Student Anti-Gun Protests Orchestrated by Soros Communists
March 15, 2018

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March 15, 2018
Connie said (March 16, 2018):
You of all people must see the high school kids marching is not about gun control, right?
Laying the groundwork...
It is a LIE that the kids self-organized. These kids are popping pimples and eating Tide pods. No, this is about them to be USED by leftist adults in high schools who are setting political agendas, disregarding any parents. These are the Hitler youth.
The infamous David Hogg is no less than 21 years old.
Stick with me here ...
This is about these particular high schools empowering minors to leave campus as if they were adults! Do they have “permission slips?†Who is liable if someone disappears or if something happens at one of the marches? So there is a conflict here with “en loco parentisâ€
Of course, treating a teen like an adult is nothing new. In California, a high school teacher or counselor can arrange for an abortion and send a 15 year old child off-campus during the school day without so much as the parent’s knowledge, let alone consent.
So we know right off this is an attack on each individual family of each individual student marching. Surely many of the parents are pro 2nd amendment.
But THIS is what is happening BELOW THE SURFACE of it all.
1) It is both glamorizing and institutionalizing teenage rebellion, which will certainly backfire on schools, teachers and parents. All those curfews and chaperones and such will henceforth lose credibility and be tougher to enforce than they already are.
2) It is making so-called heroes out of mere children IN THEIR OWN MINDS. This is pandering to the adolescent delusion of invincibility, which is one of their worst traits. It is the adults letting something out when it is THEIR JOB to reign it in.
3) So now teens everywhere will buy into the VICTIM mentality, and demand more and more “rights.â€
ADDING SATAN to the mix...
Following the march, our suggestible minors are now ready for the final objective of this gun control masquerade.
Once sufficiently indoctrinated, they can now be pressed for the ultimate heroic crusade!
They will be told they LACK self determination with regard to
1) gender reassignment,
2) consent for sex, particularly sex with an adult BECAUSE THAT IS THE NEXT TABOO that must fall!
Do you agree they are being groomed EN MASSE, where the end game is to lower the age of consent?
“Look, we marched in the streets just like adults!â€
I guess you could call it a double whammy, but ultimately this is not really about gun control,
Marco A said (March 16, 2018):
When the NWO reaches the apex and the end game arrives, it sure will be difficult being persecuted by these little high school shits. Every age has its fanatical fools who will kill and torture for ideologies not even their own.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Glen said (March 16, 2018):
When I am accosted by these little bugger picker's I ask them to Google one word. That word would be "Democide". I tell them they can even use the standard bearer of truth now which is undoubtedly Wikipedia. I ask them to explain to me how an unarmed citizenry will be able to assure its survival against this greatest murder machine the world has ever known. I then sit back and laugh as their mind melts and they stomp of calling me an old a-hole.