Jews Ask Canada to take Israel's African Cast Offs
January 31, 2018

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January 31, 2018
G said (February 1, 2018):
Thank you, and I have long felt the same
"Migration is a weapon, an invasion. It's how Israel was established in the first place. It's the globalist's means of dispossessing the founding peoples of the West. ... Our hearts break for genuine refugees but the most efficacious means of looking after them is near their homelands so they can return and rebuild their countries."
-- Henry Makow, 2/1/18
Al Thompson said (February 1, 2018):
The Jews only have themselves to blame for their poor behavior. I grew up around Jews and had a lot of Jewish friends and most of them turned out to be people I couldn't be with for any amount of time. The biggest reason Jews are so rotten is that they have little to no moral principles. And then when someone criticizes them, they'll call that person a racist when the facts show that Jews are more racist than anyone.
These immigrants are being pushed out of their own country because of the war inflicted by Jewish communists. They go into a country, screw it up, and then get mad when the people leave to find a safe place to exist. These Jews are totally crack-brained.
The Jew is objectionable because they are too busy telling everyone else what to do and then they can't do it themselves. The hypocrisy is overwhelming. They ought to learn to mind their own business and leave everyone in peace to live their own lives.
A libtard is bad enough, but a libtard Jew is extremely offensive to good morality.
JG said (February 1, 2018):
I have many fond memories of Canada having visited Windsor often over the years since the early 70's. The Canadian people were always a pleasure to be around. Most were humble blue collar working people who had a high regard for country, family, and the beauty of the land they possessed. They loved their beer and the solidarity that existed their fellow Canadians.The family unit was strong and they lived within their means.
Today, unfortunately, Canada has fallen victim to it's new breed of traitor leaders who are under the thumb of their globalists bosses and their agenda. And now the nightmare is slowly begging to unravel.
I respect Israel's right to maintain a NON-multicultural identity. All nations should have that choice. I don't believe Israel wanted these 3rd world immigrants that they are trying to deport in the first place. This was imposed on them by the globalist order. It's not Israel that wants to flood Canada with their unwanted immigrants, it's their new globalist bosses. Canada might want to thank George Soros and not Benjamin Netanyahu for the favor.
William said (February 1, 2018):
It doesn't matter what you or I want, Henry, unless what we want is an elimination of the White race and more masses of third-worlders from the "shitholes" of the world into Canada. Our current prime minister is so far left, I would imagine him being ridiculed and laughed at fifty years ago. Nowadays he still leads in the polls. The opposition Conservatives are not much better. The enemy is not only the bankers pulling the strings, but also our fellow Canadians who have been brainwashed into believing this sort of claptrap is good for us. Some responsibility has to fall on them for being so naive (and/or quisling).
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
CG said (February 1, 2018):
Africans getting kicked out of Israel must look at it as a blessing in disguise. According to former member of Jimmy Carter's cabinet, George Green, and Phillipe De Rothschild's valet, the late John Todd,
the insane Rothschilds plan on destroying Israel, the very state they created, with Neutron bombs!
Myron Fagan is quoted: "...When and if their blueprint for world control, the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, is discovered and exposed, they would wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth in order to divert suspicions from themselves. If you think this is far fetched, bear in mind that they permitted Hitler, a liberal socialist himself, who was financed by corrupt Kennedy, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds, to incinerate 600,000 Jews..."
Everybody in Israel get out while you can!