Jews- Neither Race nor Religion but Cult
January 17, 2018

I was born in Israel in 1985. My parents are European Jews.
In the following article, I would like to make the point that Jews are mixed-race population and are as much as victims of the Satanic Cabalist-Talmudic agenda as anybody else.
The Talmudic Jews refer to negative behavior as "Yerida L'tzorich Aliya" which means "Descent for the Purpose of Ascent" (the same philosophy was also embraced by the Frankists.) In other words, you can engage in all form of evil things and the lower you descend, the higher you ascend. They believe that their Messiah will only come once Humanity is totally morally degraded hence they attack the only normal, healthy, natural and God-given form of Sexuality i.e. Heterosexuality (Opposite-Sex Attraction = Marriage) and promote Homosexuality (i.e. Same-Sex Attraction), Zoosexuality (Human Animal Attraction), Pedophilia (Adult-Children Attraction) and incest.
Many people believe that ordinary Jews are spared the Satanic influence of the Jewish Masonic NWO. This isn't true. Jews are as much victims
as anybody else. We have to remember that the agenda is SATANIC by nature. The Agenda is indeed directed by Jewish forces but these forces could not care less about ordinary Jews. Ordinary Jews are being used to serve the agenda of International Jewry.
The rulers won't be ordinary Jews or ordinary people but the Elite. They don't care about Jews in general since Jews aren't really a race in the traditional sense (as shown below) but a Satanic cult.
Judaism, much like Freemasonry, is only a means to push the NWO agenda. The Rothschild and the rest of the Jewish Elite are willing to throw ordinary Jews under the bus if it serves their agenda.
Ordinary Jews are affected by the same social ills that affect the west today. Feminism, Abortion, Divorce and LGBT deviancy are
also promoted and tolerated in Israel. Jews are also poisoned by Feminism. in Israel it is very difficult to find a good woman. Half of the women in Israel care only about money and their ego. They don't care about getting married and starting a family.
Women are also put into military service in combat units which degrades the quality of the military. Feminism had made these women so difficult to start a relationship with.
In terms of multiculturalism, Israel is even more multi-racial in the real sense of the word than any other country in the world.
500,000 gentile Russians have been converted to Judaism and had become Jews legally, along with 120,000 Blacks from Africa who also converted and became "Jews".There are about 1.5 Million Arabic & Iranian Jews, 2 Million North African Jews and about 4 Million European Jews - and all of these "Jews" don't look the same as there are Nordic, Turkish, Iranian, Arabic and African looking Jews.

As already stated, Israel is by no means a racially pure country - fact that the powers-that-be know very well. Jewish marriage laws aren't based on biological racism. Anybody can be converted into Judaism and allowed to marry a Jew. If you are not a Jew, you cannot marry a Jew but if you converted to Judaism you can. This proves to me that Judaism (much like Freemasonry) isn't really a race and a folk in the traditional sense but a secret society - a Satanic cult - whose main goal is to enslave mankind. "Race" and "People" are used as covers to keep the brainwashed mixed race "Jewish" masses follow the Satanic agenda.
While I was in the United States not long ago, I did a DNA test to find out who I really am in terms of my blood. I was simply curious to know since I read that it is possible to do a DNA test and trace one's ancestry based on their DNA. I was told by my parents that my grandparents on both sides told them (who were secular Jews in Germany) that their ancestors lived in Germany for many generations and that they were "Jews" all that time. They also told me the area their ancestors originate from in Northern Germany, which to my surprise - I later found out thanks to the internet - was not known to be inhabited by Jewish communities......This is where I felt that something just doesn't add up.

European Jews started out Kazhars (Turkish People) converting to Judaism after they mingled with Semitic Jews. These Kazhars (Mixed with Semites) who initiated European Jewry then mixed and added more converts from among the Slavic and Germanic populations with whom they contacted. European Jews of today are basically a mixed-race people made up of largely Kazarian (Turkish), Germanic, Slavic elements. Since there are Nordic blond blue-eyed Jews, Brown Arabic Jews, Black Jews from Africa etc I came to the conclusion that present-day Jews cannot be regarded as a race in the traditional sense.
So what do they base their identity on? Simply put, You are a "Jew"
if you are a member of the "Club". What club? A Satanic Cult whose main goal is to enslave mankind as I've shown in my previous articles.
Jews present themselves as a religion and a race when they are obviously neither.

TB said (January 17, 2018):
That is correct! Today I read again the Article from Dr. Andrew Joyce
I think it is very important to know that the hostile Elite is quite the same as Judaism. Look at Merkel, the German chancellor, she got a lot of Jewish awards and honoring, for instance from B'nai and B'rith for whatsoever she has done.
We are on the road to our self-destruction for this civilization. The only way out is when the crash and burn starts, that our civilization comes to consciousness and change the direction. But I think this will be wishful thinking.
The Illuminati's force is strong upwards. No opposition here in Europe.
Greetings from Germany