise, marriage deteriorates into an earthly form of hell.
This is just one more of those things satanically turned backward on purpose. But probably the very most important of all.
After working in a public school for over ten years I watched the ignorant "teachers," products of "teacher's colleges," almost all of them women, destroy children of both sexes by constantly encouraging girls to find some "career" "as being a wife and mother is a waste of her talent" while at the same time treating boys as criminals simply because they are boys. These frankly ignorant teachers generally have an opinion of themselves bordering on God's gift to mankind but it is from their "forming" of young girls that lunacy such as this article describes come.
If lazy mothers, now loving the evil government babysitter, which "frees" them from family obligations during daylight hours, do not wake up, pull their kids out of those hellholes, and educate them at home, the nation is doomed. From one who homeschooled his kids with encyclopedias and dictionaries and 14 grandkids, all homeschooled plus 11 great grandkids who also are being homeschooled, I can vouch for how simple homeschooling is today with computers and the Internet. Plus home schooled kids are always naturally well behaved and personally confident, the lie that they are not "socially prepared" constantly disproved in real life.
Eric B said (August 7, 2018):
If things keep going the way they are going, males wil soonl be relegated to seeking shelter in catacombs . . . only coming out at night to forage. ; )
Z said (August 7, 2018):
The first comment by Rich is pure gold. It reminded me of Rich Zubaty’s brilliant book “What Men Know That Women Don't: How to Love Women Without Losing Your Soul“. In it Zubaty traces the origin of the Goddess' cult all the way down to the birth of agriculture.
Quote from the prologue
How come we live in a society that appears to be run by men, but feels like it’s run by women? The answer is pretty simple. The men who run modern society – the politicians, businessmen, educators and priests – are men who think like women. They are men who espouse and advance female values. Why do they do this? Because women have more purchasing power, more voting power and more cultural power than men. Women control the marketplace, the polling place and the content of our schools, churches and media. The “secret of success†of the modern “successful†man is that he sold his soul to women and female values. Our society is being run by men who think and act like women. That’s why we have so many problems. The Patriarchy is, in fact, a Matriarchy. Female values rule.
Troy said (August 7, 2018):
So depressing. I can feel it happening to me and I fight it every day because I know it's not full reality. The women in groups like The Wing make me sick. They don't understand they need us and are sowing the seeds of destruction to us all.
I don't want to distrust and hate women, but I am being driven in that direction every day.
I want things to be rational again. I don't want to refuse to work with women because of this theme running through the workplace. I want to appreciate, love and admire women. Unfortunately, we men are all being driven to hate them because of what these 'leaders' of feminism are pushing.
I'm depressed when I think about it and struggle every day to remain true to what I feel internally and try very hard to not allow the hate to take hold.
G ( a woman) said (August 7, 2018):
It doesn't happen very often, but today's article made me cry, weep. How many times, Henry, have I told you about all the honorable men I know, from my father to my uncles to my husband, and how it hurts to have them demeaned in such a way. I only think of how the world would be without them and not only their contributions but their spirit, so generous and caring and dedicated. .
These women are not only Satanic, THEY ARE CRAZY!! In the weirdest sense of the word. I mean bonkers, that they can't see the balance of creation, the two principles of male and female that make life work, make it perpetuate itself. I hate them for hating men. I hate them for their stupidity. They mess with nature itself and that is life-threatening. I hope they wake the f**k up, or somehow leave the planet. They are ruining the party, the party that has gone on for millennia, where man and women come together and create life, love, sanity, CHILDREN!!
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Hideyuki said (August 9, 2018):
I was very intrigued by this succinct description of earlier goddess focused religion pre-christianity. It just so happens I was relearning about the Columbia in District of Columbia. My question is how do you reconcile this with women? This just goes back to "blaming" Eve for all our troubles and not exactly a good sales pitch to convince women.
However I have been fascinated about Lilith from the Jewish myth and Lucifer being a woman. It points to women/female being the ultimate anti-thesis as evil, but is it really salient to say women=evil and men=good? In reality, we can also say that a wonderful, loyal wife can be of great comfort to men and that the combined energy is what is necessary for life.
I have just been struggling to articulate this revelation in a way that doesn't simply say that women are literally the devil.
Women are not more evil than men. They are being led astray by organized evil.