Smolensk Crash Was a Coup d'Etat
August 3, 2017

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August 3, 2017
B (2) said (August 4, 2017):
To show you the hypocrisy, utter corruption and vicious contempt of the 'Smolensk sect' for ordinary Polish taxpayers, let me send you links to a few publications on how some of the family members of the deceased, even though usually rather well-to-do (euphemism), given they were married to PMs, and in spite of the fact that they've already gotten big sums of money in 'Pain and suffering' compensation, demand in some instances as much as PLN 5 million in damages, which is a sum totally out of reach and unimaginable for your statistical 'Kowalsky' in analogical circumstances. They do so whilst e.g. millions of Polish pensioners, often war-heroes like the 1944 Warsaw Uprising combatants, live in deplorable conditions, get paid as low as 500 PLN a month in their retirement money. They often struggle to make ends meet, being regularly faced with a decision: either to buy food, or medicines. (please use Google Translate, simply copy-paste the website address, and then click on the URL on the right)
BTW this woman Beata Gosiewska, along with the rest of PiS, warmly applauded the 2014 Maidan square coup in Ukraine, and staunchly supports the current, murderous neo-nazi banderite regime (butchers of Donbass), the same regime that adheres to the ideology of Stepan Bandera and his OUN-UPA organisation, responsible for (if you remember from my previous contribution re: the Polish Holocaust) the 1943-1945 genocide of up to 200.000 Poles (as well as Jews, Czechs, Hungarians and other minorities) in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, in the most sadistic way imaginable (the murders were mostly done with axes, pitchforks, saws etc. and were usually preceded by prolonged torture of the victims).
Ronald L said (August 4, 2017):
Thank you Henry for another well informed article you have given us a few times this truth , I am polish and a real Roman Catholic not those norvus order not those NWO ones who deny your article or maybe some stups who cannot follow the script of lucifer and his minions , as I have said before we are very ignorant and stupid by choice that because no one believes there is a war going on daily for souls , the play is preceding as planned the actors are in place when one gets out of line well he or she is replaced , Putin , trump , merkel , and the rest all performing with there utmost acting ability but sometimes there really mess up and run for cover the cover of the tv news paper and three puppet handlers , soon Our Lady will come as her son forewarned and the weeping and gnashing of teeth will begin , God Bless Henry your the only one telling the truth , as Our Lord himself said I gave you eyes to see and ears to hear the signs of the times , turning knowledge into wisdom for love of God , last good luck you sports fans that only care about materialism and those good times your neck is in a noose !
Tony B said (August 3, 2017):
If you look closely at these last two articles you will find that Putin is constantly brought into them in a totally circumstantial manner where the actual circumstance is only that he is the leader of Russia. The statement "At Putin's side, an army of billionaires" is immediately followed by exactly THREE names. How is that an army?
It should be common knowledge by now that Putin, when he began threatening oligarchs, he told them all that they would be allowed to keep their stolen wealth but they could not steal anymore. Those who did were jailed. Putin is THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD TO DO THIS.
Putin is not a dictator who can have his way in all things. His power in Russia is limited in many ways and the "Atlanticists" are his deadly enemies. This means almost everyone with big money as they would be the Rothschild connection, slangly called "the Russian Mafia." Which is also the Trump connection, if there is one, true enough, as he is an obvious Rothschild puppet.
The paragraph:
"As James Henry indicated in The American Interest, "one of the most central facts about modern Russia: its emergence since the 1990s as a world-class kleptocracy, second only to China as a source of illicit capital and criminal loot, with more than $1.3 trillion of net offshore 'flight wealth' as of 2016."
Methinks this Henry needs to take a little closer look at the U.S. for starters. Especially the cabal at Harvard which engineered the rape of Russia in the 1990s.
"The Nation," not exactly a right wing rag, gives this James Henry this bio: "James S. Henry is an economist, lawyer and investigative journalist, and former chief economist at McKinsey & Co. His is an Edward R. Murrow Fellow at Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and INSPIRE Fellow at its Institute for Global Leadership."
I put zero faith in what this guy has to say about anything.
I cannot find anything on a living David Livingstone, the name given to the quoter of Henry.
As to the the Polish writer, there is no way to know for certain where his true loyalties are nor what he knows for fact and what is assumption
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
MG- said (August 5, 2017):
In terms of this issue I'm partly with Patriotic Pole and partly with B;
Yes in the plane there were a lot of real true Polish Patriots and people that were Godly people to the best of their understanding but yes there were also Zionists and Russophobes.
As for the Smolensk tragedy its self I have come to the conclusion that neither Patriotic Pole (who is regurgitating the theory of the current Minister of Defense Antoni Macierewicz who was the leader of the PIS's Smolensk investigation while PIS was the opposition; a man for a bunch of different reasons I don't trust) or B (who sounds like he has excepted the theory of the Donald Tusk led government) are correct.
Just like I investigated and researched about 9/11 for a good number of years before I came up with my final theory (more then likely an operation of 3 demonic philosophies; Zionism, Wahhabism and Noe-Conservatism) I have researched the Smolensk tragedy and from all the research I have come up with I have come to the conclusion it was also an operation of 3 groups (probably Russian FSB, Polish former Communist elite and either Mossad or CIA; all 3 are connected in that the majority of all 3 are filled with people of Ashkenazi descent). As for how it was done I think the theory that makes most sense to me (although the one most Poles have never heard) is that the plane in Smolensk was a decoy with 3 random Russian people and that the 96 Poles died assassination style at the Polish military airport that they were supposed to fly out of ... so they never even got onto the plane. The interesting fact is that military airport which they supposedly flew out of was demolished about a month after Smolensk. As well my Dad was at a meeting in Toronto with Antoni Macierewicz in 2012 (2 years into the investigation) and a women asked had anybody investigated (including him and his team) if these people even went onto the plane and Antoni Macierewicz thought a couple seconds and replied that's a good question ... wouldn't that be the first question you'd ask!?