Los Angeles Native Describes Civic Decline
May 29, 2018

Los Angeles native Mike Stone reports

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May 29, 2018
Jenny said (May 30, 2018):
In Mr. Stones article, he mentions "...in fact the city grew progressively worse." That pretty much says it all there. This is the result of 'socialism' a.k.a. "progressives". Just like in 1984, the name means the opposite of what it is.
If you read Ned Beaumont's book "The Policeman is your Friend and Other Lies", he describes this whole scenario in detail. Voting won't change a darn thing when corrupt (probably freemason) "officials" are not held accountable for the misery they help create. These poly ticians are just leeches on society, only thing is, real leeches drop off when they're satiated with your blood. They don't hang on after you drop dead.
If people are wondering why there are people who want to divide California into different 'states' within themselves, they just have to read this article to know why.
Tom M said (May 30, 2018):
My reply/comment to his article on L.A., his last sentence is "perhaps I'm only dreaming."
Mike, you are dreaming. Move to San Diego before its too late.
Peter G said (May 29, 2018):
The story that Mike tells of his hometown in LA reminds me of Coventry in England where I grew up back in the 1960s when I was born you look at Coventry today it is completely run by the left wing socialist labour types who have carefully engineered their survival in power in the same way that the Democrats have insured their popularity in the largest cities of America they have deliberately run the place down in order to keep their voter support bases solid and this has happened very obviously with my hometown of Coventry in the West Midlands which used to be home to the UK car industry sadly is no more.
These days it is seeking to reinvent itself as a center of education.
But the "education" that it is seeking to promote is the kind of education that you Henry often have issues with.
Like the universities in Canada and so It goes it's not just America it's all over the world that this kind of thing happens.
JG said (May 29, 2018):
The homeless population in America is not shrinking but growing.
More will join the ranks of the homeless because under Marxism the masses wealth is extorted to create a new millionaire or billionaire. And, once their wealth is taken from them they are discarded like trash on the street.
Back in the day, you could honestly work your way out of poverty. Today you can't do so because wages have been kicked backward to the 1980's level.
It's tragic what happened to the State of California. California was once a strong Christian Conservative state until it was invaded by the Eastern Marxist liberals with all their money and political clout.
There were once laws in California that protected the general population. Homes and prices were in line with what people earned. Immigration was controlled by the voters and not the lawyers.
California has been lost.
Guy R (England) said (May 29, 2018):
It is so refreshing to come across a 'Creative' who is not statutorily Left ; all I would advise Mike - and I have no right to tell this guy what to do, he both walks and talks it - but this is merely tactically I am speaking - is to avoid using the term 'Alt-Right'; this is immediately falling into the Hegelian Trap and providing the Left with the 'Enemy' that they require to blame to keep on stealing the Votes.
The Left MUST be isolated and the spotlight must be focused solely on isolating and revealing them naked. They embody a unique combination of malice, incompetence, stupidity and sheer Evil which means that they are a totally destructive force, and everybody, black, white, Asian, should see this.
The biggest killer of urban Blacks in the USA is Abortion.
It is insane that the Left is not isolated as the biggest killers of blacks in the States.
This casual infanticide is the Herd of Elephants in the room - for that alone - the worst genocide in Global History - the Left (NOT LIBERALS - calling the Left THAT is a semantic victory for the Left) must be called out on at EVERY opportunity.
I am ANTI-POLITICS - and this is very important. To make Abortion a Political issue is precisely how the Left has managed to impose it for so long.
The Left must not be regarded as a Philosophical Wing - but as The Enemy, and as a Parasitical Army of Destroyers MUST be taken down by Real Men who are SUPPOSED to defend the lives of the innocent young. (not literally killed, obviously, this is speaking analogically - that is THEIR Modus Operandi - I am talking Search and Destroy in a Metaphysical War) Above all, they must simply be Exposed to the Max via every media possible.
Chad said (May 29, 2018):
Can California Survive a Middle-Class Exodus?
A separate article should be written:
"Can America Survive a California Exodus?"
Where Californians go, they bring their problems with them. In red state after red state, they are being slowly converted into California, with all the associated problems. Much is this begins with the prior infiltration by the universities and their Communist brainwashing doctrine. Even all those well-meaning Californians, thinking they are doing themselves good, just don't get the damage they cause. And they complain about illegal immigration from the south?
The victim states need to get smart and start regulating any emigration from states like California (such as NY), lest they place their future unique state culture at risk. We also see that the infiltration already happens from the state government level. You see this in terms of raw dairy regulations, restrictions on homeschoolings, gun control regulations and mandatory vaccinations. Californians flooding in just provides the necessary demographics for all the sham voting.
Most of the articles you see on this subject pertain to Californians leaving their dilapidated state and not on the damage caused by the arrival at their destinations.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Allen M said (May 30, 2018):
From NYC to LAX-and EVERY city in between-
they are all S-it Holes. 1913 Goal achieved.
The city i "reside" in is now a skid row town.
Rotchild owns everything.
Nothing worse than a "man" who puts himsrlf up for sale.
But Mike is spot on
Some of these poor and many Hispanic are the sweetest kindest people I have met in my life.
But the "Revelation" plan is nearly complete-and tragically the "US" is the worlds biggest debtor nation. All by plan.
We have ALL been lied to and pillsged all our lives.
From the womb to the tomb it IS all lies here in the US-totally owned and "operated" bt Great Britain.
Thanks Henry for an excellent accounting.