Porn Destroyed My Husband
June 16, 2017

Reader says her husband
became an empty shell
as result of his porn addiction.
by "Deirdre Hamilton"
Your website helped me through a rather rough time.
In a nutshell, it was revealed to me a year and a half ago (by God) that my husband of 19 years had been a porn addict for 12-14 years. Of course he lied when I first confronted him. My marriage had been bad for exactly that time but I have lived my life only to please God through Christ. I battled it keeping busy with bringing up my children and all the busy things of life.
I allowed him to continue not participating in anything in our lives except working to support us. I did everything else and whenever I 'broke' from overload, and we would argue, he would say nothing and of course I wanted to divorce many, many times.
His nature is gentle and so he just became invisible to us. I made a plan in my head to leave him when my daughter turned 18. My story could obviously fill a book but I have endured for the next year and a half and I am glad I did because I learned so much more.
He is almost un-human now with no opinions, little or no emotions, cannot 'see or hear' what is really happening around us and is simply robotic. I have been trying with God's help to bring him to 'see' but it seems impossible.
Your links to Judith Reisman educated me on what has taken place not only spiritually but physically in his brain and it is tragic and sad.
The saddest part of my story is that the intimate part of our life was so unbelievably perfect and I believe in taking care of my body with good eating and exercise and all the blessings bestowed on us. I am 53 and am told I look 40 and if I were not of God would have committed adultery.
I say this to underscore the demonic presence behind it all because I know my husband admires and cares for ( I cannot use the word love) me. He is a very masculine, tall handsome individual. One would never (including me!) think that he would have done this.
He understands now what he has done. He did not think that what he was doing was adultery and deep sin and therefore the cause of the bad marriage (ye shall surely not die). I have been using materials and different resources over the past year to try and let him purge and cleanse but I now know it is too late, he has no discernment.
He would never seek treatment; it may be different when we are gone. I feel that the demonic darkness is so thick and heavy that he is lost forever, he had so much time. He has worked in and around Washington DC for the 17 years!
My talks to him have been strongly on the homosexual theme and of course he denies any such thought. I have confronted the full spectrum of all that is vile and dark. I racked my brain back years to think and 'feel' and remember and I do not believe any inter-action with real flesh happened.
Another point I forgot to mention is that he was brought into Freemasonry years ago. He did not follow it and indeed there was a FM Bible and ring in the house until my daughter and I threw them out after learning the truth of life 3 years ago. He also trained in hypnosis for a stint decades ago too and I have recently been studying that, obviously of the occult.
I believe my prayers have stopped much of the evil that could have manifested itself. There must be so many people out there suffering from all this massive evil. God help us.
I have not been able to tell anyone about this before and I feel so relieved just getting it out responsibly and that it will hopefully help others.
In conclusion I will tell you that I am going to leave him. I am being prompted to do so and I don't know where I am going or what I'm going to do but I will obey when He tells me when and where.
First Comment by Stephen Coleman:
Henrique said (March 1, 2013):
Great intervention Friday by A. Migchels! Finally a man that has his head in the right place. I was watching with disgust your last article and how it was turning out, the ganging up on the woman without any empathy, just based on their own frustrated life experiences, and worst of all, the APOLOGY of the very tool used to the extreme to demoralize and destroy the biggest enemy the conspiracy has on the face of the Earth - US, heterosexual men.
I do feel somewhat sorry for those guys who suffered in the hands of greedy women and all that ( if those stories can even be completely trusted, for all we hear is one side) and I even have to admit that it's closer to me than anything, for my parents relationship was also what you could call a disgrace that ended up in divorce. But instead of grieving it forever and caving in to the system, surrendering to self-piety and complicity, and maybe growing up to become the next pimp-superstar, I kept believing in high morality and today I believe in it more with every day that passes, even not being religious ( morality has nothig to do with religion when it comes down to it. in my opinion ).
And I indeed had everything AGAINST me, for I'm from one of the ( I actually consider THE ) most hyper-sexualized country in the world [Brazil] - about everything here is soft-porn at least; the other day I was zapping and saw, in a Catholic channel, a middle-aged show host ( not ugly, BTW ) wearing a mini-skirt. I wish it was a joke, but it isn't.
In order to destroy families, you need to hyper-sexualize society; Russel, Kinsey, Freud, Adorno-Horkheimer-Marcuse and a host of other icons of the Brotherhood dedicated their whole lives to degrade and diminish morality and culture to reach this goal. As Alan Watt says, we're the most studied species on the planet, and they surely worked hard to distort our nature and everything around us. High morality, honor, intellect; these things are actually closely related, and they're worth killing and dying for. Long live sanity!