Jim Stone: FBI Responsible for Vegas Shooting
October 6, 2017

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October 6, 2017
Yvinne said (October 7, 2017):
I appreciate the Vimeo at the end showing that people were actually injured/killed. It would be coldhearted to dismiss genuine tragedy.
But Stone states is that:
"3. There are a lot of videos out there now, many in HD and a lot of them show the hotel in the background and not a single one shows any muzzle flash from the hotel at all, even when the hotel is crystal clear."
I've found 3 videos showing muzzle flashes from what looks to be the 4th floor:
You may have already seen these but I thought I'd share.
Thanks Yvonne
The hotel was a diversion. If real, there would be head wounds and brain splatter everywhere. There were shooters in the crowd.
Mohammed in SA said (October 7, 2017):
in addition to what Brendan said, i just wish to add that there's no shortage of gullible, bigoted Americans who will very easily believe that somehow Muslims were involved/responsible & then consider it their "patriotic" duty to enlist(for a paycheck of course).
I'm seeing so many young & VERY dumb white Americans who just want to enlist & go kill some Mooslims & they get to do it with "cool" weapons too.
this way, the Zionists pit their 2 main enemies against each other -get dumb Americans to kill innocent Muslims.
theres quite a few Zionist shills like Alex Jones & PJ Watson out there- just spewing out nonsense & these people just seem to believe everything they say.
even if half the people who comment/post on Twitter & Facebook etc, in agreement/support of these guys are just paid Zionist hasbara trolls, its still leaves a VERY large number of gullible Americans who cant seem to think for themselves.
as far as this incident goes, there's lots of maybes...
so many things that we don't know for sure what happened...it could be this or that & ppl are providing convincing arguments for each scenario. the ONLY thing i know for sure is that whatever mainstream media says is a lie & Zionists/Israel is directly responsible or had a very big part to play in this op.
AH said (October 7, 2017):
Looks like they have a new MO — they appear to now be mixing “real†with “scripted†— I think they started doing that with the Florida nightclub shooting. Looks like they needed to do that because eyewitnesses would be telling you the Truth–as the taxi cab driver would who was videoing the gunfire that was coming out of at least 3 locations. He was also questioning “where was everybody†and “why was no one running away?†— so looks like they LOCK EVERYONE IN PLACE so they can get their real body count.
Sick, disgusting elements now implanting themselves in the life of the nation. It is no doubt the “Deep State†who are all the intelligence agencies (mainly CIA / Mossad / Israelis) in conjunction with Jewish Rothschild Wall Street:
Know this: “Every single terror attack in the U.S. is a false flag attack†– Robert David Steele- Former CIA Clandestine Services Officer and Whistleblower:
Further: He went on to say, that the plan was to put these devices in high schools, universities, federal buildings, you name it. The main producers of these machines are the Chertoff Group and OSI Systems. He specifically states that Jewish Neo-Con former Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff and Jewish billionaire Neo-Con Sheldon Adelson were involved. Chertoff, an architect of the Iraq war, is the CEO of the Chertoff Group, a global security, and risk management company. He was accused of abusing the public’s trust in 2010 by raising security fears unnecessarily to sell more body scanners.
We need to start a cleansing in this nation if we do not want live in a world designed by Satan. First step here:
and here:
This would also be desirable:
It’s what the Second Amendment is for.
Further, we must NEVER FORGET those who are set-up, the hapless, innocent victims of these satanically-created false flag schemes who were murdered brutally and in cold-blood — the frail, elderly man sitting in his chair in his room watching tv in Abbottabad, Pakistan — as the scripted “Osama Bin Laden.†The Tsarnaev brothers of the Boston Marathon ‘bombing’ and countless others in “Islamic†terror false flags (including 9/11)– and now also totally out of character as friends and family say of Steven Paddock — Mossad spokeswoman (Rita Katz or was it Pamela Geller) – tried pinning it on Muslims again by saying Paddock was a recent Muslim “convert.†These intelligence agencies need to be shattered and blown into a thousand pieces into the wind (with these vile creatures still inside) — paraphrasing JFK — who was also murdered by these evil demons residing among us.
Brendon O'Connell said (October 7, 2017):
Israeli kill squads. Kay Griggs, "The Israeli's train with the SEALS. They do Wet Op's in this country (United States). Murder, assassination. They kill 5, 10, 20 people. Then they blame it on the Arabs, or they blame it on somebody else."
Vegas is Israel security country. Jewish Power and Israeli Intel ALL over the place. Drug money laundering on a large scale. That's what keeps Vegas alive.
They recruit from Yeshiva Military Academies, on into special forces, Israeli intelligence and specialist assassination teams.
Alex Jones, chief propaganda officer for Trump and his Netanyahu cable, was stating three days ago the man was with Islamic State and there was IS literature and ANTIFA all over his room. Jones is a self agrandising agent for Israel but he needs to be observed closely because that is where the narrative is going.
The goal is not to get hold of American gun - it will never happen.Ever. The goal is to make Americans hate Islam. So, when Netanyahu kills a million more very soon, no one will care.
"The Left", including leftist Jews have turned on Israel. Netanyahu needs to move quickly - hence the alliance now with Putin. No "lefty Jews" in Russia bleating on about Palestinian rights.
Marco A said (October 7, 2017):
I have yet to find reliable evidence that this event wasn't a complete fabrication - a hoax. After events such as Sandy Hook, it is clear to the cabalists that the mob will believe anything, even the most outrageous lies. Every time one of these events occurs, and there is no response from society, I believe they solidify their control all the more.
If you are lied to once, shame on the liar, if you are fooled twice shame on you.
There is no reason at all to believe the narrative that there was even guns involved until there is reliable evidence (such as genuine wounded speaking out, not audacious crisis actors).
Stop believing liars... defend yourself. Cut the psychopaths out of your life - in this case, our worlds controllers.
Just look up videos of the duping delight of some of the people in the crowd or the wounded in hospital beds... Ridiculous.
Has anyone even found videos of genuine grief being displayed by family members of the deceased? For something of this magnitude you would expect it to be shown all over the news.
The more audacious a lie, the more they take control. They are constantly testing just how deep their control is on the people.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Paul said (October 8, 2017):
Thanks. Another good article. So many false flag evidences and junk in the latest that it's about impossible to keep up with them.
No one is mentioning how much this event also served to divert attention from FEMA atrocities during the latest man-made hurricanes and the deaths, mistreatments and other atrocities at FEMA concentration camps. How many people were taken away vs. how many will come back vs. how many will die or be used for other FEMA "training?" As you know, when a major event is soon replaced with another, there are other major things being covered up in DC and elsewhere.