Thailand-A Good Country for Old White Men
March 9, 2018
![Screen 17.jpg](
by Peter Clark
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March 9, 2018
by Peter Clark
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Bruce said (March 10, 2018):
This is a response to Saundra [below] who sounds like your typical middle-aged, divorce white broad who has been brainwashed by the "Masonic, hyper-feministic bullshit that id spewed never-ending like a conveyer belt. It is because of women like her is why men like Peter and other white men have abandoned the tired old ship of the USSA to other planes of pursuit in the realm relationships.
I bet Saundra has never been to Thailand or other Asian countries. She suspects this and that and all the blatherings she pouts. But I can tell you, Saundra, I've been to the Asian country of Japan. Actually, the Island of Okinawa back in the 70's during my tour in the U.S. Marines; and everything Peter reports is absolutely true. Fortunately for me I met and married an old-fashioned white American women. Having experienced the dating scenes for the 20 years before I met my wife; Peter's assessment rings true.
So in closing, before you pout off on the issue, please do your homework: your right to an opinion notwithstanding
Alex R said (March 10, 2018):
Even though I am quite a bit younger than the gentleman who wrote about escaping to Thailand, I can certainly empathize with his feelings of disaffection and liberation. I left the United States for another Asian country a decade ago, and even though I have had my fair share of annoyances and frustrations with some aspects of life here, I can definitely say that I have more opportunities and much less stress than I would have had I stayed home. Even though we never grew up in the 50's, younger men such as myself still have an atavistic desire for the traditional lifestyle that Peter pined for.
The "Sandy"'s of the West expect us to stay and fix all the West's problems, but we know that it is in terminal decline and beyond saving. If I were her, I would be more worried about a Haitian-style massacre taking place there than in a placid and mostly homogenous foreign country like the ones where Peter and I reside. The mainstream media and politicians are already priming society for such an event.
If we listened to "Sandy"'s advice, [below] men my age would have to settle for a high-stress, overtaxed, and over-indebted existence to enjoy the lifestyles that expats such as myself enjoy. We would be forced to work dwindling low-paying jobs.
We would be forced to live in an environment where the mass-media tells us we are inherently evil and that there will soon be a reckoning for our sin of existing. We would be forced to marry bloated, inked-up, used-up, and crass shrews that have an inflated sense of self-worth, and we would have to take care of bastard children that aren't ours and pay for their mothers' mistakes. These are no exaggerations. These features of Western society are becoming ever more common today, and the "Sandy"s expect us to just accept it.
But we don't have to accept it. We know this, and we know that we are free.
Tony B said (March 9, 2018):
Very interesting that, although you added a photo of pretty Asian girls, the writer never mentions engaging with any of them, yet commentators (below) assume that it's all about sex. He comes closest to their evil opinions describing the work of his maid. And when describing young girls his outlook was that THEY were no danger to HIM, which is hardly the outlook of an old lecher.
What he talks about is regaining the freedoms he experienced in the U.S. as a child, the freedoms all of us who were adults before the 1960s sorely miss. Plus as a "business founder-owner" his was obviously a SMALL business, the type now driven out of existence through harassment of the collusion between monopoly capitalists and their bought government puppets. Such businesses as his were NOT the destruction of the planet but the heart of a responsible middle class which gave us the highest, happiest, most healthy material lifestyle on earth. It was even more conducive to spiritual living for those who so chose.
The enmity against his statements is unwarranted, skewed thinking.
Al Thompson said (March 9, 2018):
I don't like the idea of leaving a country where I spent my whole life living and working; and raising a family. I'm over 70 myself and I don't see any future in chasing any young Asian chicks in Thailand.
Asian women are not as screwed up as white women and they are definitely more attractive to a man who wants to settle down. If I had it to do all over again, I would marry a Mexican or an Asian woman rather than the evil feminist white woman. Asians have better manners and they have respect for each other in most cases.
I have an acquaintance who is about 68 with a 3-yeard-old and another one on the way. Now that's interesting. It gives him a reason to keep working. He's married to a 35-year-old Filipina. He has his own business and he can't be happier.
Sandra said (March 9, 2018):
The setup in Thailand, so comfy & convenient for white guys who can't make a go of it with women of their own race, is nothing but a big tourist-luring project. (Yes, he's there for the women not just the comforts and freedoms.) And I suspect the locals mostly can't stand the likes of him but they need their money. It's only a matter of time before they rebel. And when push comes to shove, they'll make short work of these materialists and hedonists, not unlike what the Haitians did to the French 200 years ago.
Mr. Clark (and other white men pining to run away to some Garden of Eden) are just as complicit in the creation of the mess that makes up the western world as the fellow citizens he left behind for nirvana. He still holds the 1950s values, does he? How about accepting responsibility for the society YOU and your ancestors helped build, then, Mr. Clark? Schit in your nest then fly away, that's the basic scenario. Like toddlers who don't want to pick up their toys, but let Mom do it.
Just saying, Henry. Just saying.
Can't a man retire in peace without a woman like you there to nag him?
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Sandra replies said (March 10, 2018):
You wrote-"Can't a man retire in peace without a woman like you there to nag him?"
No, he can't.
We also serve who only sit and nag.
(Neither feminist nor divorced. Married with children.)
Most White men and their simpleminded women:
Always running from problems.
Didn't like serfdom in their homelands, but wouldn't stay & fix it.
Fled to North America, Australia, South Africa, Asia, everywhere. All that free land and gullible darkies.
Worked like dogs to build nirvana but could never make it last. It always turned to shit for them. The natives came to hate them and chased them out.
Naively continue to believe that "over there" is always the answer.