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Australia -- Masonic Bankers Use Aboriginals to Guilt Whites

August 24, 2017


While Zionists persecute Palestinians, Jewish central bankers and their Masonic minions shackle Australians with guilt about the social conditions of aboriginals. 
This is also going on in Canada and New  Zealand as well, part of the long-term
Communist agenda to subjugate white people who Masonic Jews perceive as rivals.

Below, Matt who lives in Melbourne explains why he is sick of it. 

By Matt 

Melbourne -- In Australia, we have something called "reconciliation" which really means "division". The aboriginal movement is part of the left, and like the left as a whole, it is destructive, never satisfied, and never forgives. Reconciliation manifests in many forms, but the end-goal is to weaken the people that founded and built up the nation of Australia, and also to create effectively an aboriginal nation.

The aboriginal rights movement has long been associated with radical politics. Ex-Communist Jeff McDonald, in his 1982 book Red Over Black said there was a link between (((Communism))) and the aboriginal rights movement, with the end goal of creating a separate nation.

Our current narrative reads - aborigines were living peacefully in paradise Australia as one people; then white people invaded and did nothing but evil. Every problem since in the aboriginal community, including epidemics of assaults, domestic violence, child abuse, alcoholism, laziness, illiteracy, bad health, etc, are completely, 100% the fault of whites. White people must eternally compensate and never stop apologizing in the hopes that reconciliation might appease aboriginal whingeing.

So the aboriginal people in alliance with smug leftists present us with a barrage of assaults. They keep pushing -- affirmative action every corner - constitutional change - change Australia Day - impose Sorry Day - establish sacred sites (normally on mining sites) - change our education - change place names - take down our own monuments - and the aboriginal elders perform 'welcome to country'  Through propaganda and falsified history the left feed us with all kinds of guilt, such as in regards to the Stolen Generation (child protection policy.) Here is the give-away that was narrowly averted in 1988.


Acknowledgement of country (AOC) is even more sinister than "welcome to country," since it gets whites more involved. Taking place at public events, local government functions, workshops, business meetings, school assemblies, and who knows what else, AOC usually involves a white person like a chairman, to state that he acknowledges the traditional owners of the land (usually stating the tribes) and respects their elders. If you're to chair the meeting you're trapped and you avoid it at you're own risk. 

Looking behind the meaning, and bearing in mind the broader agenda, AOC is really an admission of white guilt and that Australia doesn't really belong to average Australians. It is like a memorial to, not the fallen war dead, who have defended aborigines against foreign invaders, but a memorial to, and an honouring of, aborigines, and only to them! It is the symbolism of disempowerment and disinheritance of the fast-shrinking European Christian majority.

To straighten out facts, historian and academic Keith Windschuttle has written such comprehensive books  as The Fabrication of Aboriginal History 1&3, and his latest, Recognition of the Aborigines in the Constitution 

A great read is Rodney Liddell's Cape York : the Savage Frontier. He focuses mainly on northern Queensland, illustrating the cruel history of the aborigines, such as the spearing of travellers and massacring those helplessly ship-wrecked. Backed up by various sources, such as the writings of Professor A.P.E Elkin, he kicks the book off by questioning whether they were even the first ones on the continent. Certainly, there were also other groups present upon white man's arrival.

Aboriginal tribes were often warring against each other and starvation was common. They were primitive, stone-age, heathen people, with no writing, nor agriculture, and very little "housing" or "clothing". They weren't the traditional owners of the land, because they didn't own land. The land owned them as they wandered from place-to-place.


Australians have had enough of the onslaught of both diversity and reconciliation. The aboriginal movement doesn't criticize diversity, but it criticizes white people (focussing mainly on British descendants). This is for the "sins of our fathers". The recent waves of immigrants (in Melbourne, they are legion), is itself a kind of invasion that is never mentioned. I don't notice my local multicultural communities fretting over either the original inhabitants, nor over the people that built up the civilization that they're taking advantage of. 

And in regards to the "sins of the fathers", if it wasn't the British who settled here, definitely someone else would have. Probably by a people that would not try to reach out to the aborigines and provide for them. In history, does one group conquer over another group and apologize for it forever? Is there anywhere on earth that has not been conquered or invaded? If the left feel the land is not their's and that we are so shameful, why don't they give their own properties away and move out of the country? Hypocrites!

The land of Greater Melbourne wasn't acquired by violence, but a purchase. Legitimate or not, that's what happened. Most Melbournians day-to-day don't even see an aboriginal person. Yet we are supposed to pay respects to them and their elders?? What about reclaiming some of our own dignity, learn about our own culture and background, and pray to our own God?


Makow commentIn Canada, you cannot turn on government propaganda radio (CBC) without hearing a female voice bemoaning the plight of native Indians who are subsidized by taxpayers to the tune of eight billion dollars a year. They have their own broadcast network, (APTN)  but now they have two networks while the concerns of the remaining Canadians get short shrift on the CBC. The same Illuminati playbook and buzzwords ("reconciliation") are used thousands of miles apart. The call to remove the name of Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A MacDonald, (the "Father of Confederation" from public schools because of his Indian policies is a perfect example of how Illuminati Communists are using aboriginals as a lever to strip Canadians of their heritage and pride

Related - Canada spends 75% more on Natives than Non natives 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Australia -- Masonic Bankers Use Aboriginals to Guilt Whites"

MM said (August 25, 2017):

Good story about Australia and its parallels with Canada. The same Illuminati game, and as you pointed out Henry, the same buzzwords used thousands of miles away from Canada.

There is no doubt anymore that the Illuminati/NWO game is afoot. The game in which they are to completely subvert and eventually destroy the European White Christian civilization and its foundations.

The real question now is – what can we do about it? How can the White civilization be salvaged when at least half of its population is either brainwashed, tattooed, drugged, childless, or simply not interested and does not see the Jewish Central Banking Clan pulling all the strings?

So - 1. How do we get rid of the Illuminati Central Bankers and their Masonic lackeys (say a general white right-wing uprising in each and every European/North American country and the abolition of the current regimes) ? 2. Are Putin’s Russia and Donald Trump real threats to the NWO or just part of the big/bigger game?

Kris from Australia said (August 25, 2017):

A good article about the Aboriginals.

What a lot of people here forget or dont even know is that this country is still a colony of the United Kingdom, and nothing happens here without their consent. Not so long ago the government was paying people to shoot to kill the Aborigines, but this is never mentioned, ever.

Instead we have a constant guilt trip programmed into us by the UK of course through their puppets here and their lefties.

This in some ways benefits the Aboriginal leaders ,but not their people out in the dirt.

In many ways I pity the Aboriginals cause they lived in their own peace and independence/self sufficiency before. They are victims of the great conspiracy as we all are, which they will never fathom while they wait for government handouts. Like us they are sold out by their own people to serve the global monsters.

Robert K said (August 25, 2017):

Justin Trudeau got the history-bowdlerizing ball rolling in Canada when he renamed the historic Langevin Block in Ottawa, which had been named in honour of an advocate of residential schools for the natives. Being a real leader, he apparently didn't consult the native population before announcing the change. Poor old Langevin--regardless of his intentions and of anything else he might have achieved in his life, his name has been consigned to the proverbial dustbin, so the PM could demonstrate that he is as good a revolutionary as his dad, P.-E. ("I am a Communist"--1954) Trudeau.

And now Calgary is renaming its Langevin Bridge "Reconciliation Bridge" so everyone can have a warm fuzzy feeling of goodness and hope--until the future discovery, as certain as the rising of the sun, that "reconciliation" was just another evil bourgeois deception and this name too will have to go. The game of supplying trivial distractions from the clamant theft of the benefits of our cultural heritage--now conspicuously in the form of armies of industrial robots, i.e. mechanical slaves spewing out wealth without human effort--by the financial system never ends.

You see, the "continuous revolution" crowd will go after you no matter what policy you opt for. They will find the "horrors" of choosing separate development of highly disparate cultures in one country to be as bad as the "horrors" of favouring integration in another.

Does it not strike one as ironic that the Canadian government is celebrating Canada's 150th birthday by erasing as quickly as possible any resemblance to what the country has been in the past? Remember the banksters' guiding principle: CONTINUOUS REVOLUTION.

By the way, I have a native friend who tells me that the residential schools issue is more ambivalent than presented and that at some of them, at least, the students were quite happy. You are unlikely to hear this of course, because there are penalties, largely financial, for failure to endorse the currently favoured meme.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at