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April 20, 2018



by Jeanice Barcelo

I couldn't wait to share the great news.  PSEG Long Island came to our house today and removed the "opt-out" digital meter and replaced it with a non-transmitting analog meter.  Radiation levels in this house immediately dropped significantly.  This has brought a tremendous relief as my bedroom is now in "the green" and this is so even though there is a wifi router turned on in a distant part of the house. 

We also had Optimum come out today to move the modem and wifi router to the furthest corner of the house away from the bedrooms.  Bedrooms are now either totally in the green (excellent), or in the low yellow reading (very good).  This is a tremendous difference since yesterday.

Wifi router is now covered several times with radiation shielding and is STILL putting off radiation levels in the red.  As soon as I get close to the router (or the cordless deck phone base), the radiation meter goes off the charts.  These devices are totally toxic.  Baby monitors are even worse. Check out the graph above.

The wifi router will be the next thing in this house to go.   I first need to get a "low voltage technician" to come to our house and wire the house with ethernet cables and in this way, we will no longer need wifi. 

Everything has to be done one step at a time due to finances.  It cost me $80 just to get the Optimum guy out here today to move the equipment. Luckily, PSEG did not charge us any money to remove the digital meter.  I am still absolutely AMAZED at this outcome!

Below are some pics of the new analog meter which, prior to installation, PSEG repeatedly told me did not exist, were no longer in use, were not able to be used in combination with solar panels, etc., etc., etc.  Strange how they completely changed their tune when I told them paperwork was being prepared to hold them legally liable for their refusal to remove their toxic, radiation emitting, trespassing meter from our home.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at