Jews & Christians are Bamboozled by Judaism - Michael Hoffman
June 23, 2018

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June 23, 2018
Thomas said (June 23, 2018):
n this article Marcion was briefly mentioned. Unfortunately there is very little literature about him, but a relatively detailed description of his life in German. I have a hunch that Marcion proclaimed the true teachings of Christianity. Through his interpretation of the early Christian sources, Marcion comes to the following conclusions:
The Jewish Creator God is cruel, but Jesus is love itself. However, Jesus says he is the Son of God, so he can only be the son of another God than the biblical Creator God. Jesus is for him the son of a good God.
The Old Testament is therefore rejected as a testimony of an old, evil God.
Therefore, the Christian religion cannot be derived from any old scripture. She comes into the world with Jesus. Jesus refers to a previously foreign, good God who has nothing in common with the Yahweh of the Old Testament.
All of Marcion's writings are literally understandable. He rejects any form of allegory.
All gospels are merely an attempt to confuse the truth of Christian doctrine and help the Jewish God Yahweh to reign.
Marcion only accepted the Gospels of Luke. But he considered this too to be falsified and worked it to uncover the true gospel. That is why in his treatment of the Gospel he removed all references to the old Creator God.
Could you perhaps write a biography of Marcion and his teachings in an article, as I think this person is very important for the jewish and christian people and almost nobody writes anything about him.
Many greetings from Germany
Jude Duffy said (June 23, 2018):
I saw Michael Hoffman's piece on your website, and thought to myself: how long before this turns into another attack on the real focus of his ire, the Catholic Church.
As usual, not very long. For the purpose of clarity, it really is long past time Mr Hoffman came clean about his own religious beliefs. If he believes the Catholic Church took a wrong turn in the Renaissance, what religious authority does he now defer to? And why, if he believes the Medieval Catholic Church was the true Church, does he spend so much of his time seeking to whitewash Luther, Calvin, Oliver Cromwell, the Huguenots, and the American and British Puritans, and their proven role in the rise of usurious capitalism? He claims, absurdly, that all of this "early Protestants as capitalist pioneers" business is an invention of Hilaire Belloc, but in truth Protestants were bragging about their role in the rise of usury long before Belloc was born, and many of them still brag of it today.
Hoffman's denunciations of the Catholic Church and his corresponding exaltation of Puritanism are deeply counter-intuitive in terms of argumentation. On the one hand, he claims all the Catholic condemnations of usury, freemasonry and so on were crafty ploys to hide the Church's true agenda; on the other he studiously ignores - or attempts to downplay -the proven role of Protestant Calvinists in the rise of usury - not just in Britain and the US, but also even in predominantly Catholic countries like France and Italy. He also ignores Protestant Anglo-Israelist domination of Freemasonry and Orangeism
His claims re the Church's supposed "secret agenda" are obviously unfalsifiable (since no one can conclusively prove that someone else is NOT a shill or a hypocrite - you can't prove a negative) and therefore worthless, whereas his efforts to portray Protestants as noble warriors against "the cryptrocrats" are laughably at odds with the historical facts.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Olivia said (June 24, 2018):
Sir, although most of this article is true, I do not agree that the Hebrew Israelites (descendants of the slaves) are an occult. Hebrew Israelite is a nationality, and is separate from religion or wicked deeds some stupid Hebrew Israelites partake in. Some Hebrew Israelites are evildoers, such as the people in your article.
Many Hebrew Israelites keep the laws, statues and commandments of The Most High God to the best of our ability. We follow the ways of the Holy Bible by the mercy and grace of our Lord and savior Yehushua. (Jesus). We are not church people and but follow the commandments. We believe the whole Bible is true. Most Hebrew Israelites have no association with pedophiles.
I think it is sad that after 400 years in this country we have finally found out our identity, and people do not share our excitement. Not even some of our own people.
In conclusion sir, there are some Hebrew Israelites who are members of occults and make all of us look bad. Same problem with other races.
CR replies:
While it's true that there are members of certain groups and movements that have no negative intentions themselves, you have to look at the origin of the movement and really consider where they are trying to lead people. See the biography of William S. Crowdy, original prophet of the Black Hebrew Israelites:
" Although still within the shadow of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, this unsung hero of faith, Prophet William S. Crowdy, excelled not only in the field of religion, but also as a businessman, industrialist, musician, Grand Master of Masons, author, and publisher."
The people behind the Black Hebrew Israelite movement were also behind the transatlantic slave trade and the Ku Klux Klan. There is nothing wrong with following the Bible, but when you start elevating yourself to the status of "God's chosen people" then there is a whole bunch of things that can go wrong. Look at the state of Israel for an example.