False Flags are Pretext for Police State, says Reader
October 8, 2017

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October 8, 2017
Robert K said (October 9, 2017):
The Planned Society (resulting from endemic Fabian Socialist infiltration) accords ultimate importance to statistics--sterile numbers disconnected from the truest impulses of human nature. Wage slavery--an artificial bankers' policy that is imposed with little variability, other than extension, from generation to generation and that conceals the potential of freedom-favouring real-world innovation--creates a hive society, in which everyone is subject to the impossible (and therefore endlessly intervention justifying), personality-crushing goal of "equality". The linking in the French Revolution of the principles of "Liberty" and "Equality" was an early instance of cognitive dissonance from which we have yet to de-stupefy ourselves.
David S said (October 9, 2017):
If this guy obtained the weapons Legally then there should be filing cabinets of his applications whichever agency handles that. (This should be made public) if it's honest! I'd also be interested to know how he got into what is essentially a BANK with a small armory. The agencies in charge should be pressured to the full for answers... People need to demand physical Proof, if not why not.
BK said (October 9, 2017):
The Police State and the NWO are already here - It should be evident that it's been here for some time!
I think the false flag events themselves are proof of it.
All of the false flags, weather manipulation, social engineering, etc., that are taking place is to bring about the mark of the beast.
Most people don't even know who the beast truly is, much less it's "mark".
For those who may be wondering - No, it's not a chip. It's not physical, it's spiritual.
The mark has been around since Cain.
The Bible makes this super clear.
Brendon O'Connell said (October 9, 2017):
Please consider Henry, that Trump's chief propaganda outlet - Alex Jones - is pushing hard that Paddock is ISIS. No one would care but buffoon boy has 6 times the audience of Fox News and he works directly for Trump.
Bi Bi wants war in the M.E and is gearing up. They will never get gun control in America.
This is about propping up Trump under the HUGE Russia allegations - Manafort and Tillerson deep in bed with Rosneft and Russian Jewish oligarch Igor Sachen. Kushner. Meetings. Netanyahu and Putin. It's not a joke. NO ONE is talking about it.
Just Google Rosneft Tillerson manafort putin
Pedro said (October 9, 2017):
One could imagine a leaked 'bloopers' video of all those crisis actors who actually did break out laughing and didn't make the final cut.
Will the venue that kept the exit gates locked (illegally) be sued? Most of the injuries would have come about from that circumstance.
Trump on 911, on 911... no such doubts this time heh? Had he not met at the lodge or synagogue before making that comment on planes taking down the towers - built 'almost like a can of soup' - being impossible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt-ldMj9y9w&feature=youtu.be
Reading David Irving's Goebell's and fairly convincing evidence that Hitler, Goering, Goebells were genuinely surprised upon hearing about the Reichstag fire. Contrast to Bush and his going back to reading the goat story and Trump's lack of doubt and common sense or honesty this time around.
Why they want your guns. and, in Australia, slingshots, and crossbows... and pointed sticks.
from Sohlzenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago Vol1.
" And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?
After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd be
cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur-what if it had been driven off
or its tires spiked? The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed
machine would have ground to a halt!"
Don said (October 8, 2017):
You Are Blaming Trump For The Vegas Terrorism. You're Basically A Terrorist Yourself! What a truly evil thing to say. Now I see why you were selling the whole 'conspiracy' thing about it. You were just trying to pretend it was not a 'pussy hat democrat'.
Democrats are terrorists. Antifa and BLM are terrorist groups, as is the jew who runs them, George Soros. You are trying to PROTECT them by blaming Trump (of all people!) "Trump is an inside job terrorist because he approved the mass murder of his own supporters at a concert." What a ridiculous, obvious lie! You're a sick guy.
Trump is guilty of letting this happen after stopping it for almost a year.
I don't believe in thought crimes. Your calling me a terrorist is what the Communists will do. Kudos for being first.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Anon said (October 9, 2017):
Well, this is it. We are now at the cleaners, ready to be stripped. The GDF Communists are in full control. The final step will be the faked civil war which will be nothing but martial law in action to search and seize all people with arms and ammo, big kitchen carving knives, baseball bats and other sporting items that can be hand-held weapons. Trump is their captured leader who will be assassinated whenever that's convenient. All those with unacceptable opinions, attitudes, and actions will be murdered. The school children will be seized and permanently separated from their parents. With Common Core in total control, the kids will be brainwashed into believing that they have never had moms and dads. The USA is now the yet-to-be-declared the United Soviet States of America.