Are Jewish Men Afraid of Women?
November 20, 2017
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November 20, 2017
William said (November 21, 2017):
I realize it's just his opinion, as he stated, but Al Thompson's notion that a man's masculinity lies in his facial hair seems rather silly to me. Why facial hair? Why not the hair atop a man's head too? Should we grow out that hair so that we look more like women?
When I see a fellow man who is clean shaven, the thought he has a "girly face" never enters my mind. If he had a "girly face" I'd mistake him for a girl, wouldn't I? But no, I can tell he's a man unless he's one of those tranny freaks.
My masculinity lies inside me. I don't need to eschew the razor in order to be a man. With respect, the notion that my external appearance determines my manliness makes about as much sense as the what the weirdos say about gender being fluid and how we can assign gender by rearranging this piece and that piece.
Al Thompson said (November 20, 2017):
>>ALL of my male friends are pussy whipped beyond belief.
They are pussy-whipped because most if not all of them have pussy-faces. It's my opinion, that the reason men get so disrespected is that they don't look like men. By shaving the face, gives the observer notice that he likes looking more like a girl than a man. I suspect that this was one of the primary ways for men to become pussified. Once a man's natural masculinity is compromised, then the man's life becomes compromised and weak. If the woman he is with doesn't like his beard, chances are she isn't going to like his masculine traits. I wish I had learned this sooner rather than later. Also, the beard is a great bimbo filter. If a woman
"Their wives have totally alienated or excommunicated us because of my "alfa maleness". The wives want to keep me and my views away from their husbands, lest they get the idea that they may have a voice in their marriages. I might kill the goose that lays the golden egg."
I've experienced this myself and I'm learning to deal with it. Modern society does not appreciate real men. I don't think this is as much of a Jewish thing as it is a problem with society in general. Men are "groomed" to be pussies and immoral right from the beginning. It is a part of the NWO culture that has been in place for thousands of years. The men have become effeminate and immature. Notice how most of the men in the government have girly-faces. So, if you want to be treated like a man, it would help to look like one. Throwing away the razor blade would be a good first step.
Karen said (November 20, 2017):
Say what you want. I've known several Hebrew families and worked for some. Some of the wives worked in very successful jobs, some lunched. Some of the men played around, well, maybe they all did. I don't know. But they were all successful. I know one who came from a humble beginning and is now the financial officer in charge of a large restaurant corporation that you would recognize if I said it. It's a trying job.
The question is would these men have been successful if their mothers hadn't insisted they study and work hard? How about it, Henry? Who was the mover and shaker in your life? And don't you dare tell me you did it all by yourself.
My mother modeled love and self-sacrifice. She was traditional. My dad was the boss.
I'm sure your mom made sure you would become a success. Actually it's Christian families I see this lacking. As far as the other problems listed in the article, we can't blame Jews or their mothers. This is a common problem that runs through the human race. It's just because successful men are becoming snared and they seem to be Jewish. -K
Joyce said (December 28, 2013):
Is this a rhetorical question? The answer is in the question. They make too God'damned much money and have way too much status. That is why they are hen'pecked. The inordinate status that the entire family enjoys depends on the status and income of the men. Therefore, they have to abuse the husband in order to maintain control over their husbands.
There is, however, another possibility. These men may be self'selected to be hen'pecked. They are obedient to their industries, professions, bankers, etc., That is why they are allowed these high positions and salaries. Therefore, they are pre'disposed to obedience.
Connie said (December 28, 2013):
Let's not let the men off the hook... Wouldn't you say the men who work 50-60 hours a week have abandoned their wives and kids and married their jobs? There's no one at home for the wife to submit to. She has to play both mother and father to the children, an impossible job, and goes to work to escape this.
He has no time or energy for domestic concerns. He has no time for friends of his own. He has made himself dependent on her but won't admit it. He's deceiving himself that he is a man and there's nothing she can do about it. She should be angry.
Will said (December 28, 2013):
The Jewish henpecked thing reminded me of a joke: what’s the difference between an Italian mother and a Jewish mother? At dinnertime, the Italian mother says to her offspring, if you don't eat your dinner I’ll kill you. The Jewish mother says, if you don't eat your dinner, I’ll kill myself.
Len said (December 28, 2013):
THE DOMINATION & AGGRESSIVENESS OF JEWISH WIVES and GENTILE wives as well is directly linked to what the Bible calls "the spirit of Jezebel." And this demonic stronghold is definitely no myth or imaginary problem!
If you do a study by simply googling, "the evils of the spirit of jezebel", you will find such a study VERY enlightening. The truth is it is an actual demonic spirit and principality that makes women overly dominant and self-willed, ... and turns most men into wimps. It's not a joke.
When a woman finds that she can dominate, manipulate, and mostly control the men in her life, she becomes a perversion of godly womanhood and (worse) moves and lives in opposition to THE GOD ORDAINED ORDER that GOD has for both men and women [and much for their own benefit, I might add]. That order is:
children under the authority of parents; women under the authority & responsible leadership of the husband;
husbands with the burden of protection & provision for the family.
Any woman who does not know how to relate to men properly will find themselves outside of GOD's favor upon their lives. This issue is strictly a matter of GOD'S GOVERNMENT & DIVINE ORDER. Without THAT, people are simply living a self-willed life without regard to what GOD has ordained in relationships.
This is actually an extremely important issue of morality and relationships.
Yoav said (December 28, 2013):
The reason is the Homo-Lesbian nature of a Ghetto population.
Lesbians are likely to give birth to Homo & Lesbians,
due to stress, be it at work/studies or from staying at home,
which is not good for Lesbians (likewise for men).
Thus no wonder Tel-Aviv overtook San-Francisco for year 2012
in being the most gay-friendly the world over.
Likewise Kibbutzim are proudly promiscuous for being
Homo-Lesbian animal farms.
Dan said (December 28, 2013):
Frank is right. Wives of cowed men won't let them become friends with dominant men, especially if the dominant man has a good marriage with a wife that doesn't give him headaches.
Obviously the issue of 'the shrew' predates the invention of the wheel, much less fire, and it's not an exclusively Jewish issue. Men of lands in all ages could relate.
I notice that Frank says he tends to gravitate to Jewish friends who have seven figure incomes. Now we're honing in why there's a disproportionate' femme fatale issue with men in that income bracket. Unless they're in financial professions that require 'killer instinct' the only men making that kind of money are in heavily mental professions.
It's been well publicized for decades such men graduate with powerful degrees but gross underdevelopment in people skills and 'street sense', and women - notoriously.
That's why they attract that special breed of lazy women who seek a cushy life at the expense of a man that's literally putty in their fingers. The men are sitting targets for them, unless they wise up and reason out what they want in a wife instead waiting to be 'discovered' by one of these huntresses who see men as prey.
I guess a great example of what I'm talking about was portrayed in the movie, "A Serious Man". (must see )
Steven said (December 28, 2013):
It is just a guess but I would say that women in general know that they are backed up by judges, lawyers, social activists, politicians, police forces and armies that stand ready to arrest and or kill any man that wants to be the man and king of his castle. The women know it, their hen pecked husbands know it and the powers that be know it.
It is going to be this way until civilization and the military/ political authority that maintains the status quo is annihilated by any means. The state has usurped the political role of the husband and made men an expendable stand in without any real authority. I think it really is that simple.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
KS said (November 21, 2017):
I'll probably regret this but here's a video that seems to go a long with Monday's topic. You've probably seen it but for some reason it's too good to pass up.