Are Muslim Migrants a Blessing in Disguise?
June 8, 2018

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June 8, 2018
Christina said (June 9, 2018):
If anyone thinks that Muslims could somehow be a "blessing in disguise," think again.
All one has to do is read the key tenets of Sharia Law, the laws of Islam.
Muslims routinely LIE by denying outright or at least try to downplay their own laws; And in FACT, Muslims are also instructed, also by their Sharia Law, to LIE.
Muslims worship THE DEVIL.
Allah is the moon god.
Allah is in FACT, A DEMON.
Muhammad, a false prophet, was summoning spirits...And he spoke to and communed with those "spirits" which were in FACT demons from hell.
He foamed at the mouth and ranted...And those demons possessed him.
And he went on to rape women and men, sodomize children and murder many, many people.
And then brainwashed many, many more people across the globe.
Islam is brutal, totally unholy, 100% ungodly.
Islam is an unspeakable RAPE, SODOMY, PEDOPHILIA and MURDER CULT.
Devil Worship is Devil worship.
As a legal system, Sharia law is exceptionally broad. While other legal codes regulate public behavior, Sharia law regulates public behavior, private behavior and even private beliefs. Of all legal systems in the world today, Sharia law is the most intrusive and restrictive, especially against women.
According to Sharia law:
• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (compulsion in religion).
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Religion of Peace).
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Errors in Quran).
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal".
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
• The list goes on. See Sharia law in America, UK, Europe and Saudi Arabia.
Mr. B said (June 9, 2018):
This article is pure insanity. Islam is a negative war-ideology that also creates mass-inbreeding (at average rates of 50%), lowers IQs, destroys science and technology and is a violent clusterfuck.
The globalists don't force the Muslims to rape, kill and assault their way through Europe:
You tell this 14-year-old girl as well as countless others like her how the Muslims are a blessing to them. Gang-rape was a criminal category almost unknown in Europe. The UK gang-rape gangs are almost exclusively Muslim (with lesbians aiding them strangely).
Islam is an ideology even more Satanic than the ones of the ruling Satanists. They use the Satanic Muslims to destroy the West. There is no union with them. Ultimately there will only be war or submission to Islam.
SS said (June 9, 2018):
Hey Henry, been a long time reader, your articles first helped as a youth, you helped save this male. When we die the first thing Jesus will ask us is : What did you do for me? How have you lived your life in service to God? Have you loved others as I have loved you? Your articles have touched many men's souls, helped them change, God will remember.
Anyway I noticed a Muslim posted an article today, saying we need solidarity with Christian's and Muslims, I agree with his statement that Europe needs God, not religion necessarily but, the healing power of Jesus Christ. I have a hard time seeing how Christ followers such as myself could have solidarity with Muslims as a whole when the general Muslim population has been deceived by the devil, believing that Allah is God. Allah is simply the devil in disguise and none of us are getting to heaven unless it's through God's Son Jesus Christ, I have preached to Muslims and done my best to tell them who Jesus was, the Son of God who came down to earth and taught us how to live Godly lives in service by to the Lord. Remember all sin requires justice and that justice is shown as God's wrath to sin, which is hell. You can't get to heaven if you deny Jesus Christ no matter how hard you try. That's why I feel sorry for the Muslims of today and the level of deception they live with every day. I hope many Muslims will drop their false religion for the sake of their eternal souls. I do like the fact that I can preach to a Muslim have a debate and they will actually listen since they believe in a Creator, compared to atheists who have rejected God outright and run at the name: JESUS CHRIST. It is a powerful name, it's our job as Christ followers to help the unsaved because Jesus did not come to earth for the righteous but for the unsaved desperate and damned souls. We can't save them all but we sure can and try the one thing we can't do in heaven is witness to unbelievers.
I would like people to please realize, hell is a very real place and most people are headed there. ..
Tony B said (June 9, 2018):
I find it interesting that Mary, the mother of Jesus, who is God, is praised by Muslims to a point but only to a point, just like Jesus. They only allow Christ to be a prophet while the story of Mary (often ridiculed but never disproven) shows Him to be the Son of God, making Him Very God Himself.
The Muslim religion, like all religions other than that of the original Israelites and their replacement, Christianity, is created by man, which makes them all false religions other than the two mentioned. That includes modern Judaism and Zionism as false as these deny Christ in very graphic terms.
Well, today many religions are worse than false, they are downright satanic, yet some good but deluded people can be found in any religion.
Still, there is no man-made substitute which can save civilization, only the real thing, as established by God Himself, can overcome man's evils.
It must be noted here, as explanation of the pictures included in this article, that before Vatican II, Catholic Churches were always filled beyond capacity, V2 being a continuation and expansion of the satanic/Freemasonic/Talmudic perversion of Christianity which is the foundation of Protestantism, that protest against Christian doctrine which has now emptied once Catholic Churches as it had previously emptied all but a few protestant churches. Moreover, no one forced any Christian to attend Church, unlike the Muslim and many other religions. As Catholics, every last attendee, saving perhaps young children, volunteered his/her presence without coercion of any kind. The two pictures in the article create a false impression.
Pedro said (June 8, 2018):
Another take on the silver lining, courtesy of Tim Rifat this week, is that Muslims, by and large, hate Jews. So by seeding the West with Jew (and usury) haters (contrasted to the Jew-loving ex Christian West) they are sowing the seeds of a winter of discontents that they might not be able to corral. It's a wicked thought, but there's some hope in that.
Tony B said (June 8, 2018):
I find it interesting that Mary, the mother of Jesus, who is God, is praised by Muslims to a point but only to a point, just like Jesus. They only allow Christ to be a prophet while the story of Mary (often ridiculed but never disproven) shows Him to be the Son of God, making Him Very God Himself.
The Muslim religion, like all religions other than that of the original Israelites and their replacement, Christianity, is created by man, which makes them all false religions other than the two mentioned. That includes modern Judaism and Zionism as false as these deny Christ in very graphic terms.
Well, today many religions are worse than false, they are downright satanic, yet some good but deluded people can be found in any religion.
Still, there is no man-made substitute which can save civilization, only the real thing, as established by God Himself, can overcome man's evils.
It must be noted here, as explanation of the pictures included in this article, that before Vatican II, Catholic Churches were always filled beyond capacity, V2 being a continuation and expansion of the satanic/Freemasonic/Talmudic perversion of Christianity which is the foundation of Protestantism, that protest against Christian doctrine which has now emptied once Catholic Churches as it had previously emptied all but a few protestant churches. Moreover, no one forced any Christian to attend Church, unlike the Muslim and many other religions. As Catholics, every last attendee, saving perhaps young children, volunteered his/her presence without coercion of any kind. The two pictures in the article create a false impression.
Susan L said (June 8, 2018):
I thought this article was refreshing, too. I always appreciate it when a minority speaks up for the white guy; the black “Hotep†movement is a group that I admire and support.
The author’s perspective is refreshing and accurate regarding who’s running the show and how conditioned the masses are. However, I don’t see white people shunning Muslims, but the other way around. Most white people in the US have been public-schooled; for decades, school children have been taught—programmed— racial (and more recently sexual/gender) acceptance. Media reinforces this message: brown people are good, white people are bad. The programming has been extraordinarily successful: in-group preference has been “educated†right out of us, and “tolerance†is the highest virtue.
Muslims, especially those new to the US, have not been subjected to the same messaging. Their in-group preferences remain rock-solid; so much, in fact, that they rarely venture out into their new home’s culture. For example, when I began homeschooling my son, we started by using our district’s “independent study†program, which required annual testing. When I took my son to that year’s testing location, I was surprised by how many Muslim kids there were—I’d had no idea of how large the Muslim population had grown! In any case, my son was definitely in the minority. During a recess break, my son (a quiet, thoughtful boy) told me he tried to play with some of the Muslim kids. While the children were eager to play, each time, a parent (or caregiver) would quickly come shuttle their child(ren) away from my son. He encountered a similar situation during PE-testing (a complete separate event).
At the risk of sounding like I’m placing all responsibility and blame on them (I’m not), unless Muslim immigrants make an effort to be friendly and respectful to the native residents of their new land, there will always be a divide. Americans are USED to living with/among people from varying cultures: we are, I think, for the most part pretty curious, accepting, and willing to trust people who don’t look like us. However, the new trend of “bash whitey†has made many of us skittish and defensive. We get it coming AND going, so to speak.
More of us all the time are waking up and recognizing that we’re being played...â€we†meaning “all of us†(minus the Elite, that is), but it’s a long process. True faith in God will save us (in more ways than one). But religion? I’m not so sure. As a religious person myself (LDS), I see how our institutions can be/have been infiltrated and corrupted from the inside out.
There are good, moral, Godly people of every race, persuasion, and creed. We need to find each other...and then learn to TRUST each other, in spite of what the propaganda tells us.
Thank you, M., for your thought-provoking article. We are on the same side.
CR replies:
She says she respects the "Hotep movement" - this t-shirt on their site with the eye of horus speaks a thousand words easily:
Right now there is a big push to get black people, in America and elsewhere, into Satanism in various forms and the ancient Egyptian (kemetic) religion in particular. I could bore you with a whole bunch of details but look into the Ausar Auset society and Mr. Vegas for two perfect examples. They are trying to tell black people that Christianity and the Bible are the evil white man's things (despite the first convert to Christianity being an Ethiopian) and that this is the real thing. Horus is Lucifer, plain and simple.
She also says she is a member of LDS aka Mormonism. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was a freemason - a member of a satanic organization. Read:
Martin said (June 8, 2018):
Saudi Arabian Sunni Muslims were brought into our nations by the Masons to chop off our heads when we refuse to join the One World Dictatorship or take the 666 Mark of the Beast as the Bible warns us about. Israel is using Saudi Arabia Sunni Muslims for the purpose of Nuking Iran and Syria as they always get a golem to do their dirty work. Martin.
Norman said (June 8, 2018):
What you are suggesting is precisely how Islam has expanded by the sword for the past 1400 years (and still ongoing). First they put on a nice face, and work their way into Christian society (which to them means, “behind enemy linesâ€). Then once their numbers grow they begin to agitate. This same pattern was followed in all nations that were once Christian, but are now Islamic. This is how your article on the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan walks out in real life.
CR said (June 8, 2018):
The problem with this situation is that if people actually follow what the Koran says then Christianity and Islam cannot coexist in any way except for one religion and its followers being oppressed by the other.
All quotes from
5:51 O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
5:72 They have certainly disbelieved who say, " Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.
9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
9:30 The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?
The real question is whether Muhammad is a real prophet or not, and whether the hadiths and other scriptures outside of the Koran are authentic. If so, then perhaps it would be better if Europeans converted to Islam rather than continuing down the path of secular humanism and Satanism. Christianity certainly has many pagan and occult features woven into it. I have not studied Islam sufficiently to have a valid opinion of its authenticity, however, it seems quite obvious that all organized religions are controlled by evil people at this moment in time. Whatever was said and done by the prophets has been contorted and misinterpreted in order to turn people against each other and benefit the few at the top. It would be nice if Christians and Muslims could reach some sort of truce in order to protect themselves from their common enemy, unfortunately, the Koran forbids this and most white Europeans and North Americans are Christian in name at most.
“It would be nice if Christians and Muslims could reach some sort of truce in order to protect themselves from their common enemy, unfortunately, the Koran forbids this and most white Europeans and North Americans are Christian in name at most.â€
The quotes and conclusion given above by CR do not square with the fact that Jesus is mentioned many more times in the Quran than the Prophet of Islam himself—and that Christ Jesus is the returning Messiah. So there is the point of absolute unity for both Christians and Muslims. Further, the blessed virgin Mary is also highly revered in the Quran:
Amber H said (June 8, 2018):
Prophecies are not set in stone (reply to “Hâ€). We still have God-given free will and the author has his finger right on the pulse with all the highly positive outcomes that could happen through the action of making “lemonade out of lemons.†Further, in the Quran, we find, “if God wanted to make everyone of one Religion, He would have done so – instead, He made several that He may try us………†(paraphrasing). So yes, we are meant to be together of different tribes, religions so to speak to actually learn from one another, and in doing so, increase our own knowledge (of Him).
A perfect starting point is right here:
JG said (June 8, 2018):
I don't believe a racially mingled nation is the answer for a "real" Christian revival at all.
The forced and involuntary immigration policies imposed on the West by the international money lenders was designed to break down solidarity and Christian Identity.
The Christian ethic that once existed in America has been slowly depleted by the love of money and materialism. And, all the evils associated with this Golden Calf religion they have now is slowly defeating them.
God is all knowing, all present, and all powerful. The nations that have abandoned God will also be abandoned by God at his appointed time.
All the money in the world can't stop the wrath of God.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Amber H said (June 9, 2018):
The Muslims have been just as devasted and destroyed as the citizens in the countries they were FORCED to flee to – those that didn’t are obviously on death’s edge everyday.
It is really time for people to stop the Muslim bashing, and unite together to save themselves from the Rothschild destruction. These soulless creatures actually set a place for Satan at their dinner table – and this embodiment of pure Evil is now ruling the world with them full force.
The great Religion of Islam says ‘turn away evil with that which is better’ – therein is the solution of the Human race – UNITE together beyond color and creed and create solutions that are sourced from the true Human spirit.
The article you gave yesterday from ‘M’ is definitely in the right direction of making ‘lemonade out of lemons.’
Heed it and we ALL will survive. This is also a spiritual war of good and evil.