Wolfgang Eggert: The Cabalist Jewish Plot to Islamize Germany
April 16, 2018
(Left, At 2008 B'nai B'rith banquet, Angela Merkel uses a Masonic sign
to communicate her loyalty to Masonic Jewish world tyranny.)
Jewish revenge? Their agent, Angela Merkel has
used Muslim men to invade Germany.
Historian Wolfgang Eggert believes
that if the destabilization of Germany continues,
a civil war will be inevitable. This is a compilation
of information from his recent audiobook in German.
By Anonymous

The German historian and journalist Wolfgang Eggert, 55, left, has authored eight books about the hidden forces of world events that have plagued humanity. According to Eggert, occult networks that originate in ideological and religious fanaticism have gained considerable, yet invisible political influence over governments and other organizations.
Eggert's latest works comprise a six-hour audiobook that details how the unabating wave of Muslim refugees into Europe and the consequences of that process follow a dark plan originated by occult Jewish religious cults.
Eggert explains that the underlying cause for such a program by Jewish fundamentalists is the simple hatred of Western civilization. In order to understand the mindset of these Jewish extremists, he gives many examples that show how their religious beliefs turned into political zeal.

The Israeli rabbi Baruch Efrati already rejoiced in 2012 at the growing Islamization of Europe. "Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity". He praises Islam for promoting modesty and respect for God. Efrati who works in the West Bank community of Efrat is also the leader of the "Derech Emunah" movement of Orthodox rabbis in Israel. He gives us three reasons for his elation at Islamization:
1) The return of strictness: "With the help of God, the gentiles there will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt," he explained.
2) Halacha: the religious law in Judaism, equates Christianity as "idolatry" because Christians look up to Jesus as the son of God.
3) Revenge: it will be a fair punishment for Christians to become a minority for their long history of Jewish persecution. He exclaimed, "We will never forgive Europe's Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly... Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity..."
Now, six years later Efrati has every reason to rejoice as it looks like his dream has come to fruition. Since 2015, massive waves of Muslim immigrants have been flooding Germany, a country of 82 million inhabitants. While the German Chancellor Angela Merkel called it a "national duty" to protect these immigrants who amount to 2 million since 2015, there is an alarming lack of integration among these non-German speaking, often poorly-educated foreigners.
Although there has been growing criticism of Merkel's "welcome culture" she was re-elected as chancellor in her fourth term in the German federal election in Sept. 2017. But she has emerged bruised from a weaker-than-expected result. While her Christian Democrats emerged with the most votes, the rise of the right-wing and anti-migrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) ate into her party's lead and left her scrambling for months for a coalition deal.
No-go zones in Germany on the rise

In early March 2018, Merkel, who won Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" in 2015 in part because of her open-borders stance, had to admit that there are no-go zones in Germany now. A leaked German intelligence document reads, "we are importing Islamic extremism as well as national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law. German security agencies are unable to deal with these imported security problems."
Meanwhile, crime is on the rise in Germany. In these no-go zones in Germany police do not patrol anymore because they might be surrounded by 40 - 50 Muslim men. With mass immigration has come not only the sort of terrorism seen in Paris and Brussels and the sexual offenses of New Year's Eve 2017, but also a completely different set of social values ideas."
Muslim extremism is alive and well: Sharia law has begun to challenge the democratic foundation of its host nation. Lingering guilt over the Jewish holocaust casts protective eyes on Sharia, seen as the law of another religious minority. Polygamy, husband's right to beat wives and forced marriage of underage girls are all part of this Sharia law that is in the process of establishing itself as a parallel justice system in Germany.
Pensions are now in danger, and people are being told that they will have to work beyond the age of 69 in order to collect social security benefits in the future. In Germany there is the highest risk (70%) in Europe of falling into poverty should you become unemployed.
In the very tight housing market, refugees compete head-on with low-income workers for available apartments. These low-income workers often feel they are unduly squeezed. Some of them even feel like "second-class" citizens as compared to refugees (who have never paid into Germany's social security system, yet receive benefits that are at par with those of German workers who have paid into the system).

Moslems are replacing Germans
The name Mohammed is fast-becoming one of the most popular baby boy names in Germany and within three years, Mohammed could rank in the top ten, according to the head of the Society for the German Language. Since German women's low birth rate of 1.4 compares to Muslim women's rate of 3.4, it is just a matter of time, not if, when the Muslim population will be in the lead.
Germany can expect a continuation of the refugee flood. Many of the refugees that recently come were young men without their families. They are now allowed to bring in their family members. The government is very shy about giving official numbers but it is estimated that another 200.000 refugees as family members (multiple wives and kids) might come in 2018 in addition to other refugees, so they can unite on German soil and get benefits.
In times where more and more citizens are turning away from the mainstream media because they are disgusted by regularly suppressed, faked and manipulated information, it is all the more important for the government to keep up the official narratives. In order to kill free speech, a new law introducing state censorship on social media platforms came into effect on October 1, 2017.
The new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the German state. Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online "criminal offenses" such as libel, slander, defamation or incitement, within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint -- regardless of whether or not the content is accurate. If they fail to do so, the German government can fine them up to 50 million Euros for failing to comply with the law. This law has so far silenced many people, shutting down their content or blocking their accounts, effectively killing free speech but normalizing state-surveillance.
In view of this conflict situation, Eggert believes that if this destabilization of Germany continues, a civil war will be inevitable.
Related- A Muslim woman replies to Eggert
-----------Eggert Sounded the Warning About Cabalist jews 15 Years Ago
Bill said (April 16, 2018):
The important book of Eggert has the title of the Cohen song: “First We Take Manhattan and than we take Berlinâ€
The first line of that song: “They sentenced me to 20 years of boredom.†means the following:
The year 21 (coming out of boredom) presents 3 time 7 and 7 stands for the jewish shmita period of 7 years!
2001 was a shmita year, 9-11 (Manhattan, look also for the Deutsche Bank Building)
2008 Lehman Brothers crash, beginning of the economic crises (Manhattan)
greetings, bill
2015 trouble of the Deutsche Bank and the beginning of the German immigration wave…. (Berlin)
The text is amazing print pls a copy of it
Joe Cocker - First We Take Manhattan
They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
For trying to change the system from within
I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
I'm guided by a signal in the heavens
I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin
I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
I'd really like to live beside you, baby
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
But you see that line there moving through the station?
I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those
Ah you loved me as a loser, but now you're worried that I just might win
You know the way to stop me, but you don't have the discipline
How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
I don't like your fashion business mister
And I don't like these drugs that keep you thin
I don't like what happened to my sister
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
I'd really like to live beside you, baby ...
And I thank you for those items that you sent me
The monkey and the plywood violin
I practiced every night, now I'm ready
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
I am guided
Ah remember me, I used to live for music
Remember me, I brought your groceries in
Well it's Father's Day and everybody's wounded
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin