#MeToo is Beginning of a Female Power Grab
January 11, 2018

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January 11, 2018
Inretrospect said (January 12, 2018):
This may be the best way yet to reduce the World Population without the need for genocidal plague, war, or controlled starvation. Many heterosexual men think women are only needed for sex and domestic housekeeping. Many heterosexual women feel that they have been screwed-over since the dawn of man, and think men are only needed for auto mechanics and plumbing.
AI-Robots will bridge these needs between the sexes, and then just patiently wait for humans to become extinct due to the absence of procreation.
David said (January 12, 2018):
Hollywood: the most shallow, narcissistic, dysfunctional culture on earth. There's just a big void at the heart of people who gravitate to this world and crave its recognition. David
Pat said (January 12, 2018):
You sound like a woman hater, who is afraid of women being self-sufficient.
None of the above. I just try to identify social engineering.
Ann said (January 12, 2018):
Agreed. But maybe now we can finally get some good films rolling out...? Meh, Hollywood.
Z said (January 12, 2018):
Women in general are involved in an unholy alliance with big government and big corporations to commercialize our society. But one can not rely on them unless one holds all the power of money and resources. Women are evolutionarily programmed to “sleep with the enemy†when their current protectors get defeated. The option of fighting back with a small baby on their arms is too risky for the survival of their offspring. This also explains why women like bad boys, get sexually excited if you do something dangerous for them and a lot even have sexual fantasies involving forceful sex.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Z-2 said (January 12, 2018):
Pat wrote [below]: You sound like a woman hater, who is afraid of women being self-sufficient.
Henry, please post this video which shows how self-sufficient women on their own can be outside the civilization:
When one is critical of women, one gets instantly called “a woman haterâ€, when one is critical of the Jews one get instantly called “an anti-Semiteâ€.
Hmmm ...