Film Mainstreams Three-Sided Marriages
October 20, 2017

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October 20, 2017
William said (October 20, 2017):
Such a film doesn't surprise me in today's society. We accept anything except righteousness these days. Having done a cursory check of the reviews out for this movie, I see that the critics are looking at it favorably. Rotten Tomatoes gives it an 87% favorable rating. Roger Ebert gives it 3 out of 4 stars. gives it 8.3/10. All that's left is for the masses to compliantly fall in line with what the satanic masters dictate is the latest good thing.
If people don't start boycotting Hollywood (both on the big screen and TV), society will continue its downward slide. Whatever values they project onto a screen become our reality.
People really don't seem to understand just how insidious and inimical TV shows and movies have become. When a starkly vulgar show like Two and a Half Men, for example, can become popular, you know we're screwed. People are just not critical thinkers anymore (except when it comes to morality, wherein they view any good morals with suspicion, but this too is programmed response). They only accept something if it feels good to them. The brainwashing of Western society has been a smashing success.
Ryan said (October 20, 2017):
Just from the trailer, I see a film that promotes polygamy, bondage and a re-thinking of social norms. Sure, the film-makers have created beautiful sets and wardrobe and have re-created the era with flawless precision to give the film a classy highbrow look and feel.
The main characters all speak in an intelligent and elegant manner. But in my opinion, this is all to make their perverse ideology more palatable and their cause seem revolutionary. It's as if society in 2017 is now supposed to be more socially evolved and accepting of these morally deviant lifestyle choices that were widely rejected by the close-minded, prudish, comic book burning masses back then. I'll pass on this one.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Al Thompson said (October 20, 2017):
I was talking to an acquaintance and he referred to his first wife as Thunder Cunt. I've been laughing at this for a few days now. The disrespect women bring on themselves is horrible and by following the libtard-feminist agenda they have destroyed themselves and their families.