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Psychiatry in Denial Over Demons

November 21, 2017


Demons Play a Major Role in Schizophrenia and Mental Illness. 

Schizophrenia is in the top 10 health problems of the world

and makes billions of dollars annually for drug companies. Currently, there is no cure except for suppressing the voices. Psychiatry refuses to recognize that demons

are the underlying factor in schizophrenia. They can be thwarted

without using drugs.

Makow comment: In a small way, we're all schizophrenic; we all hear voices in our head we mistake as us. Those nasty thoughts we have on occasion could be demons. It's helpful to think of them as foreign to us.


By "Mendel"


If any psychologist or psychiatrist were to mention the word demons, parasitic entities or evil spirits, they'd be out of a job and perhaps even a patient at the very institution they may have worked for.

Many years ago I started noticing that the audio hallucinations of schizophrenics were not random. The messages are always derogatory, discouraging, fearful or outright evil. A psychiatrist could lose his job for asking patients what the voices are saying, it's wrongfully believed that the patient will get worse if he describes what he hears or sees.

Anti-psychotic drugs can help to calm the voices, but long-term effects can literally turn people into brain-damaged zombies. Abilify (an anti-psychotic used for schizophrenia and other conditions) is the top-selling drug in the US with an estimated sales of over $7 billion a year. It is indicative of what a bad shape the general American population is currently in. It's big money and big profits. The top 7 antipsychotics each has sales well over a billion dollars annually.

From my own observations, big pharma absolutely does not want a cure and they will put you out of business or worse if you find a cure. There are some high up within big pharma that know about demons as they themselves are Satanists. Patients and professionals are misled into believing the voices are hallucinations. 


The patients are not mentally ill, they hear real voices that are not their own. These voices are out to create maximum negativity and chaos. The demons require this negative energy to survive. The voices can grow so loud that the patient is confused and can't hear others. The voices will tell the patient to do crazy or dangerous things. 

When we see a "crazy" person walking down the street talking to themselves, they are actually speaking with real entities and if you ever listened, the conversations are not pleasant. The demons will get their victims to believe they are worthless, hated, stupid and unwanted. Invariably after an attack, the victims will be left exhausted, drained and depressed. This is the point -- the demons drain the victim's energy. They are actually farming people; they allow them to recover and then harvest again. They require this negative energy to survive. There is a cure. 

WARNING: If you suffer from this, the voices will do all to distract you from reading further. 

First, they will tell you this article is fake or crazy. They will mock your attempts to follow through. 

Second, they will turn up the volume and become more hostile to stop your ability to think. 

Third, they will apply pressure get you to click out and away. They always seem to work in this same order when they perceive a threat to their sustenance. They will do all they can to stop your healing. They will threaten you and can even punish and cause physical pain. 


It's a Lie Program was developed by Sherry Swiney. She suffered attacks by negative entities for many years but eventually worked out of it. The patient must understand and accept that the voices are not his own. Every time the patient hears the voices starting, he is to tell the voices "it's a lie". 

That simple, but it must be persistent.  Demons can actually tell us our weaknesses and if we know how to use energy healing techniques we can clear ourselves of these weaknesses. They really hate it once we figure this out. Demons can only attack us through our weaknesses. 

In addition, we all have Angels looking over us, but they are constrained to not help, unless we ask for their help. They can chase the entities away and help to heal your wounds and keep them away. Avoid negative thoughts, do not watch the news, horror or war movies. Stay away from porn, heavy metal and rap music. Illicit drugs (especially meth) and alcohol are a major gateway for demons to gain entry into our minds. The healing process may take months or longer, but then you cured the incurable.


Memorize the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm. Demons hate songs like Amazing Grace and they will do all they can to keep you away from positive influences such as church, inspiring movies or professional help. Cures can quickly come to pass with the guidance of a professional specializing in this subject. Energy therapies can be powerful tools if used properly.

 Demons also serve in major roles regarding panic attacks, OCD and they will take people already weakened with PTSD and amplify the problem and milk it for all the misery they can. When nightmares happen, you can be assured there is a demon nearby. They play a major role in the various personality disorder clusters. 

Those that unfortunately have been raised or in a relationship with a narcissist, a borderline or even a sociopath all note the uncanny ability of these people to be a step ahead in the torment game. Some even call them "demons incarnate" as they have an unfair advantage because they are heavily influenced by demons, demons that know our weaknesses to a molecule. 

Dr. Jerry Marzinsky worked for 35 years as a clinical therapist in mental hospitals and prisons in the US. He states that these thoughts happen to all of us sooner or later: "Think about the last time you were strolling along minding your own business and all of a sudden a horrible, disgusting, revolting thought blasted into your mind to do or say something that you would never do or say and were even shocked that you could even have such a thought. This has happened to all of us at one time or another. The first thing we wonder is, "Where did that come from?" It came from an outside source that doesn't belong to us and is not a part of you." 

Could you imagine if these thoughts and images were being blasted at you day and night? Most of these disorders can be cured and with the new energy therapies and it can happen pretty quick.

However, sociopaths and narcissists are a different problem because they will never acknowledge they have a problem nor will they ever introspect and look into themselves.


Further info: Keyhole Journey 

YouTube - Voices aren't Hallucinations 

First Comment from DG-

Based on the above article, as a healer, clairvoyant and someone who has been properly doing spirit releasement and deposession work for 10 years I have some very interesting insights into this article.

Some of the article is factual, yes, many people who hear voices are being negatively influenced, however to call everything doing the influencing 'a demon' is simply not the truth. I've had my fair share of run ins with demons, discarnate spirits (disembodied entities), negative ET's and frankly much worse stuff out there that most people have no idea or conceptualization of. All of them are 'different' and not so easily classifiable or can be dealt with from a 'Christian' framework as not everything is from an outside influence. Some of what people as negative chatter are 'shadow characters' or sub personalities that have developed over someone's lifetime do to unhealed childhood wounds that have stunted the psychological and emotional well being of the person. These are the 'unloved and rejected' aspects of ourself that we beat up and deny.

The spirit releasement work I've done for years has been by and far, tremendously effective. As in people were having their whole lives fucked with, i.e. hearing voices, being under psychic attack, feeling a dark presence around them, nightmares, and a continuous stream of bad luck, after the spirit releasement, complete abatement. No more voices, life rapidly returns to normal, etc. In some cases, this work was done and accomplished through prayer but for the most part it was done by going out of body to a higher dimensional aspect of myself wherein I can 'look down from above' on what is really taking place and using higher dimensional tools and techniques, remove the afflicting entity and send it on to its next experience wherever that may be.

To the comments section, invoking the healing power of God is waaaaaaaay more effective than invoking Christ. Christ was a prophet, God is God. The idea that one can only be saved through Christ is a corruption in the bible that steals away a direct relationship with God and keeps one tied into religious dogma. Miracles are the domain of all spiritually awake and aware people that actively work on themselves and are open to them. This is not to take away from the remarkable being that Christ developed into, more so to point out that Christ's message was that he was no different than anyone else, in other words he didn't put himself on a pedestal, religion made him an idol for control purposes.

In my healing work, I've worked on several hundred people and witnessed more miracles than I can count, some one-on-one and others in group healing sessions. In each case, I invoked God's name for healing and asked the persons soul for permission. Some of these times, I was given instructions in my mind on what to do myself on the person energetically, in other instances light beings showed up of various types and I just acted as a passive channel and on occasion, God will show up however this is the exception as opposed to the norm.

I had a conversation with God about this as to why this is and the response was beautiful, the question was, 'Beloved, how come when I ask for healing to come through from you, it's often times light beings that show up to do the work?' The response I got back: 'I would not want to take away the learning experience for other souls that can be had from them coming down to do the healing work that is required and thus continue their own personal growth and evolution even though they are not on Earth or having a human experience.'

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Psychiatry in Denial Over Demons "

David D said (November 23, 2017):

Mankind has been programmed to believe that a human body is occupied by one being with a higher and lower nature. That's a lie. There is a soul but there is also a possessing dark side. The dark side easily takes over control from the soul in this system of things. This darkside is the same as the darksides in others and there are consciousness, energy and communication interlinks. Voices that one hears are caused by other darksiders attacking one's soul via the darkside link.

It so happens that other possessing entities like bacteria and viruses [lay a major role as transmitters, and as attackers because the too have consciousness. Their consciousness is easily used by the dark side. Destroy the bad bacteria and the viruses to become free. The bacteria actually comprise 90% of the body's cells. Of course, there are techniques for cutting down one's own dark side. That's how to get rid of voices from other attacking dark sides, and from MK-ULTRA technology. Lomatium dissectum extract destroys viruses leaving you very quiet within!

Peter K said (November 22, 2017):

I have read this article with a great interest. Please kindly post this prayer. Also, for those who believe that they are troubled by a demonic spirit, I strongly urge them to seek out Traditional Roman Catholic Priests of the Society of Saint Pius X, Fraternity of Saint Peter, Society of Saint Pius V. I am recommending these Priestly societies because they have the authority to expel demons. Your neighborhood post-1968 Roman Catholic Priests ordained after the 2nd Vatican Council lack the faculty to expel demons, much less to confect a Mass or forgive sins. Meanwhile, please post this prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

Gary said (November 22, 2017):

Good article, mostly accurate. DGs comments are more accurate than those in the article. Her problem is when she "talks to God" she probably thinks she is talking to SOURCE. Big difference. There is a God (if you want to call Him that) that is in charge of our section of the universe, some call him Aton. I doubt she is even talking to this entity as there are light beings so advanced a mere human would assume they are God. This is probably beyond most peoples understanding of reality.

This is just a technicality, the woman is doing good work and more power to her.

D said (November 22, 2017):

these videos may give possible explanations to why so many people hear
voices in their heads.


The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting

Peter K said (November 22, 2017):

I have read this article with a great interest. Please kindly post this prayer. Also, for those who believe that they are troubled by a demonic spirit, I strongly urge them to seek out Traditional Roman Catholic Priests of the Society of Saint Pius X, Fraternity of Saint Peter, Society of Saint Pius V. I am recommending these Priestly societies because they have the authority to expel demons. Your neighborhood post-1968 Roman Catholic Priests ordained after the 2nd Vatican Council lack the faculty to expel demons, much less to confect a Mass or forgive sins. Meanwhile, please post this prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

Claudia said (November 22, 2017):

Hello Henry, I want to thank you for your article on psychiatry and demons. I just recently have noticed that many of my students are watching horror movies, I'm amazed to hear that 5 or 6-year-olds are watching Annabelle or IT, only to later have terrible nightmares or worse. I've been a teacher for thirty plus years, it baffles me to see that parents today are completely unaware of the stuff their kids watch and the dangers that horror movies represent, being satanic in origin.

I recently learned that one of my students was hearing very disturbing and aggressive voices, also, her room would get very cold and the night light would turn off. The voice would tell her to answer back to her mom, and to play and be friends with the worst kids at school. The voice started getting louder and louder, up until she could no longer concentrate at school.
Her mom started looking for help, but of course, nobody believed her. Finally, she took the girl to a priest who prayed over her, made her drink holy water every night and told her to go to church. My student started reporting that the voice was shrinking until it finally disappeared.

Parents can be channels of blessings or courses. If a parent is watching porn, stealing, cheating, etc the kids could be affected by the same demon.

After reading your article it clicked with me that many of my odd students may be suffering from some kind of spiritual attack. You can tell their behavior is just off, they reject nice and wholesome stuff and feel attracted by violence and gore.

L said (November 22, 2017):

The demons play games with the 'exorcists' making them believe that they are compelled to leave the victim. Christ said He has come in the Name of His Father, YAHWEH, and there for in His Holy Name, YAHSHUA, are we to call upon, to trust to, for our salvation, and to command the demons to depart. Yes, only One Name given by Heaven by which we are saved, and not by any substitutes. This is the 'life-line' that is central to Scripture.

Luis J said (November 21, 2017):

That is so true. I can tell you that voices its not the only way demons play with us. I always believed in God and knew demons were real but I never lose to much time with it.

When growing up I had a lot of strange things happening to me. I remember pretty vividly hearing voices screaming in my head. I could not sleep because of it. My mother took someone to our house, to bless it and it stopped.

I remember one time waking up in the middle of the night and something was trying to kill me. At least its what i make of it. I was being gagged by my beds sheets. As I stood up, it stopped.

Another time I was getting ready to go to sleep and something slapped me in my right shoulder. It freaked me out but I was kind of used to it and I tried not to give it to much attention.

Fast forward a few years. New house, new experiences. Demons started to mess with my dreams. They tried to seduced me and when I woke up from it I could not move. I knew something was right there with me because I could feel his presence getting closer and closer. Only thing I could do was moving my eyes and use my thoughts. I never saw it but I feel it around my bed and above my body. I never read the entire bible but I knew that we could defeat them. I tried several times using the name of Jesus but nothing happened. Only calling out to God or saying the Lord's prayer would work. It worked every single time! The dream would stop, the sleep paralysis would stop and they would go away. Since then, those things stopped, I try to read my bible, hear gospel songs (they lift your spirit) and stay away from horror movies (I loved them back in the day).

The real important thing to do is to keep God in our mind, in our prayers and in our heart. He will protect us and He will guide us. Do not be afraid, God is right there with you, you just need to call for His help.

Angela said (November 21, 2017):

An excellent, practical and enlightening book is "An Exorcist tells his Story" by Gabriele Amorth, who was the chief exorcist in Rome for decades.

ML said (November 21, 2017):

I never learned anything about schizophrenia until I read Dr. Henry Wright's Book A More Excellent Way. My sister was diagnosed with it and lived many years under enforced drug treatment, which she despised. She was never healed by any of the current establishment's methods; the drugs only masked her condition and caused her an early death of kidney failure, as so many of the drugs she was forced to take, along with shock treatments, were harmful and toxic.

She had her master's degree but lived a very lonely, isolated life, and perhaps knew a lot of emotional deprivation as a child, with a severely depressed mother. We were never taught about Christ in our home, as my father had lost his faith through modernism is the elite establishment schools of the East.

When there is no God, no Christ, there is very little protection from the satanic. My grandparents were all involved in Freemasonry to one degree or another and our home was full of occult oppression as a result of that.

I do not know all the demons that afflicted my sister but she was the poster child for unforgiveness, self-pity, hatred and resentment. The Word of God tells us that if we do not forgive others from our hearts, we will be delivered to the tormentors. What would the tormentors be but demons?

Wright teaches that schizophrenia is composed of the spirits of Rejection, Fear and Rebellion. He also has a teaching about the frequencies that spirits can use to implant a thought or word into our spirits. There is also a scripture passage 1 John 4:1-6 which tells us how to discern the spirits, or voices, we might hear coming at us. If the accosting spirit does not acknowledge that Jesus is come in the flesh, then it is not from God, and needs to be refused, repudiated and rejected.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they be of God Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: EVERY SPIRIT THAT CONFESSETH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH IS OF GOD.

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is NOT of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now is already in the world. Ye are of God, Little Children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. .....hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.".

Tim M said (November 21, 2017):

Hi Henry, Thank you for posting the article about demons and psychiatry.

It is ALL TRUE! However, Mendel does not mention Jesus. The most powerful name in the universe. But even so, it says in the Bible, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you". And it sure works.

"Unto us a child is born ... and his name shall be called the Everlasting Father!" "All power is given unto me in heaven and earth"

The Demons tremble at the reverent and sincere mention of his name. The Demons know who he is, and how powerful Jesus is, but most humans do not.

Jesus has promised us, behold I give you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and power over all the power of the enemy. So, let's use that power.

In the past I have been plagued by lustful thoughts and pushed into self abuse by demons, over and over again. I even could sometimes sense their frustration when I was resisting them, they got annoyed and pushed the thoughts onto me more and more. But then I learned to rebuked them OUT LOUD, in the name of Jesus, I told them to leave me, and immediately there was silence, and relief from their foul thoughts. Eventually they have left me alone more and more.

So yes, the above article is very true, resist the devil and he sure will flee from you, but to get even faster immediate results, rebuke them sincerely and with faith, in the all-powerful name of Jesus, and they will flee. Just say out load, "In the name of Jesus, I command you demons of lust, (or demons of addiction, or whatever they may be,) to leave me alone!" You will get immediate relief, but the next day or so, they will come back, and just do it again and again, and eventually, they will leave you alone for good. It is a spiritual warfare that we are in, and it's a battle for our souls, but we have the almighty creator on our side! Praise Jesus.

Tony B said (November 21, 2017):

One cannot logically believe in actual demons without believing in all the supernatural as created by God. Seems to me that many shrinks who are holding "confession," which concept they have stolen from Catholic priests, are really twisted themselves. Too, instead of asking their patents to do penance and ask God for forgiveness, they just tell them that they are okay as they are, which is no help whatsoever.

All that said, anyone interested in getting rid of real existing demons is missing the boat unless he confers with Catholic priests who exorcise them. It is no game and it is not fun.

Moreover, if not already possessed, the language which sends demons away immediately is: "Leave in the name of Jesus Christ."

CR said (November 21, 2017):

I don't know whether all cases of schizophrenia or other mental illnesses are actually due to demonic influence, but at the very least there are some cases of demonic influence/possession that would be mistaken for a mental illness by those who don't believe in such things.

The most obvious example of this that I have witnessed was about 10 years ago when I lived in downtown Ottawa, there were many mentally ill people, many homeless, that I would see on the street but one particular incident really stood out.

There was a Lebanese restaurant I used to eat from regularly that had a counter and a few chair in the front window facing the street. One time when I entered there was a black man wearing a blue hat with "Haiti" in red (almost sounds made up, doesn't it?) sitting at the counter, holding a shawarma in one hand while engaged in a heated argument, despite the fact that there were no other customers in the place and the owner and one employee were standing by the entrance to the kitchen about 30 feet away.

I looked at him and laughed, assuming he was just another madman or under the influence of drugs. The owner, who I knew fairly well, told me to come over to him. He said, "stay away from him, he has a spirit". I didn't know what to make of it, but a moment later the man was gasping for air and it appeared that he as being choked from behind by some invisible entity, he nearly fell out of his chair.

He struggled and stood up, yelling something in Creole and eventually wrestled his way out of the restaurant. At that time I was skeptical of the idea of demons and spirits, but this incident kind of freaked me out. There is no way that this man was imagining something attacking him. There was some invisible force that was physically attacking him; he couldn't have faked that if he tried.

Dan said (November 21, 2017):

I don't really believe demons have a direct role in mental illness such as schizophrenia. Due to my lifestyle now, I know plenty of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. But their diagnosis is cloudy, as their symptoms vary depending on the person I'm speaking with at the time. I do not find such people have raging voices in their heads- I don't believe it's like that. It's more episodic perhaps, and often mild, such symptoms of schizophrenics.

I took an atypical antipsychotic called Seroquel not long ago. I took the drug to help me sleep, but it is prescribed to schizophrenics. Such antipsychotic drugs sedate you, which is why mental health patients appear as zombies at times.

Presently I have major depression, PTSD, panic attacks, and high anxiety. And presently I take no drugs for these conditions. I manage these things on my own through such activities as exercise and writing. That is much better than taking drugs.

G said (November 21, 2017):

Thanks for today's article, Henry. Some very powerful points and supportive help. Just wanted to add that I've also read that the voices can be coming from implants. Some nefarious force tampering with our minds. Speculation has named government and even aliens. Can't prove any of this but put nothing past the evil in this world and the power it yields. Implants, like chips could be a device of control or eugenics.

Crazy that we even have to think of such dark things, but with the stats stated in this article regarding the number of prescriptions for schizophrenia, this is certainly something that needs more looking into. Feels like a silent epidemic.

There may be times when we feel dark or threatening energy around us. As the article suggests, "That's a lie" is a powerful affirmation. Another I learned about is to command: "Stand in the Light of Christ." Seems demons cannot tolerate such a clean and high vibration and this causes them to flee. There's some hope there, but darn, Henry, there is so much we don't yet know.

Dan said (November 21, 2017):

I don't really believe demons have a direct role in mental illness such as schizophrenia. Due to my lifestyle now, I know plenty of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. But their diagnosis is cloudy, as their symptoms vary depending on the person I'm speaking with at the time. I do not find such people have raging voices in their heads- I don't believe it's like that. It's more episodic perhaps, and often mild, such symptoms of schizophrenics.

I took an atypical antipsychotic called Seroquel not long ago. I took the drug to help me sleep, but it is prescribed to schizophrenics. Such antipsychotic drugs sedate you, which is why mental health patients appear as zombies at times.

Presently I have major depression, PTSD, panic attacks, and high anxiety. And presently I take no drugs for these conditions. I manage these things on my own through such activities as exercise and writing. That is much better than taking drugs.

Steve K said (November 21, 2017):

Regarding Demons and psychiatry, suggest reading “People of the Lie” by M. Scott Peck.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at