American "Exceptionalism" is Jewish Narcissism*
April 1, 2018

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April 1, 2018
Hiba said (June 1, 2016):
"The US and NATO are menacing Russia for no reason except to provoke a world war that will kill millions."
In the short video 'I Pet Goat II' we see this clearly planned.
The bombing of a (Turkish? Al-Aqsa?) Mosque during 'markets plunge' (ticker in the boy's eyes) /economic collapse, Iran mourning, mushroom cloud in the distant, African gun/genocide is unwrapped by shadowy satan-like figure, socialist/hammer and sickle Latin American regimes such as Venezuela sinking, Chinese tanks war march, India (shiva/god of destruction) war dance (India-Pakistan) leads to inhalation of millions/billions? Which all is precursor to the emergence (heart of fire) if the Anti-Christ.
The broken kid represents the Vatican and the dervish Sufi rising represents the new world religion to rise from the ashes of a destroyed Christianity (church).
The New Age Religion will be a mix of all three monotheistic faiths having no real root in any of them. It will be GIA-humanistic, holistic, shamanic, mystical, and ritualistic in nature. Paganism and polytheism in its core. It will the be Jewish/Cabalist overlordship promised to them by satan with the help of the Christ Imposter
Quite possible the likes of this guy
A Jew Rothschild who happens to look like the western depicted Jesus Christ and is on a mission to be a global leader and savior of earth and man through 'geo-friendly' and holistic approaches.
Dan said (May 31, 2016):
Alexandr Dugin (not Jewish) is a Russian political philosopher who wrote an open 'Letter to the American People on Ukraine'.
Difference Between the two Meanings of Being American (In the Russian View)
1. "We distinguish between two different things: the American people and the American political elite. We sincerely love the first and we profoundly hate the second."
2. The American people has its own traditions, habits, values, ideals, options and beliefs that are their own. These grant to everybody the right to be different, to choose freely, to be what one wants to be and can be or become. It is wonderful feature. It gives strength and pride, self-esteem and assurance. We Russians admire that.
3. But the American political elite, above all on an international level, are and act quite contrary to these values. They insist on conformity and regard the American way of life as something universal and obligatory. They deny other people the right to difference, they impose on everybody the standards of so called “democracyâ€, “liberalismâ€, “human rights†and so on that have in many cases nothing to do with the set of values shared by the non-Western or simply not North-American society. It is an obvious contradiction with inner ideals and standards of America. Nationally the right to difference is assured, internationally it is denied. So we think that something is wrong with the American political elite and their double standards. Where habits became the norms and contradictions are taken for logic. We cannot understand it, nor can we accept it: it seems that the American political elite is not American at all.
4. So here is the contradiction: the American people are essentially good, but the American elite is essentially bad. What we feel regarding the American elite should not be applied to the American people and vise versa.
L said (May 31, 2016):
WOW! If this doesn't get through tough noggins we may as well just hang it up and let 'em suffer. Not much can be done to correct 'stupid'. An entire planet of life in denial. Getting spooky out there.
JG said (May 31, 2016):
American Exceptionalism is a political metaphor for a 'Strawberry Fields' where nothing is real that pertains to truth, justice, and civility.
This is now the new American Foreign Policy that is ruled by the old Israeli Mossad mantra of "war by deception".
The American/Israeli Neocons in Washington acting under the guise of their NGOs have instigated conflicts around the world like the Ukraine and also countless numbers of "color revolutions" designed to oust the foreign governments of the world that are presently resisting their Marxist World Order agenda.
America has lost it's political sovereignty to this new unofficial War Department run by a small group of unelected officials called "neocons" that yield fear and power in Washington.
The creation of ISIS defines the present American identity and foreign policy very well. No one really knows who they are or what they are or what they stand for.
LC said (May 31, 2016):
Henry, this is one of your most succinct articles yet. Well done.
Yes, it's frightening to see the likes of Paul Craig Roberts, Gerald Celente and Noam Chomsky along with mainstream media sell an alternate reality. Now I know how Roddy Piper felt in the movie "They Live!".
My wife and I will be buried in the same cemetery as Colonel Edward Mandell House so I occasionally stop by his grave to ponder his life because I think no one in human history had a better ringside seat to know the truth and see more advances to the New World Order.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Tony B said (June 1, 2016):
That article would have made a great memorial day feature. Would have turned off a large degree of smugness wherever read.
Bull's eye again.