No Commercial Planes Crashed on 9-11
April 25, 2018

"NOT ONE single supposed passenger parked a car at any airport on 9-11 NOT ONE. Why? There was no commercial plane crashes on 9-11."
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April 25, 2018
Ruth M said (April 25, 2018):
Once I came to the realization that there were no planes on 9/11 another question arose. How complicit was the airline industry in this crime. Don't they know what planes they are flying and who the passengers are? They even know what seat they are in and what cargo is stored below. .And air traffic control keeps track of each planes location Sounds like they had to be playing along in this crime of the century.What a corrupt world we live in....
Dawn said (April 25, 2018):
Agree!!! Have you seen or read Webster Tarpley's excellent book, 9-11 Synthetic Terror?
Or Jim Marrs book?
Shannon said (April 25, 2018):
"False flag" is a deceptive and overused phrase, since it implies an attack really happened but was perpetrated under false colors. The term "hoax" gets much closer to the truth.
For example, the simplest explanation for the 9/11 evidence (and lack thereof) is also the simplest explanation for events like the moon landings and Dallas, 1963: what's recorded in the history books just didn't happen; the defining events of history have been faked by a deceitful ruling class using the complicit media as its tool.
No planes hit the World Trade Center or the Pentagon, and none was brought down in Pennsylvania through the efforts of heroic passengers. Thousands of innocents didn't die that day in New York. Likewise, nearly 20 men never traveled to the moon and 12 never walked on its surface. In Dallas, no conspirators assassinated the president (and in fact he probably lived to a ripe old age).
History has been hijacked, and the lie goes back a lot further than the 21st century.
For evidence of these claims (and many others) please check out the brilliant work of Miles Mathis.
Anonymous said (April 25, 2018):
All you need to know about this event is what the teacher says in the "I Pet Goat" video, then play it backwards :
I'm surprised how people don't value this information.
Question is : what is announced in the video I Pet Goat II ?
Larry C said (April 25, 2018):
This article on 9-11 ought to be followed up with a review on Jim Garrison's book, A Heritage of Stone, which was one of the first books accusing the CIA of killing President Kennedy. The book called it a military coup d'etat, and a change in our form of government. It caused one of my personal friends to stop voting, since "they'll kill him anyway, if he steps out of line." Garrison was the first author I read who detailed how, even in 1963, our leaders were lying to the world. He remarked about the TV set, that all this magic machinery, available in almost every home, was useless to us, because it wasn't bringing us the truth. The technology moves forward - and the truthfulness and importance of the information moves backward - perhaps twice as fast.
JG said (April 25, 2018):
What a national tragedy 911 was and still is.
I often wonder if 911 would have happened under President Clinton or even if it would have happened under Al Gore.
Many revealing essays written on 911 have led the public to question the government version of this horrific event.
Why was our aerial defense systems on the stand down mode that day and if not, did they just fail? Why also, were there no aerial attempts to rescue the people trapped inside the twin towers? Who if any party within the Defense Department was held negligent?
One of the many witnesses who was on the ground when it happened said the planes had no windows. If this is the case than the whole hijacking story falls apart.
If this was a false flag then someone had to be framed.
If this was done by specifically by Saudi Arabian "terrorists" why would they want to sabotage the good relations their government had with America? America has been arming the Saudi government for years. And, I don't believe that America wanted to jeopardize their relations with Saudi Arabia either.
The ' War on Terror' has cost America a lot of good men and cost many lives with nations that had no connection to 911 at all. This is an unholy war that was not about religion either.
False Flag Terror is a threat to World Peace because it starts war where war there is no need for war against nations that don't want war.
Pieter said (April 25, 2018):
The definitive story about the technical aspects of the three collapsing high risers, was written by Dmitri Khalezov in his report 'the third truth'. I read a lot of analyses but his report is the most simple, rigid and detailed analysis that I came across.
The main conclusions are
- no planes
- three mid size nuclear explosions 70m under the surface that dustified the three high risers
These conclusions are proven very convincingly by Khalezov, who seems to have first hand technical expertise in the field. I encourage any interested person to search for Khalezov's work on the internet.
MM said (April 25, 2018):
Dear Henry, as a FAA Commercial Pilot at the time of 9-11 and knowing on the day that no aircraft were used, I find the work of Alexander Baker to be most useful and a correct analysis. His YouTube channel is Ace Baker.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Brendon O'Connell said (April 26, 2018):
One pretty important point is left out of that impressive list Henry - Daniel Lewin.
Founder of AKAMAI - the most important internet company out there. It keeps the internet running and controls the data flows - its a "hub". Daniel Lewin was the founder. A graduate of the Israeli Military Intelligence run Talpiot Program. A Zionist Jew out of Colorado - a MAJOR place of Israeli activity right now. Daniel was the first to die - allegedly - on 911. Who even remembers.
I talk about him here in this video - Israels Secret Weapon, The Talpiot Program.