Psychiatry in Denial Over Demons
November 21, 2017

Demons Play a Major Role in Schizophrenia and Mental Illness.
Schizophrenia is in the top 10 health problems of the world
and makes billions of dollars annually for drug companies. Currently, there is no cure except for suppressing the voices. Psychiatry refuses to recognize that demons
are the underlying factor in schizophrenia. They can be thwarted
without using drugs.
Makow comment: In a small way, we're all schizophrenic; we all hear voices in our head we mistake as us. Those nasty thoughts we have on occasion could be demons. It's helpful to think of them as foreign to us.
By "Mendel"
If any psychologist or psychiatrist were to mention the word demons, parasitic entities or evil spirits, they'd be out of a job and perhaps even a patient at the very institution they may have worked for.
Many years ago I started noticing that the audio hallucinations of schizophrenics were not random. The messages are always derogatory, discouraging, fearful or outright evil. A psychiatrist could lose his job for asking patients what the voices are saying, it's wrongfully believed that the patient will get worse if he describes what he hears or sees.
Anti-psychotic drugs can help to calm the voices, but long-term effects can literally turn people into brain-damaged zombies. Abilify (an anti-psychotic used for schizophrenia and other conditions) is the top-selling drug in the US with an estimated sales of over $7 billion a year. It is indicative of what a bad shape the general American population is currently in. It's big money and big profits. The top 7 antipsychotics each has sales well over a billion dollars annually.
From my own observations, big pharma absolutely does not want a cure and they will put you out of business or worse if you find a cure. There are some high up within big pharma that know about demons as they themselves are Satanists. Patients and professionals are misled into believing the voices are hallucinations.

The patients are not mentally ill, they hear real voices that are not their own. These voices are out to create maximum negativity and chaos. The demons require this negative energy to survive. The voices can grow so loud that the patient is confused and can't hear others. The voices will tell the patient to do crazy or dangerous things.
When we see a "crazy" person walking down the street talking to themselves, they are actually speaking with real entities and if you ever listened, the conversations are not pleasant. The demons will get their victims to believe they are worthless, hated, stupid and unwanted. Invariably after an attack, the victims will be left exhausted, drained and depressed. This is the point -- the demons drain the victim's energy. They are actually farming people; they allow them to recover and then harvest again. They require this negative energy to survive. There is a cure.
WARNING: If you suffer from this, the voices will do all to distract you from reading further.
First, they will tell you this article is fake or crazy. They will mock your attempts to follow through.
Second, they will turn up the volume and become more hostile to stop your ability to think.
Third, they will apply pressure get you to click out and away. They always seem to work in this same order when they perceive a threat to their sustenance. They will do all they can to stop your healing. They will threaten you and can even punish and cause physical pain.
It's a Lie Program was developed by Sherry Swiney. She suffered attacks by negative entities for many years but eventually worked out of it. The patient must understand and accept that the voices are not his own. Every time the patient hears the voices starting, he is to tell the voices "it's a lie".
That simple, but it must be persistent. Demons can actually tell us our weaknesses and if we know how to use energy healing techniques we can clear ourselves of these weaknesses. They really hate it once we figure this out. Demons can only attack us through our weaknesses.
In addition, we all have Angels looking over us, but they are constrained to not help, unless we ask for their help. They can chase the entities away and help to heal your wounds and keep them away. Avoid negative thoughts, do not watch the news, horror or war movies. Stay away from porn, heavy metal and rap music. Illicit drugs (especially meth) and alcohol are a major gateway for demons to gain entry into our minds. The healing process may take months or longer, but then you cured the incurable.

Memorize the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm. Demons hate songs like Amazing Grace and they will do all they can to keep you away from positive influences such as church, inspiring movies or professional help. Cures can quickly come to pass with the guidance of a professional specializing in this subject. Energy therapies can be powerful tools if used properly.
Demons also serve in major roles regarding panic attacks, OCD and they will take people already weakened with PTSD and amplify the problem and milk it for all the misery they can. When nightmares happen, you can be assured there is a demon nearby. They play a major role in the various personality disorder clusters.
Those that unfortunately have been raised or in a relationship with a narcissist, a borderline or even a sociopath all note the uncanny ability of these people to be a step ahead in the torment game. Some even call them "demons incarnate" as they have an unfair advantage because they are heavily influenced by demons, demons that know our weaknesses to a molecule.
Dr. Jerry Marzinsky worked for 35 years as a clinical therapist in mental hospitals and prisons in the US. He states that these thoughts happen to all of us sooner or later: "Think about the last time you were strolling along minding your own business and all of a sudden a horrible, disgusting, revolting thought blasted into your mind to do or say something that you would never do or say and were even shocked that you could even have such a thought. This has happened to all of us at one time or another. The first thing we wonder is, "Where did that come from?" It came from an outside source that doesn't belong to us and is not a part of you."
Could you imagine if these thoughts and images were being blasted at you day and night? Most of these disorders can be cured and with the new energy therapies and it can happen pretty quick.
However, sociopaths and narcissists are a different problem because they will never acknowledge they have a problem nor will they ever introspect and look into themselves.
Further info: Keyhole Journey
YouTube - Voices aren't Hallucinations
First Comment from DG-
Based on the above article, as a healer, clairvoyant and someone who has been properly doing spirit releasement and deposession work for 10 years I have some very interesting insights into this article.
David D said (November 23, 2017):
Mankind has been programmed to believe that a human body is occupied by one being with a higher and lower nature. That's a lie. There is a soul but there is also a possessing dark side. The dark side easily takes over control from the soul in this system of things. This darkside is the same as the darksides in others and there are consciousness, energy and communication interlinks. Voices that one hears are caused by other darksiders attacking one's soul via the darkside link.
It so happens that other possessing entities like bacteria and viruses [lay a major role as transmitters, and as attackers because the too have consciousness. Their consciousness is easily used by the dark side. Destroy the bad bacteria and the viruses to become free. The bacteria actually comprise 90% of the body's cells. Of course, there are techniques for cutting down one's own dark side. That's how to get rid of voices from other attacking dark sides, and from MK-ULTRA technology. Lomatium dissectum extract destroys viruses leaving you very quiet within!