A Young Conservative Woman Speaks About Sex
November 8, 2017
Despite a dearth of positive examples, Emily, 26,
has eschewed feminist mind control & instead obeyed
her intuition, instincts and common sense. She is outspoken
about sex, gender and the married women who hit on her.
"I bet if people will probably think there's something wrong with ME. But trying to hypersexualize women and trying to remove their emotions from sex so they can get involved in string-free sex is another way of making them more like men."
by Emily
I am a female and I agree that women and men are not the same. And about how women desire to be passive in sex and feel emotionally secure to orgasm. It's very true. But it isn't understood??? I used to think it was normal what I felt until I got into my 20s and realized apparently people no longer feel what I would call normal sexual desire.
I grew up without watching much T.V. And without ever watching porn as I found it highly morally bankrupt & thought it should be illegal. I also stopped listening to music when I was a child as I found the content mostly stupid or foul. So I was not very influenced by the media still don't know most celebrities even today, and just had my own innate feelings to go off so wasn't as shaped by the media.
I think that women aren't naturally as 'sexually aggressive' as they are now promoted to be. I never had a desire to masturbate, never masturbated, would not have known how to masturbate anyway. I do not think that it is abnormal too. I didn't go through puberty until age 15 and did not get any noticeable sexual desires until I was about 18-19.
They try to teach everyone now that children are born sexual too. It's so wrong. A bunch of those Jewish child experts tried to teach that rot. Well it wasn't true in my case. Guess what I also refused to do sex ed in school because I didn't believe school is the right place to learn it, and I felt so wrong inside that I couldn't go along with it.
So I refused, and I got up and left the room on the days when they taught it all. I was normally a very quiet and shy student, timid even as I was scared of my teacher's authority, so it was hard for me to actually leave in protest, especially at that age. I never even wagged school in high school because it wasn't like me to break the rules. The teacher told me she thought I was more "mature" then that, and how she is so disappointed in me, she made me feel so ashamed of myself for refusing to be involved. But now looking back, I wish I had been proud of myself for doing it. Because now I believe teaching 11-year-olds about sex is not a school's place and it's a parents job.
I bet if people will probably think there's something wrong with ME. But trying to hypersexualize women and trying to remove their emotions from sex so they can get involved in string-free sex is another way of making them more like men.
Men can have sex without bonding but women produce bonding hormones when they have sex. And that's a fact as well. Men naturally have higher sex drives. I don't care what anyone says, it's true. It isn't beneficial to a female to be sex driven. It isn't how they are supposed to be. No woman would make a good mother if she was as sexual as they want women to be. When a woman acts like a whore with no feelings at all, they lose all ability to be useful wives and mothers and end up as cold and hardened as a pile of rocks.
I get lasting fulfillment through being affectionate, cuddling my husband, holding his hand in public, sharing a bed with him, rocking a newborn baby to sleep, comforting a small child and cheering them up. And I am very maternal and gush over little babies and cute children. I would not be able to send a child of mine to be looked after by strangers because I would miss the child too much. That's why the nasty cold women glare at me, they don't want women like me to exist.
I only ever wanted sexual pleasure from a man in a secure relationship with the man the dominant one in intercourse because that's the biggest way to exchange power/energy and feel the fulfillment of being a woman in a more lasting and intimate way.
So for me, a lot of the desire for sex that I felt was a desire to feel protected, cherished while experiencing a man's protective power. And it's that type of power/nature that attracts me to the opposite sex to begin with.
I really like the energy of a real man and there will always be a physical longing for it to make me feel balanced because inside I know I am vulnerable. I have a petite and weaker body than a man. I intuitively know that the world is a corrupt place and hard to live with without the protection I feel from my husband.
I would never be able to understand what is appealing about being a lesbian, the idea is laughable.
I have to say that there is nothing more sexually off-putting than the thought of being with a man who believes that a woman should be sexually equal, in a "non-passive" role. It's like the man expects the woman to invest a lot of energy trying to be a man while the man plays the role of the woman. Why would a man want to be with a woman if he sees her as the same as him anyway? The appeal is gone with no difference in the sexes.
I also have had trouble keeping female friends because it turns off a lot of them. Even ones with children turn out to be lesbians or at least of a depraved mind. I've had five female friends who looked normal and knew I was heterosexual attempt to "hit on me" and I can't express how creeped out it made me because they already knew I was straight. It was disturbing to know people I trusted as friends were really thinking depraved thoughts about me. I can't fathom what ideas they were entertaining in their mind about how it would "work" or what the appeal could be. So I cut them off once that happens as it creeps me out.
I am 26 now, married, have three children. I don't really believe in contraceptives and would never have an abortion. I love Christ but not religion as I believe its corrupt. Something about forgoing having children or controlling family size seems wrong to me on a spiritual level.
Luckily my husband shares many of the same views. He feels contraceptives are wrong for health reasons and sterilization too because it seems against what God intended for our bodies. I know people are likely to feel secretly disgusted by us, but they keep their mouths shut, for now.
They will all mostly "die out/perish" as they do not view children as the continuation & investment we do. What will be left of the family will be from us mostly so the whole nature of whats left will be more like us and less worldly & Marxist like they are. So its all ironic how things work out. I ended up having to marry a man 10 years older than me because the men my age are not anything I would feel complimented and content with. Luckily it was still an option for me to find a good man. In the future, it will be almost impossible for women as masculinity is being stamped out.
It is hard living in this world no matter what. But the corruption and cruelty help me remember what really matters. So I cherish my children, their youth, and innocence and I protect them & know how to protect them because I understand what we are up against. I also cherish my husband and love him so much; he is a gift from God.
I appreciate what is left that is good in this world even though it is fading away. We enjoy going for walks and getting lost in time as a family & letting the kids explore in freedom away from technology. I enjoy all the mundane stuff and grow food at home, and do all of those things that help develop feelings of usefulness and self-sufficiency. Who wants to be out there in the world doing soul destroying things every day around people who are under a spell anyway. I am blessed to be able to stay home & live the life I do even though I too have suffered in this world. I am blessed to have my husband who doesn't want me to be like a man. He is so compassionate and understanding.
Both of my parents rebelled against the Christian conservative way of life their parents instilled. I was lucky that when I was little I noticed a huge difference in my parents vs grandparents. I looked up to my grandparents because their life seemed a more eternal way to live and less destructive and harmful. They also gave me a sense of history/identity/culture.
These days children do not tend to have grandparents in their lives; instead, they go to daycare so they have no sense of identity. Mind you these days my grandparents have modernized their views on matters so I am more conservative than they were. All in 20 years, T.V reshaped their views. Ah well.
I also want to add as a side note that everything is spiritual. The genocide against whites is not merely flesh but is a holy battle as well against the spirit of Christ. I am 26 but I look like I am closer to 20 in age; living a more Godly life seems to have a preserving effect on a person's appearance, and a wicked spirit eventually makes even the most beautiful flesh turn rotten to the eye. Many people are spiritually sleeping.
I hope that in your life you have ways to cope with the wickedness in the world. I find that Jesus helps me. If I lost my family tomorrow I would seek purpose in life by being of service and volunteering to help other people. So long as I am doing something good, then it will provide comfort and meaning to me. I believe even misled people were once born innocent and can mean well in their hearts today, even if they act as beasts who want us dead, they do it with good intent, but have been weaponized to view people like us as the ultimate evil.
Ken Adachi said (November 9, 2017):
Holding fast to your inner "knowing" of what is Right and Wrong - and STICKING to it - is the greatest asset you can carry through life. Having a decent set of parents and being exposed to Christian moral teachings helps a great deal to confirm what your Higher Self is quietly whispering in your ear.
After I got out of the military in my early 20s and years before I got married myself, I spent most of my free time hanging out at the home of my best friend from grammar school and high school. He got married the year I got out of the service and I knew his wife as well as I knew him because we all went to the same schools together.
During grammar and high school, she was about as pure and devoted a female that you could possibly ask for in a girlfriend. I thought they were the perfect couple and destined to be a lifelong pair. Naturally, you booze it up at that age before the kids start rolling in, and we usually drank and chatted it up at his home (from the late 60s into the early 90s).
Over the next 5 years however, I became increasingly agitated and irritated with her and got into too many arguments (which I don't enjoy at all) because she was hell bent on convincing me of the great "liberation" afforded to women by Feminism which she absorbed like a sponge.
I kept telling her that what she was being snookered by clever LIES presented by smooth, professional LIARS to make you THINK it was an 'advancement' away from male "chauvinism" and "dominance" and all those other Marxist BS cliches, but it was really designed to BREAK the harmony and mutually complementary roles of traditional male-female romance, love and family life. I got to the point where I just got fed up with her trying to rile me up with her Feminism BS and I just stopped seeing them altogether.
I never imagined I would split with him because I felt the closest to him during those early, formative years when friendships mean everything to you. I later heard they got into wife swapping, which REALLY floored me. They allowed themselves to become increasingly corrupted and morally BANKRUPT after they bought into the soft lies of feminism and other Leftist ideology claptrap. I'm glad I didn't join them. My advice to anyone who still has a working brain between their ears is to KEEP YOUR OWN COUNSEL and stick to the path of righteousness - no matter what.
And like the author of this article, shun those who would corrupt you and embrace those who are of like mind and spirit - and eventually, the world will come to you because you held fast.