Hitler was a Billionaire
February 2, 2018

When Hitler returned to Munich from one of his frequent visits to Berlin, he compared himself to Jesus throwing the money changers out of the temple.
"The traffic on the Kurfurstendamn, the luxury, the perversion and the Jewish materialism disgusted me so thoroughly that I was almost beside myself," he told his friends Putzi Hanfstaengl and Dietrich Eckart. "I nearly imagined myself to be Jesus Christ when he came to the temple and found it taken in by the money changers. I can easily imagine how he felt when he seized the whip and scourged them out." (Stan Lauryssens, The Man Who Invented the Third Reich, p. 108)
While many today are willing to take Hitler at his own estimation, Hitler was a deft liar and hypocrite who indulged in the materialism he pretended to despise. When he returned from Berlin, or any trip abroad, his suitcases were stuffed with Swiss francs and US dollars, precious metals and jewelry-- gifts from his many wealthy supporters, mainly entrepreneurs and aristocrats. (It is rumored that even Stalin funded him.)
In the early 1920's, these gifts in foreign currency were worth many times more due to the exorbitant inflation. Hitler used this money to support his personal retinue and the Nazi Party, which he treated as a personal business enterprise.
After Hitler purged the socialist elements from the Nazi Party in 1934, and smashed labor unions, the Reich Association of German Industrialists set up the "Adolf Hitler Endowment" to which every employer contributed quarterly. The tax deductible contribution went directly to Hitler and he did not have to account for it.
"Based on reliable estimates, this bogus endowment received 100 million marks annually, all of which was available to the Fuhrer "privately and personally." (194) This is equivalent to $40 million a year in 1935, or roughly $640 million today.
Hitler knew that "as long as German industry was making money, [thanks to rearmament] his private money sources would be inexhaustible...broken down to each individual industrialist...it was a modest contribution, one he was entitled to as the savior of German industry from Bolshevism..." (197)
Whenever Hitler wanted money for anything, Bormann paid, regardless of whether it was a house for a meritorious party member or a gift for Eva Braun, commissions for artists and sculptors or renovations for theatres.
According to estimates, more than a billion marks passed through the private donation account managed by Bormann. "By present-day standards, and given the purchasing power of the era, Hitler was a billionaire several times over." (196)

Hitler spent 30 million marks ($480 million today) on his retreat on the Obersaltzberg. He also amassed close to 10,000 paintings and art objects valued at more than one billion marks. Many were "taken into protective custody" from wealthy Jews. Art that didn't belong to Jews was bought on the open market for high prices.
In addition, Hitler also collected Gobelin tapestries, antique arms, and furniture. He intended to endow a future cultural complex in his hometown of Linz. (217)
Another source of wealth was Hitler's ownership of the Eher Publishing House which by 1944 controlled 90 percent of the German press and book market. By war's end, the Eher Syndicate had assets worth 600 million marks, roughly $8.5 billion today. The monopoly did not pay a cent of taxes after 1940 as it came under Hitler's personal exemption. (p.105)
Hitler's Mein Kampf sold a million copies every year after 1934. His annual royalties were between 1.5 and two million marks (between $6 and $8 million today.) In 1944, there were 5.5 million marks in his royalty account, about $22 million today. (p.168)
Hitler may have been very generous to the people and causes he admired but he also looked after Number One. Hitler's personal fortune dwarfed FDR and Stalin, who had about $70 million. He certainly was no Jesus Christ expelling the money changers from the temple! The size of his pay-off casts doubt on his motives.
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First Comment from Dan:
One has to understand that Hitler's image of Jesus wasn't the altruistic vagabond of the synoptic gospels. He meant the reference to money changers story as an analogy for himself driving the Jews out or Europe. It was just a handy cheap shot, basically. Much as any rhetorical megalomaniac sound bytes we heard from Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Obama, and all the rest of them.
It didn't hurt that Mein Kampf became mandatory reading for public institutions across the board. When a couple was certified 'Aryan' enough to be allowed to be married, Der State gave them a copy of Mein Kampf. Hitler youth were also provided with mandatory copies. The State was actually bankrolling sales, as well as forcing a percentage of purchases.
Beneath the glamor, Fascism was a populist dictatorship which covertly served the big industrial interests. The Third Reich's rapid economic recovery was due to backing State currency with the potential of German labor instead of gold. It looks great on paper, but the fine print was the Nazi policy of exploiting coerced labor and ultimately - slave labor. That's what concentration camps were for. Everyone that could be tagged "you're it!" became unpaid labor, and anything they owned was simply stolen by the State. And the State was meticulously 'honest' about it - Himmler gave strict orders that any SS man who stole as much as a cigarette for himself would be shot.
At the end of the process all those stolen goods translated to grandiose luxury housing, the finest automobiles, private planes and unlimited staff, chefs, everything first class on demand - for the Nazi elite.
Ann said (February 2, 2018):
Hitler was likely funded by Rothschild and the royal (pain in the arse) British aristocracy, for the sole purpose of claiming Palestine as a homeland for Ashkenazi-jews and a NWO. To this day, America through organized-religion is controlled and manipulated by fakers. People all over the world are sending their money to a Nazi regime in AshkenNazi-Israel.
The bulls**t surrounding anti-Semitism has got to be the most anti-Christ behavior ever fabricated in the history of mankind carried on in present-time as some torch of freedom.