The ultimate goal of the Illuminati central bankers
is a monopoly on thought.
People who diverge are thought criminals.
They are suppressing resistance by silencing truth-tellers.
Who knows what measures they will resort to in the future
if they get away with it now?
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Lately, internet giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google have been criticized for banning conservative voices. President Trump has complained that Google suppresses positive news about him and he has vowed to take action. We need to put this into perspective.
This isn't a Left-Right dispute. All corporations are controlled by banks, which are franchises of the central banking cartel. The central bankers are Freemasons (i.e. Satanists) who wish to extend their monopoly over government credit into a monopoly over everything. They need to create a world police state because they create the medium of exchange in the form of a debt to them, when free governments could create this medium of exchange debt-and-interest-free.
Satanic cults exploit and control their members by corrupting and making them sick. This is satanic possession.
To make us sick, they need to control information and suppress the truth by calling it "fake news." Satanists invert everything so evil is good, lies are true and sick is healthy. They are suppressing all resistance to this process of satanic possession. For example, Facebook recently purged a woman who said gender confusion is sick. This is how Communists operate. They normalize sickness. They liquidate opposition because they know they're in the wrong. (Communism is masonic.) You cannot oppose their shibboleths: Diversity, Gender Dysphoria, Migration, Multiculturalism, Sexual "liberation" -- all supported by the banks and corporations, all designed to undermine society.
Google shadowbans all views that resist society degradation. This became clear to me when I googled "In Praise of Marriage" (in quotations)
256 results. "Gay marriage" 13.1 million results.
"Heterosexuality." 3.1 million results with suggested searches all pointing to "heterosexuality is a social construct."
"Homosexuality" 39.1 million results. Again, this for a group that represents 3% of society.
Monogamy 6.2 million results. Open marriage gets 62.2 million links.
"Free Sex" 16.1 million. BTW, have you clicked on Google images for "free sex"? Hardcore porn. Thousands of images.
Take the quotation marks off of "In Praise of Marriage" and you get 31.8 million results. But that includes gay marriage
Let's put that into perspective. Hemorrhoids get almost 6 million results. Same with ringworm.
Gay marriage gets 50.7 million results.
On the other hand, stopping and welcoming migrants both got about 2.9 million results.
"White genocide" got 33.8 million results. The top five entries all debunk the notion.
White Genocide conspiracy theory- Wikipedia
Of course, they will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim.
But how long will this last?
I could go on but you get the point. Google was probably set up by the CIA to suppress the truth, control our minds and monitor our thoughts. The same applies to the other social media giants.
We need to support alternatives that do not advance the nefarious Illuminati agenda. Ultimately we will be forced to rely on them, so we might as well build them up now.
First Comment from LC
Excellent article and analysis. Control of thought is The Illuminati's ultimate aim, for once they achieve that, then control of the "cattle", their actions and their lives inevitably will follow. Your article may help warn those most vulnerable to their editing of Reality.
Thanks LC! I love your term "editing of reality.!" Editing out God.
Ruth M said (August 31, 2018):
You nailed it on this one! But there are still so many people that need to wake up!
“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye, therefore, wise as serpents and harmless as doves.“ Matt !0:16