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UK Intel Agencies Preparing Muslim Insurgency

July 13, 2018


The Muslim population of Britain surpassed 3.5 million in 2016 to become around 5.5% of the overall population of 64 million.

The author is a former British policeman 
who has maintained contacts within the force. 
We can assume that civil disturbances planned 
for the UK also apply to France, Germany and Sweden. 

(Disclaimer- While I cannot personally vouch for this report, England like so many Western countries has been subverted by Freemasons who want to enslave the population. A Muslim insurgency might provide a pretext.) 

By Semper Castleton 

Further to my June 2018 article about the social decline and decay of England, the situation is much worse. 

The following activities are now covertly taking place: 

Arms shipments are coming into Europe to covertly arm Muslims ready for the signal to rampage and create genocide. 

The latest and best mobile phones have been freely distributed by secret intelligence services to UK Muslim migrants. They have been issued under the names of real UK and EU citizens but with false addresses with the full co-operation of the major EU/UK phone companies. Such phone companies are all owned and controlled by the same entities that have conspired in the planned chaos. 

Naturally, good communication is a major aspect of any activity these days.

Detailed instructions have been distributed to Muslim migrants upon arrival with telephone numbers and details about support networks, and organizations to contact and where to go. All these instructions have been written in Arabic and with phrases translated as in guidebooks. 

Many "destitute" migrants have been secretly carrying unbelievably large sums of cash. Who is financing them?

Many destitute migrants have been carrying a large and diverse number of false passports and other documents to fake and forge. This can only be due to the involvement of security and intelligence services sponsoring the Muslim invasion of Europe. It should be noted that the Israeli Mossad is well known for using false passports. 

Have you noticed the "softly softly" approach by the British police and their refusal to investigate most crime that has been committed by the new Muslim migrants? 

The British Police seem reluctant to get involved with Muslim migrants even when the crimes are as serious as rape. Migrant rapists are not bailed but freed every time. So Tommy Robinson does have a good point that the orders come from a high level. 

As in the case of Tommy Robinson, the British Police promptly acts to silence indigenous resistance and any public opposition to police apathy. Generally, the British Police, when they want to, can act quickly but when a crime involves Muslim immigrants, they drag their heels and behave incompetently. British Police reluctance to punish Muslim migrants is all intentional. 

The Muslim migrants have an agenda to rob and steal and threaten to demand what they want. They know they (i) have been given 'permission' from someone in authority to be violent and (ii) know that the local British population is unprotected and (iii) that they will not face any punishment for attacking English people. 

Upon arrival in UK or Europe, large numbers of these Muslim migrants go missing. This is never reported on any media platform. They are not absconding to join a family. Excellent accommodation has been made available for them by local authorities. They go missing to join up with a covert military force in secret locations in readiness for the appropriate call-up. 

Within a few years, those missing migrants will reappear as part of an armed terror squad on a massive scale all with the involvement, knowledge, and connivance of the British intelligence/security services. 

Enoch Powell's rivers of blood UK civil war will happen.

 It will bring about (i) the genocide of the white English, (ii) justify the need for a full European State and (i) increase the white English Christians' hatred for Muslims and Islam. 

This war is wanted by people higher than the British government. 

Enoch Powell was right!!!!. I keep reminding people of this fact. 

So why have we got a Muslim Mayor of London and a non-English Home Secretary? 

You can expect that future Life in UK will get very uncomfortable. What will you do when a Muslim mob breaks into your house? Call the British Police?  What will they do? 

As I have said before there is no coincidence in life everything happens for a reason. 
First Comment by Marco A-

Regularly I find myself watching old footage of British folk going about their daily tasks. One thing that always strikes me is how poor they were, whether working in the mines or farms. These people worked and lived like slaves for hundreds of years. They fought and bled for "King and Country" every time war was called. They suffered and endured under tyrannical despots since antiquity. 

What have they received for all of this? 

They are slandered with "white privilege" (an oxymoron - Europeans have suffered more grievously than many other races throughout history), and have had their country pulled from under their feet by their own rulers who they served faithfully - that is their reward. This is a monstrous betrayal.

Their country is handed over to hordes of foreign races who have the audacity to argue that, "Britain has always been a nation of diverse peoples", meanwhile these scoundrels have never shed a drop of blood for the Isles. 

And these poor girls who were used by the Pakistani rape gangs were literally handed back into their hands by the police when they sought safety. It was the local community that had to intervene in order to bring attention to end the rape of their daughters. Was there ever any punishment for the police who did nothing? If not - then we know this is not simply an allowance by the police, but there is an agenda to allow this to happen. Order Ab Chao.

And if the community had to act, then how many other communities where the people are less proactive have these same crimes occurring right now?

Don't expect a British Muslim to bring any attention to this evil either. Unfortunately, these people are programmed to become apologists for any crime committed in their name - they hate poor press towards Islam more than evil done to helpless victims of lesser faiths.
It is no secret these people largely view Western women as sluts and have no respect for the host nations they invade. What do they care about some poor British girls?

I would not be surprised in the least if these people took up arms and violently attempted to take hold of the country. The only people who will suffer are the poor Brits who have already suffered for centuries. One thing is for sure though, the Masonic rulers will not have a hair on their heads touched... Perhaps they would like Muslim slaves for the next thousand years, the British have fulfilled their purpose. Poor British...

We have to hang these bastards at high noon now or it will be too late to see justice. 


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "UK Intel Agencies Preparing Muslim Insurgency"

JJ said (July 15, 2018):

Around 2010 a Muslim from Sweden told me his Muslim community (mainly those in the underworld of nightclubs etc) was stocking guns and so he fled the country. I'm sure the same has been happening here for a long time.

People need to wake up. All it takes is talking to Muslims about their faith to understand what their intentions are. They want to rule the world and take over everything in the name of their God. Contrast this to the traditional Protestant stance of questioning and grilling their adherents at length to make sure they really, really wanted to join the church.

The other thing that few people understand is that Islam is the perfect vehicle for control over large masses of people. It has a strong outward image of morality (of the five pillars, all have to do with outward actions and none with the motives of the heart) with no spiritual power behind it, therefore, everyone in secret is acting out with a great lack of self-control. But the penalties make it great for control. Education and business entrepreneurship in many ways are stymied and homosexuality abounds.

Asim said (July 14, 2018):

I really don't know what to make of Semper Castleton -he seems well-meaning but his alarmist approach toward Muslims is no different than that of all the extreme right wing fascists who wallow in such fear-spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.

Semper should go on tube tube and access Ali Dawah and his debates with supporters of Tommy Robinson. Some of them genuinely are fearful and misguided-that's understandable when Islam is forever portrayed as an enigma, but one can clearly see what the true intentions of the those who decry Muslim rape gangs, and terrorism are all about. Ali Dawah, a young Muslim convert, articulates the Islamic stance on these matters clearly and concisely-anyone can see that. But what you also see is the absolute dishonesty and disinterest in the call for Muslim/English unity by this Tommy lovers-they are fake and only serve to cause chaos and disunity, hiding under the guise of supporting grassroots natives. Just think Henry, these hollow-headed morons were very happy to gawk at young girls bearing their breasts on page 3 of a nationally syndicated newspaper for at least 40 years!!! Where was their outcry on the degradation of .our girls? ? Answer that one again Semper, who seems to suffer from selective amnesia. Muslims and ISLAM ARE NOT THE problems -it is your life of relativism and debauchery, carefree anything goes attitude, exploited by the powers that be are!!! Deal with it!!

Robert K said (July 14, 2018):

Revolutions have often been actuated by foreign populations. Italians played a role in the French Revolution of 1789. "Americanized Jews" controlled the Russian Revolution (so reported by Bertrand Russell following his visit to that country). "Third World" countries have endured revolutions surreptitiously financed by colonial powers. And lately we have the foreign involvement in the "regime changes" in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria (failing?), etc.

Once the revolution is got going, commonly personnel to do the necessary mass killing is recruited out of the prison system.

"Migrants" have been offered such advantageous treatment to entice them into Western countries that all that would necessary to set them rioting would be the curtailment of benefits. This could be a future component of the chess game that is being played in order to eradicate the remnants of Christian civilization.

Mohammed from SA said (July 13, 2018):

Most of the Muslims in UK are of IndoPak descent- they are there FOR THE MONEY. they don't care who rules or what happens, as long as they can earn those beloved Pounds. i know this bcos I'm also of Indo-Pak descent & i know how most of us think.

yes, there are some who are influenced by the Salafi/Wahabi militant types but they are, by & large, shunned by the rest of the Indopak ppl. There also many who are good Muslims who try to keep their heads down & go about their business but bcos of their dress/appearance, they stand out & attract attention.
My ppl don't want anything to jeopardize their ability & potential to amass wealth- and many are totally happy to compromise & even openly sell out their religion/beliefs as long as its "worth it".

to suggest that they are going to be used to take over the UK in any way is laughable.

the article says:
-"Arms shipments are coming into Europe to covertly arm Muslims ready for the signal to rampage and create genocide"- where did he pull that out of?

-"The latest and best mobile phones have been freely distributed by secret intelligence services to UK Muslim migrants"- this is actually most likely to enable UK intelligence to spy on them more easily & effectively

-"Detailed instructions have been distributed to Muslim migrants...guidebooks"
what a numbskull! There's lots of thugs & violent ex-convicts from Arab lands who have been INTENTIONALLY brought into the EU by European intelligence agencies together with our friends, the Mossad. The goal is to get these criminals to mix with REAL refugees so that ALL of them are blamed when these criminals commit crimes.

it does NOT make sense for normal people to turn upon the countries who have welcomed them & given them a home. somehow, many ppl seem to believe that Muslims are ungrateful, uncivilized animals. if that was really the case, then how come the crime rate in Muslim lands are much lower than in the west?

-"Many "destitute" migrants have been secretly carrying unbelievably large sums of cash. Who is financing them?"- when to comes to Indo-Pak ppl, many of them are from wealthy families back home who send a few male family members with cash to help them set up a business in the west- as I said, they are here ONLY FOR MONEY. Same with some Arabs & Somalis- they are just businessmen who see the opportunity to enter the EU and set up shop & then slowly bring over the rest of their family- not to "take over"- just to live a better life. the fake passports are easy to get if u have money- Mossad doesn't enter the picture for ordinary refugees or those who are here to make money.

when it comes to these so-called grooming gangs, there's NO sane Muslim who would ever defend those who do this. u should publicly hang these guys. as for why YOUR police & intelligence are being lax with them- i cant answer that- maybe u should ask them.

as i said, Mossad & your intelligence are working together to ensure the downfall of the white countries but please realize that many Muslims ARE ALSO VICTIMS- they have sweet bugger all to do with whatever is going on.
of course, if u expect us to give up our religion, dress, beliefs & way of life just to "fit in" with the ppl of countries that boast of democracy & freedom of speech, religion etc, then u are wasting your time.

Just because you so-called Christians aren't really practicing your professed religion, it does not mean that we Muslims should do the same.

You have made a mockery of Christianity & seem to want us to do the same with Islam. if the end result of us being free to practice Islam is that the

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at