Jordan Peterson Defends Masonic Jewish Conspiracy
March 24, 2018
Resident-know-it-all Jordan Peterson was a deer caught in the headlights January 23, 2018 when he was asked about the Jewish role in the Ukrainian genocide. Like a girl agonizing over losing her virginity, he struggled in silence before finally blurting out, "I can't do it."
I don't expect Peterson to reveal the ugly truth. That would end his career. But I wish he wouldn't deny what is staring him in the face every day.

So, what's the story? No conspiracy. Get it? No conspiracy. Jewish people are over-represented in positions of competence and authority because, as a group, they have a higher mean IQ.
Thus sayeth Peterson: Jews are grossly overrepresented in both GOP and Democrat Administrations due to their higher IQ and NOT because Rothschild bankers control US credit and finance their careers. America's slavishly pro-Israel foreign policy is pure coincidence.
I invite Jordan Peterson to study the Judeo Masonic conspiracy.
Cabalist Jewish central bankers own the power grid (money) that drives the world. They are Cabalists (Satanists) who believe Jews (meaning themselves) should replace God, redefine reality and rule the world. They have installed a colonial ruling class of Gentile opportunists --Freemasons-- to do their bidding. Cabalist rule is Communism. It is the New World Order. It is the reason societal tensions are constantly inflamed, be it gender (family), generation, religion, race (migration) or class. The central bankers will use any excuse. They own the politicians. They own the media. They own the education system. And, apparently, they own Jordan Peterson.
It really isn't just a Jewish issue since most Jews are not aware of the plot and Freemason goyim are very much involved. But Peterson hasn't begun to master these subtleties.
Is he totally ignorant of the Jewish banker George Soros who is financing fake mass shootings and "revolution"?
I don't expect Peterson to reveal the ugly truth. That would end his career. But I wish he wouldn't deny what stares him in the face every day.

Jordan Peterson has let celebrity go to his head. His book 12 Rules for Life are truisms that would be laughable in any society that has not lost its way. The fact that it is a bestseller and Peterson is cited so frequently indicates he is kosher-approved (unlike moi.)
Nevertheless, he singlehandedly stalled the attack on gender and is an ongoing voice of gender sanity. He could not play this role if he talked conspiracy. He is allowed to address symptoms so long as he doesn't explore the cause.
Jordan Peterson is the Dutch boy who put his finger in the dike. Unfortunately, we need much more to stem the rising tide of Satanism.
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Luis said (March 27, 2018):
Dr Peterson just acts like many other intellectual prostitutes...even if he knows the facts behind that genocide committed by Jewish communists, he will tend to pretend not to know cos he knows the possible consequences of doing it so!!!
This is why we live in a world of lies...I feel pity regarding many liberal athiests or humanists, since they think they know it all, they think they are very original and creative, when in fact they are just repeating someone else's ideas and acting on an engineered social experience...they dont know that they are empty heads, useful puppets doing the bidding of people they never heard off...ask them if they ever heard of the tavistock institute, frankfurt school or Committe of 300 and they will stare at you like an elephant does in front of a palace...they never heard of Haarp, Chemtrails and weather manipulation, dont know that freemasonry controls all parties and governments (Revelation 17:12-14), think communism has died and that not only marx invented communism but he didnt believe in God, will call Franco, senator mccarthy or henry ford, fascists...summing up, will believe anything the humanist media and academia will tell them.
Have you noticed how their arguments regarding anything are irrational and contradicting?
The war on the mind has been very successful...these people don't know that they don't know, as Noam Chomsky stated in his book "propaganda"!!!