On Christmas Day - What Christ Means to Me
December 25, 2017

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December 25, 2017
Lisa said (December 26, 2015):
After living on this earth for 50 years, through hardship, pain, suffering and moments of incredible joy, I have come into the realization that there are TWO CHRIST'S; one being the Good Shepherd of the gospel of the John (and the book of Revelation), and the other the Christ of the synoptic gospels (and the "Roman Road to Salvation"). They are not the same! The former tells us to "love one another" while the latter tells us to "love your enemies and do good to those who hate you." Holding these two contradictory statements in your mind enables those in power -- and yes there is an evil one -- to have power over you, to manipulate, lie, steal, cheat and abuse you. How do they do this? By using our love of Christ against us, like John Coffey said in The Green Mile, "He killed them with their love." We want to be like Christ; we want to do what He says, but if they muddle that, we are sheep led to the saughter.
What I offer is a pearl of wisdom this Christmas, one that has been formed by the suffering of a living organism... a simple ordinary child of God with love in her heart. I offer this chance for those who have eyes to see their Savior in a clearer light, the true everylasting gospel that shines so brightly that man has been unable to put it out! The Gospel of John, taken out of its fourth place in the New Testament, taken away from the Pauline Epistles, and set apart on its own to shine brilliantly!
My gift this Christmas. Please post the following link:
Debra said (December 25, 2015):
Even though I was raised in a Christian home and attended church regularly, Christmas was simply a yearly ritual with family and presents until I personally woke up from the dead and Christ’s light shone within me. (Ephesians 5:14.) Yeshua, who incarnated in the flesh and knew no sin, showed us the Christ, a son of God, and became the mediator of a New Covenant where God would now dwell within man and his laws would be written in our hearts. God is now my teacher and my friend. (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
The true meaning of the word “apocalypse†is simply the birthing and unveiling of Christ, a son of God, within each individual, and why the Most High God created the universe. The birth of Christ is the story of all creation. (Galatians 4:19; Genesis 3:16; Revelation 12:2). Paul told us in Romans 8:19 that “the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the apocalypse (unveiling) of the sons of God.â€â€¦..and He is being very patient!
Miles said (December 25, 2015):
When I was in my twenties I was like the prodigal son. I went into a far country due to me being in the military. After getting caught up in drinking smoking cigarettes using profanity, I came to my senses just like the prodigal son did. And when I got at a rock bottom point, I repented and that has been over 28 years ago. Yes I am truly grateful that Christ has forgiven me and he told me that I was the prodigal son. But just like the prodigal son in the Bible, he was so ashamed to even face is father. And sometimes when I look back at it I feel the same way. But I think the Lord Jesus Christ for his love and mercy and most of all his grace shown toward me. Now it's 50 it amazes me how fast time has flown. But I think the Lord God for taking me back and forgiven me and set me free from a lot of that stuff that I did. Sins that I committed. Then set free from alcohol and tobacco and use of profane language.
Mr Henry if you were to see me then compared to now the difference in it would be night and day. I will say this though I have been a Christian since I was 5 years old. I I have been through a lot and grown really spiritual in the Lord and. And just like the Lord when he abides in you he produces fruits of the spirit and that's what I pray for more fruits of the spirit, like love, joy, peace, long suffering, goodness, gentleness, faith, meekness and temperance
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Gary said (December 25, 2017):
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners....that includes ALL of us. Christ is not a social reformer or a "good man", but the Son of God who came ....ruined sinners to reclaim as the Lamb of God .Christ paid for OUR sins on the cross. Repenting of our sin and accepting Christ as our Saviour brings forgiveness and cleansing from sin and acceptance with God and eternal life in heaven.
That is the true Gospel. Have you taken Christ as your saviour?