Self-Delusion (Lying) a Winning Strategy in Syria
April 15, 2018

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April 15, 2018
Eric B said (April 15, 2018):
There even is a lot of deception with this attack. Intel I have is that Russia pre-approved an acceptable target list. The Science Ministry we took out was slated for demolition within a year. Similar situation with a few other sites.
The Deep State has shown its hand though. It was disappointing to see Mattis do a 180 and go along with the bombing, Trump obviously going along with it, and Pompeo doing enough at his confirmation hearing to ingratiate himself with the Deep State. It could be elaborate acting, but it doesn't appear that way. Israelis now reportedly bombing Iranian targets in both Syria and Iran proper. The Russians won't be happy with this. We have 12 more ships headed to the region. Things should become more clear as events unfold. Israel may actually get hit before we do.
WW said (April 15, 2018):
As always, you are right on! America is in the grips of a strong delusion that will end in her total destruction!! If America indeed is Mystery Babylon the Great, will her destruction come at the hands of the Russian Bear, China & Iran coalition of nations, the "agents" of the God of the Bible? Do these 99 scripture verses, in fact,
point to America's "end of the age" end times destiny?
Marco A said (April 15, 2018):
I wouldn't get too worked up over all of this, its a multistage chess board and we don't see all the moves. I wouldn't consider there to be any good guys in this fight, I would ignore all propaganda coming from the West or the East. We frankly don't know if this "new Cold War" is even genuine or just conjecture.
Has no one asked the question, "Where do the secret societies fall in with all of this?" Is Russia liberated of Masonic influence despite their coat of arms bearing the Masonic bird?
Also, before anyone believes that Syria was once a beautiful free land. Remember that the West used to render its own citizens there to be tortured in Assad's torture chambers, I did a high school project on this... It's not hidden information.
Tony B said (April 14, 2018):
There is more to this latest strike on Syria that most apparently haven't considered.
1. If any U.S. military people were not sure of Russia's defensive power before it, there is no doubt now. People on site in Syria are saying the Syrian forces just didn't have enough of those old soviet anti missile weapons to shoot down so many; that obviously the Russians disabled many of those incoming with their electronic weapons while keeping their deal with the west not to fire their S-400s so long as no Russians were targeted.
2. Russia is now going to furnish Syria and other small nations with S-300/S-400 air defenses. This will mean Israel might as well forget about having an air force and the U.S. might as well leave the middle east as without air forces it's just costing money for no reason. In other words, the dream of turning the Mideast into greater Israel is OVER. Israel has long convinced the Kurds it would see to them getting their own nation (for Israel's benefit, not the Kurds'), that too, will never happen now.
3. In fact, without their American jets being usable, Israel will not be able to hold the Golan Heights and when Syria regains them the other stolen lands will eventually return to the Palestinians. Those countries are too close to Israel for it to use nukes.
If Trump's motive was to show U.S. military helplessness against Russia and Russia's friends, this strike was successful.
JG said (April 14, 2018):
There is a new trend going on out there with the Western MSM. They have subverted the due process of international law.
Like with Assad and Putin, a chosen party or nation can now be tried and convicted of any crime they wish to invent without any physical evidence other than the evidence they claim exists without revealing their sources or even sharing the physical evidence they claim to have. In the old days they use to call this judicial "railroading".This is exactly what it is.
Al Thompson said (April 14, 2018):
Most of the political leaders are Freemasons and they all have the same master; the Devil. This is just an expensive dog and pony show with Trump as the head carnival barker. It is intended to put fear into the hearts of everyone alive and control them through that fear. How can anyone take any of this seriously? Thousands of children are being brutally abused by government agencies and we're worried about Syria. It is extremely stupid and unbelievable. If you want to know who controls Trump, just look at this video.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
FS said (April 18, 2018):
If what Alan Watt says is to be believed: that at the highest levels of the secret world government, both sides in Cold War 1 were two sides of the one and the same dialectical coin, with guaranteed fail-safes redundancies in place, rendering any unforeseen, accidental and unintended outbreaks of live nuclear exchanges between both sides impossible, and that goes for the supposed brinkmanship of the "Cuban Missile (Non) Crisis".
Still, the public's certain perception of it teetering on the brink of Dooms Day for fearmongering it into submission had to be maintained. As certain the public was of it happening at any moment, the elite controllers were just as certain of it not happening.
He goes on to explain how a measured degree of real blood has to be spilled on both sides for dramatic realism to convince mainly the profane masses and the rank-and-file of the military on both sides of the dialectical divide that the whole charade is real.
I can't see Cold War 2 being any different. The fact that what is promoted as "cutting-edge" weapons technologies is long obsolete and that both the U.S. and Russia, along with a hand-full of other nations, are in possession of jaw-dropping, Directed Energy Weapons technology - - as demonstrated by the Deep State's dustification of the World Trade Centre on 9-11 - - and anti gravity, electro-propul-sion saucers/U.F.O.'s, and that neither side has ever been first on the draw to deploy them to get the drop on and to gain the surprise, strategic advantage over the other side, says it all about it all being just theatre, the "theatre of war".
One thing's for sure, apart from divine, supernatural (the elite do marshal supernatural, demonic forces) or off-world intervention, if the Powers That Be deem NOW is the time for Dooms Day, no-one can stop it, and if they deem it isn't, no-one can start it. How, when, where or if it will ever happen, is anybody's guess.
However, Alan Watt does say not to worry. The world's not coming to an end anytime soon. "The elite still do have plenty of big building projects on the go." It's only us , the Old Man and the Old Woman, in our present form, in our current numbers and the aberrant way of life (which has been given to us too) we've grown used to, which are being brought to an end in this coming New Age.