Irish "Potato Famine" Was Deliberate Genocide
March 10, 2018

Mr Chris Fogarty 900 North Lakeshore Drive Condo 1507 Chicago Illinois 60611
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March 10, 2018
AK said (June 17, 2015):
Hi, and nothing is said about, at least 3 genocides against the Maori. Studies of census figures and extrapolation of population growth at a meagre 1%/a, indicate that Maori should be about 5 to million today versus the 600,000 counted. Most of these genocides happened between 1780 and 1920. Maori population estimates wre 95,000 in 1780, only 45,000 counted 240 years later in 1920!
Keep up the good work!
Stephen Coleman said (June 17, 2015):
I believe these same policies continue today and it is slowly being set up by the food cartel for a world wide famine. Farmers the world over are systematically being bankrupted though price manipulation. Farmer's children do not want to farm because they have watched their father's toil endlessly for less than minimum wage if they were lucky. The average American farmer is at retirement age and the family farm is becoming a thing of the past.
I have seen stats showing that the regeneration of the eastern woodlands of the USA is outpacing the cutting of the Amazon.
I grew up on a farm and I love to grow things, but can't afford to farm. As one wise old farmer put it, "if you have the land, but not the equipment you can't farm. If you have the equipment but not the land, you can't afford to farm."
I saw first hand how food wholesalers screw farmers right and left and how they put their lackeys in control of the USDA. Mike Espy was about the only honest USDA secretary of ag since Ezra Benson. They screwed him over because he wouldn't play the game with the food cartel.
Stephen Coleman
O said (June 16, 2015):
This too was genocide as a Masonic / Jewish Conspiracy.
MS said (June 16, 2015):
The Satanic elite did the same mass starvation program in Iran during the years 1917-1919. A good book to read regarding this is titled “The Great Famine and Genocide in Iran 1917-1919†by Mohammed Gholi Majd. The Satanic elite starved and murdered 6-10 million Iranians during WW 1. This is hardly ever talked about.
The British and Russian elite are to be blamed for this.
B said (June 16, 2015):
The article on Irish holocaust is just another example of the war on Christianity as England was already vassal state of Jews.Every world war fought it was mostly Christians dying. China Vietnam Japan and Korea are exceptions.
It is such a shame that most people have a monetary price.
B said (June 16, 2015):
The article on Irish holocost is just another example of the war on Christianity as England was already vassal state of Jews.Every world war fought it was mostly Christians dying.China Vietnam Japan and Korea are exceptions.
It is such a shame that most people have a monetary price.
JG said (June 16, 2015):
Thank you for this article. It is about time someone has attempted to expose the culprits who aided and abetted in the starvation of millions of the Irish people.
The "Potato Famine" is still a mystery today as it has been for the last 160 years.
You might have to study English/Irish relations shortly before 1848 to find out if there were any major diplomatic rifts shortly before the famine.
You also might want to check to if Ireland had a Rothschild Central Bank and,if not, did they recently refuse to accept one?
That's where maybe some of the answers might lie.
Tyson said (June 16, 2015):
King George III died in 1820 (many say was murdered) as Victoria (his off spring) took over (after 3 other Kings reigned). Thus Victoria (reign started in 1837) was obliged to take responsibility for the old King's "debt". To satisfy it, Queen Victoria gave birth to 9 illegitimate children from Rothchild, thus securing his genetic usurpation of David's Throne to this day. (City of London Coordinated the Bolshevik Revolution in order to take Russia)
So when we speak about the potato famine (genocide) of the Christian Irish, it should be of no surprise that it's the same powers who were behind the Holomodor as well as the mass murder of over 66 million white Christians in Russia.
Readers should take heed because this is exactly what they plan on doing to whites/Europeans-believers in America, the UK, Colonies as soon as they collapse the dollar.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Tony B said (June 17, 2015):
I don't know about the rest of the world, but there has been almost zero honest history in the English language since the protestant takeover of the English nation. Real history from that time on, of course, would have to prominently reveal that that takeover was almost 100% the result of enforced mass theft of Catholic Church and monastery wealth - which had been for centuries used to keep the English people secure in their physical lives - and mass murder in the cruelest manners of those Catholics who refused to give up their ancient religion.