Germany's Spirit Has Been Broken
August 22, 2017

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August 22, 2017
John B said (August 24, 2017):
This article encompasses, sadly, everything I have also come to conclude regarding the now pathetic, emasculated German people subjected and broken for a century under the WW1 AND WEIMAR MARXIST REPUBLIC AND WW2 assaults by the Anglo-ZIO schemers.
Peter R said (August 23, 2017):
Many countries had the cream of their crop killed, but left alone after the war, they gathered their spirit and went back to work, under their own culture.
The Germans didn't have the benefit of that. The re-education programs the money printing parasites perpetrated on the Germans were beyond this world. They were executed mainly through the money printer surrogate nations Britain and USA, and often managed by Jews. As a result, many Germans became the most brainwashed people in the world, even worse than the Americans today.
If the above report is accurate and also true elsewhere in Germany, it is a very sad story but not surprising. To call it the revenge of the money printers, that are mainly Jews, would not be incorrect. One of their henchman, a psycho called Theodore Kaufman, had a plan called "Germany Must Perish". He would have done away with Germany altogether, sterilized all Germans, plowed over the whole country, and parcelled it out as agricultural land to surrounding nations.
The good thing is that the psychos have only partially succeeded, and that the German spirit is not completely dead. There are still good Germans who know what they are up against. The civilized world should help them to prevail.
Jerry said (August 23, 2017):
To read this article brings up the question of just how much does the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39 play into the destruction of Germany? It is an important and vital question because no other nations in the world have been demonized more so than Russia and Germany. Back before WW1 most preachers couldn't stop talking about the end of the world and blaming these 2 nations for it all. I often wonder what if, what if the true teaching about this prophecy that it occurs after the 1000 year millinium and that it has nothing absoloutly nothing to do with either Russia and Germany or even Israel for that matter and if these 2 nations would have suffered so terribly?
It is interesting too Chris Hedges speech on the death of the liberal class {} and how the powers that be destroyed the many popular movements and the demonization of Russia and Germany by saying and I quote from "the dreaded Hun to the dreaded Red." 18:13 mark
To me this makes for an important connection because at that time prophecy plays an important role in the minds of many and all these lies just continue to this very day. Too many I dare say have innocent blood on their hands. Instead of being caught up in the emotional aspect they should have been more intellectual and asked the right questions which by the way the bible gives us as in the City with Seven hills Chapter 18 of Revelation. "Here is the mind that has wisdom' Only two cities fit that description Rome and Washington, DC. Now I'll leave it to you to determine which the book of Revelation is talking about.
Tony B said (August 23, 2017):
Tony B:
I find it unkind that so many, when describing what has happened to Germany, never mention that in one century it was twice destroyed with the cream of its crop murdered twice by the same evil forces and for essentially the same reasons. I doubt if the citizens of other nations who describe this decay would find their own homes any better, if not in worse shape, had they suffered the same mass destruction of both body and soul.
Both WW1 and WW2 were engineered out of the British Isles. For the British controllers at the top the reason was that the little island's rulers rightly understood that there was no way it could compete commercially in the world market with Germany so, motivated by greed, they wanted Germany destroyed. Both times dragging in the Americans to do their dirty work as Britain was incapable of success against Germany in war.
With the Rothschild cabal the true reasons were more sinister and they saw to it that Germany's manufactured enemies were sufficiently financed to win the contests in the cabal's ongoing agenda for world conquest. Whomever they see as opposition they will do all in their power to destroy. At present it is not only Germany but all of Europe - at the least, all of western Europe.
Wade said (August 22, 2017):
My Grandparents were born in Germany and immigrated legally to the USA.
The author of today's article is correct.
Here is what I see...there will be a revolution in the USA between Marxist, communist, progressives and traditional, manly Christian leaning patriotic conservatives. I think Russia has already given up on their almost heroic efforts over the past decade at diplomacy with Washington.
I believe that in the middle of chaos and civil war within the USA Russia will feel she has no other choice but to defend herself and attack the US with nuclear weapons.
I also believe that both Russia and China are convinced that a nuclear first strike against them has been the strategy of the Pentagon for many years. The tension between nuclear powers in this world has NEVER been as high as it is now.
Trumps promises during the campaign have been check mated. With the most recent evidence in the firing of Bannon and Trumps reversal on Afghanistan. Would I rather have must be joking! In order to get back on track Trump would need to fire Jared and Mc Masters, and stop listening to his daughter!! I don't see that happening.
Unless God gives this Nation and the world a miracle...I don't see any way around the scenario I have laid out above. Henry If all this unfolds as I have predicted...remember that this enlightenment came from God's Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. The time is short. All this could take a different route, however I believe the world will not get past 2018 without a catastrophic event that will totally change all our lives.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Dan M said (August 25, 2017):
Lysander Spooner, the misunderstood anarchist said nations are like game tokens on a board. But cultures, like people, have souls, and in "Tragedy and Hope," Quigley says the English are the most conforming race of Europeans, AND he--exhibiting the Irish weakness of inculcated subservience--worked to further the goals of the Anglo-American establishment. (I'd listen in on his lectures in college.) He says Germans suffer guilt because they value a strong leader but mistakenly blame themselves for destroying the Roman Empire. Germans have a dogged perseverence that can achieve great cultural achievements or maintain this guilt. Vernon Howard has a "Picture" of false guilt moving like unnoticed tactonic plates deep in the psyche, curable by realizing its falsehood. The astrology of the recent eclipse has a factor (discovered by the German astrologer Witte during trench warfare in WW I) which requires us to take the spiritual and mental high ground of truth if we are going to come through this Cities-of-London-and-Jerusalem engineered crisis. Also, notably, the beginning of the total eclipse was the exact moment of sunset in Jerusalem. God speaks in wonderous signs and asks we do the same!