Truck Driver's Astute Response to the NWO
September 10, 2017
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September 10, 2017
Jason said (September 11, 2017):
It may sound like the answer.
However, the 20trkllion dollar (bill) would still be worth 20 trillion dollars in true NEW currency value.
And the real debt for America is far more than 20 trillion when everything is included.
The only way that any government with a private central bank could get out of debt is to tell the debt holder to bugger off. And this would be the trigger to WW3.
Sadly, the sell outs have put humanity in a deadly position that there is no easy way out.
William said (September 10, 2017):
I'm not sure where the commenter Wade [below] gets the notion that the vast majority of your readership has "no clue what debt free money is". I've been aware of the international banking scam since long before discovering
The vast majority of the general population is willingly ignorant about this matter, but I doubt too many of the regular readers of this site are asleep about it.
G said (September 10, 2017):
Kudos to Brian - Morality drives a truck!
I especially like this:
"Protect your children by teaching them values that have kept us together for thousands of years, not the perverted nonsense that is starting to be normalized by schools and governments today."
Those "values" are like bread itself, maintaining and sustaining, and in them lives the leavening of humanity.
Thanks, Henry, for encouraging this honest and accurate writer.
John E said (September 10, 2017):
Brian is right !
The following is a few things you can do to make for a better world
Pay off all credit cards, one at a time starting with Chase, Citi, WF
Quit eating fast food
Read books,,,,
Turn off the TV
Quit going to the movies
Quit buying crappie music
Turn on the radio to TALK shows and call in your opinions
Do fun stuff with your wife
Take your kids for a walk
Say a prayer and try to be the best person you can be.
Ex Navy
Tony B said (September 10, 2017):
This Brian sounds a lot like myself. Some corrections or additions:
1. The federal reserve is just a franchise of the Rothschild cabal in the City of London.
2. There is no need to "pay back" a fraudulent debt at all. Simply ignore it and/or repudiate it. Besides, these criminals would find a way to make profit from the "trillion dollar bills."
3. Although the Kennedy legend is just that, it is true that money is the real issue as the criminals who now own the money created as debt scam can and do finance every other civilization destroying issue going on while those who oppose this satanic insanity are forever deprived of the monetary means to properly counter them.
Mike M said (September 10, 2017):
This post was a breath of fresh air. Lots of good insight. I wish we had people like Brian running our government.
Mike M said (September 10, 2017):
This post was a breath of fresh air. Lots of good insight. I wish we had people like Brian running our government.
Wade said (September 10, 2017):
Your truck driver hit the nail on the head. There is an old saying "Follow the money".
He makes the salient point that all the "stuff' we argue about are all just distractions while the Illuminati bankers rob the world.
In June of 1963 John F Kennedy issued an Executive Order. This order stopped The Federal Reserve from printing and controlling our money. Kennedy then used the Treasury to print "Kennedy Dollars" backed by silver. This was debt free money.
This Executive Order upset a hundred years of scheming by the Illuminati.
No way the NWO crowd were going to stand for this unacceptable set back.
Kennedy was shot in the head in November 1963 by his own Secret Service. The hit was ordered by Illuminati bankers and carried out by Lyndon B, Johnson (Kennedy's Vice President) and the deep state Intelligence community (CIA / FBI) etc. Oswald was a pawn, and never shot Kennedy.
The Executive Order that Kennedy signed has never to this day been rescinded and yet the moment V.P. Johnson got the word "he is dead" the order has never been enforced.
THIS, AND ONLY THIS, IS WHAT GOT JFK MURDERED!!! Unfortunately Henry I don't believe the American sheeple will ever wake up, but here we have an uneducated truck driver who has figured this out. College education is nothing more than brainwashing. The vast majority of even your readers have no clue what debt free money is. Or how the world financial system really works, and they are very content to remain ignorant. A great past President once said "When you educate a person intellectually and leave out spiritual education, you create a monster"
Your author is correct...forget all the distractions and concentrate on The Federal Reserve...print debt free money and pay off the debt in the same way it was created.
This is the ONLY path to freedom for the American people and the world. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Glenn said (September 12, 2017):
Just a few words to Brian. First of all hello and a pleasure to talk to a fellow blue collar "brother in arms". I am a recently retired lead mechanic from a medium sized city solid waste department.
I would like to say your testimony is proof that the people who keep this country running are slowly but surely waking up to what is going on around them. If you are like me, I'm sure you have tried to spread your wisdom with your fellow employee's, and in many cases have been met with scorn and laughter. Do not despair and do shrink from trying to get the message out, for as you know the very lives of our families, friends, and countryman hang in the balance.
America is under the very same forces of Satanic evil that gave birth to the Bolshevik Revolution in Czarist Russia. The push for a one world communist government is now "pedal to the metal". Every kind of filth and debauchery imaginable (and in many cases unimaginable) is being thrown not only in our faces and shoved down our throats, but totally immersing our children or grandchildren as young as five years old as well. It is hard to know how and where to fight, but fight we must.
Many people know of the story of Christ and the "money changers", but few know there are three separate occasions where a nonviolent Christ physically ejected these evil doers from the temple. The lesson here is the fight against evil is on going and never ending. Our fight must be the same.
So Brian, keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down, and never be afraid to try and educate your fellow man.