Iran Does Not Oppose the Jewish Power Elite (I)
June 25, 2018

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June 25, 2018
Skip B said (June 25, 2018):
I must concur with NK [below,] this is nothing more than a terrible piece of obvious propaganda, most likely done by those wonderful groups that seem to unite in the production of misery for the rest of the world. If one needs a reminder of who they are, CIA, MI6, and Mossad the three stooges of the world for only a fool would think they do anything positive or productive. If I had to pick one to be the leader and could cut its head off tomorrow, I would start with Mossad.
Mohammed M said (June 25, 2018):
i agree with that article about Iran 100%.
the main problem is that most westerners don't realize that Shias are NOT Muslims.
Their fundamental beliefs are way different from that of Muslims. the Shia always like to talk about the aspects of their beliefs that they have in common with Muslims but at the same time, they hold beliefs that immediately takes a person out of the folds of Islam.
then they talk about unity & brotherhood etc- the only brotherhood we can share is that of humanity- never that of common religion.
the Shias are very active in promoting their deviant beliefs in poor areas all over the world- they buy off the people with financial & material assistance. they are also active in western nations where they lure in people who have an interest in Islam. these innocent souls don't know the difference between Shias & Muslims & honestly believe they are learning about Islam from the Shia.
a Shia Muslim is an oxymoron- like saying someone is a Jewish Christian- non muslims know to be confused by that bcos they know what both mean. sadly, when it comes to Islam, they prefer to remain largely ignorant & therefore just agree with whatever theyre fed by Zionist mainstream media.
the Shia sect was created by Abdullah ibn Sabah, a Jew who pretended to accept Islam and the Shias practice something called taqiyyah- holy hypocrisy- they believe that if they lie to others & deceive them about their actual beliefs, they gain lots of rewards.
this habit of deceiving is something that Jews are notorious for.
I've also read reports that Ayatollah Khomeini was actually a British/Zionist agent- his father was a white man & he could not even speak Farsi(the Iranian national language) properly.
all this apparent animosity between Iran & Israel/western nations is a BIG smokescreen, the Shia regime & the Zionists have a common enemy: Islam.
without much digging, any intelligent person will realize that the Iranians have killed many Muslims over the years but they have not killed any non muslims
When we look at how the Shia regime treats its Muslim population, u will also see their hatred for Islam- they hang many Muslim scholars every year for speaking out and trying to educate ordinary Iranian Shias about Islam & trying to get them to realise that they have been lied to by their seniors/leaders for many centuries.
Mark said (June 25, 2018):
Mossadegh was deposed by Ayatollah Kashani. When Mossadegh wanted to combine legislative, judicial and executive powers in his office, Kashani had enough and decided he had to go.
Kashani could get a million people to demonstrate in Tehran by merely suggesting it. If he sent a note to the Majlis, all stood while it was read. Do you really think Kermit Roosevelt and Stormin Norman's dad could depose Mossadegh with $3,000,000 and the CIA'S blessing?
NK said (June 25, 2018):
The author of this article fails to present any citations or other supporting evidence for a vast number of claims above, which really are a regurgitation of tired CIA/Mossad borne propaganda.
And to claim that the Shah speaking to Jewish power is “anti-Semiticâ€, when the Pahlavis themselves were CryptoJewish and plucked from obscurity to upset the Qajar dynasty, of which Mossadegh was a scion in fact, and to implement operations in Iran for occupation during WWI/WWII — well, let’s just say that might be a “tell†of who the author might really be. I’d love to see all of these Rothschild banks in Iran he/she blindly “informs†your readers about.
Nevertheless, how does he reconcile any of the above with the fact that Reza Pahlavi, the son of the stooge Shah, is in bed with both Mossadnik “Rabbi†Shmuelly Boteach and Sheldon Adelson? Please find attached actual proof of my claim in contrast to anything the author has provided.
Indeed, you will see that this twerp — who Iranians think looks like and is a moron as a starter — was voicing up for the false destabilization attempt in Iran recently hatched and failed by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Trump, the Neocons/NeoLibs, fraud “Nobel peace prize recipient†who lies about Iranian laws explicitly, Shirin Ebadi, and the MEK. They all were on the same side, which was a prelude to Netanyahu’s cheap magic show that served as Trump’s reason to breach the Iran peace deal.
In other words, the Pahlavis and all these frauds lifted their facade and exposed themselves to even the common (CNN watching) Iranian in the diaspora.
As for Iran and the Iranian government, they are the bulwark of the Resistance. Without nuclear weapons, Iran’s “territory†now spans from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean.
And all the haters can do is put up tabloid articles to anyone who will listen like women gossiping on the clothesline. By the way, which protocol was it where the idea was to paint the enemy with the Zionist’s own stripes so that target people overthrow their own government and last line of defense against the Zionists?
Not a chance. Iran is going to wipe Israel from the map and all of us are enjoying it come to fruition — each and every Iranian without question. We know who is the villain in this equation. We see who spreads the hate-inciting propaganda against us.
We’re not anti-Semites either, just like you or anyone else who speaks truth to Jewish power and predatory anti-Gentile schemes.
They’re the anti-Gentiles.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Ken Adachi said (June 25, 2018):
I have a few things to tell you about this article. First, I was impressed by the article on initial reading, but I too noted (before reading the comments) that no ref. sources were given to back up the many dramatic and explosive statements made. The comment letters were VERY informative, especially the last one that claimed this author is layering in JWO misinformation to make Iran look sinister. I tend to agree with the letter writer in my perception of Iranian people in general. They strike me as legit and honest and not at all into the deception mentality that characterizes Zionist Jewish skullduggery. Of course, there's plenty of articles about Khomeni being CIA plant. That's beside the point. Israel wanted Trump to break the Iran nuke deal to the Zionist press could gin up the "threat" which Iran poses, etc, so he put together some nonsense to make it sound justifiable, when there was no justification whatsoever.
The second thing I wanted to tell you is that the embedded Shah video clip of this article on your HOME page does NOT show the Shah, but rather a video interview from Red Ice radio. However, the page which has the direct link to this article, DOES show the correct Shah video clip.. I've attached screen shots of both your Home page view and the direct link view and you can see the two different videos embedded.
This replacement of the video that I had embedded on my Home page, with another, unrelated OLDER video that I had put up a year or more ago, has been taking place on my Home page for over a year. If the video I embed is unrelated to Israel or the JWO, they usually don't substitute, but if the video exposes some NEW aspect of JWO deception, this video swapping happens quite often and I'm forced to only put up a LINK to the video, rather than embed the video itself.. This hacking is coming from Israelis in Tel Aviv and you may be experiencing something similar in this case.