Homosexual Blows Whistle on Hollywood "Freaks"
October 24, 2017

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October 24, 2017
James C said (October 25, 2017):
Tomo Stojanovic failed to mention one of the leading causes of homosexuality: failure to bond with one's father. If a boy fails to bond with his father, he will spend the rest of his life looking for a father figure. A study needs to be conducted to find out how many homosexuals failed to have a close relationship with their fathers. I'll bet the numbers would be significant.
Thanks James
Another huge factor is being assaulted as a minor.
Tomo's boyfriend Ken was a skating champ who was assaulted by coach.
G said (October 25, 2017):
"Most of these freaks don't even like having sex with anyone - for them, gayness is like a religion/cult. It's mostly to do with non-sexual aspects of life ..."
That certainly was a new perspective on Gay-gate. So much said here was sitting in the back of my subconscious for a long time. I felt it on a deep level but could not bring it forward to articulate it. That is because the premise is so absurd and odd: It's not about sex!
It was almost a relief to read the words: "Pretending to love sex with men is just a mask for these freaks." Who would write that?! Someone as close to the scene as Tomo Stojanovic was. What insights! And with a backdrop of Hollywood invading Washington.
"Gender Identity Disorder" sure cuts out a lot of life. The extreme and dedicated focus on it overshadows everything else that makes life whole. Tomo specifically mentions "art." So of course the consequence of that is that most of the art delivered to us is focused on the disorder, giving it a life of its own, a sacrosanct system of eternal false hip-ness.
To be gay/tranny is one thing; to be programmed into it is a whole other phenomenon, bound to result in unhappiness because it's not SELF-determined, and I'd say 80 to 90% fall into this category: not authentically gay, but the product of a decades-long steering process. In other words: victims.
Thanks, Henry for this publication. And especially, thank you, Tomo. You took the chimera and fully undressed it. Naked, it seems far less threatening to our society.
MM (S Africa) said (October 24, 2017):
the REAL culprits, the Rothschilds & others at their level, are def not gay but they promote & support these insecure deviants & make them seem so cool & stylish etc.
meanwhile, these homos & lesbians are dying on the inside bcos despite what claims they make about being "born this way"- its a LIE and they crave the stability of normal relationships.
the more they deny this & continue in their wicked ways, the more physically & spititually sicker they get- this is Gods punishment upon them & is a SMALL taste of whats waiting for them in the hereafter.
when i look at all these ppl, i can see the sickness of their souls reflected in their eyes.
sometimes i wonder at how stupid these "elite" are: the worship Satan & do his bidding as if he is some kind of alternate power to God, when in fact he is just another creation of God who is just here as a means to test us- to see whether we give in to his whisperings.
no matter how long anyone lives, we all have to die & all the riches & power of the world cant help u after that.
Brian said (October 24, 2017):
I am just a blue collar worker, with a small amount of college and I am well versed in the conspiracies that are trying to ruin our country and others. In Europe, and North America there is a huge anti Nationalist push against people who are for putting their countries first, excluding the desire to join the Satanic world order that we all know about, that is attacking us on many fronts.
...I took a trip to American Flyover Country. WVA, for WVU football game. On the campus, and at the game, as well as local eating establishments all showed me the type of people that I usually do not get to see in South Jersey area I reside in. I was so moved by the patriotism I could see when the whole stadium sung the Anthem and did so with pride. The people we met on our trip were so polite, and friendly, it was such a breath of fresh air, to see societies goodness on display in a remote area. I was genuinely moved by the people who were amazing to say the least. True American values from proud people in remote places are what will save us from a Global NWO takeover in the end. True patriotism, villified basically by snobs in Hollywood and News Media, is going to be the demise of the Hollywood Media News conglomerate.
More people waking up to reality is what is happening, there will be an uphill battle for our society to change and a fight of ideals is coming. I hope people see that the Socialist dream is just a stepping stone to a Communist takeover of any country that allows it to flourish. Watch out for George Soros also. He was a traitor to his people and profited from the failure of other countries currencies. He is evil and needs to be dealt with swiftly. Anyone who does his bidding is assuring their spot alongside Satan as well
Jude D said (October 24, 2017):
"Most of them have been molested when very young, mostly by priests"
No mention of vicars, pastors, imams, teachers, scout-leaders, etc., much less rabbis. How very Zio-media friendly.
He mentions Jews specifically later...but yes I noticed that too.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
JJ said (October 25, 2017):
Another book you might want to read if you can find it is rock and roller Little Richard Penniman's autobiography, which may or may not be in print anymore, I'm not sure. I've only read excerpts, but what we have is former homosexual turned evangelist who describes homosexuality and the mindset in a way we're not supposed to hear about.
In other words, it's a perversion, and he really nails the lifestyle and how big it was in the music business long before it became streamlined for the general public. All this being described by a black, American flamboyant icon. I'm going to look for it online.