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Porn Destroyed My Husband

June 16, 2017

Reader says her husband
became an empty shell
as result of his porn addiction.

by "Deirdre Hamilton"

Your website helped me through a rather rough time.

In a nutshell, it was revealed to me a year and a half ago (by God) that my husband of 19 years had been a porn addict for 12-14 years. Of course he lied when I first confronted him. My marriage had been bad for exactly that time but I have lived my life only to please God through Christ. I battled it keeping busy with bringing up my children and all the busy things of life.
I allowed him to continue not participating in anything in our lives except working to support us. I did everything else and whenever I 'broke' from overload, and we would argue, he would say nothing and of course I wanted to divorce many, many times.

His nature is gentle and so he just became invisible to us. I made a plan in my head to leave him when my daughter turned 18. My story could obviously fill a book but I have endured for the next year and a half and I am glad I did because I learned so much more.

He is almost un-human now with no opinions, little or no emotions, cannot 'see or hear' what is really happening around us and is simply robotic. I have been trying with God's help to bring him to 'see' but it seems impossible.
Your links to Judith Reisman educated me on what has taken place not only spiritually but physically in his brain and it is tragic and sad.

 The saddest part of my story is that the intimate part of our life was so unbelievably perfect and I believe in taking care of my body with good eating and exercise and all the blessings bestowed on us. I am 53 and am told I look 40 and if I were not of God would have committed adultery.

I say this to underscore the demonic presence behind it all because I know my husband admires and cares for ( I cannot use the word love) me. He is a very masculine, tall handsome individual. One would never (including me!) think that he would have done this.
 He understands now what he has done. He did not think that what he was doing was adultery and deep sin and therefore the cause of the bad marriage (ye shall surely not die).  I have been using materials and different resources over the past year to try and let him purge and cleanse but I now know it is too late, he has no discernment.
He would never seek treatment; it may be different when we are gone. I feel that the demonic darkness is so thick and heavy that he is lost forever, he had so much time. He has worked in and around Washington DC for the 17 years!

My talks to him have been strongly on the homosexual theme and of course he denies any such thought. I have confronted the full spectrum of all that is vile and dark. I racked my brain back years to think and 'feel' and remember and I do not believe any inter-action with real flesh happened.
Another point I forgot to mention is that he was brought into Freemasonry years ago. He did not follow it and indeed there was a FM Bible and ring in the house until my daughter and I threw them out after learning the truth of life 3 years ago. He also trained in hypnosis for a stint decades ago too and I have recently been studying that, obviously of the occult.
I believe my prayers have stopped much of the evil that could have manifested itself. There must be so many people out there suffering from all this massive evil. God help us.
 I have not been able to tell anyone about this before  and I feel so relieved just getting it out responsibly and that it will hopefully help others.

 In conclusion I will tell you that I am going to leave him. I am being prompted to do so and I don't know where I am going or what I'm going to do but I will obey when He tells me when and where.
From Feb 28, 2013
First Comment by Stephen Coleman:

Having seen a number of families destroyed by porn, it is best to steer clear of it. Mrs. Hamilton speaks of the presence of demons, none of those that responded seems to have caught that, or perhaps they think it is silly religious mumbo-jumbo. Porn will indeed attract them into your home and they will, with glee stir things up.  

I do not know much about the dynamic of their relationship, she may have problems, but porn is no excuse and in no way will help matters, ever.

Porn addiction is exactly that, it is an addiction and with all addictions the addict must first recognize this.  Then he or she must be willing do overcome it.  Many seek porn as an empty substitute for love and intimacy. But it may also start out from simple curiosity.

I'm surprised with the increase of women becoming addicted and those writing in defending the husband's addiction. I recall one nasty divorce with a couple that both "enjoyed" porn.  They decided they wanted to try a three-some and the wife ran off with the other guy.  3 kids were involved and they will suffer the consequences for many years.  

If you think that porn has done you no harm, think of all the time you wasted over the years, when you could have been doing something productive and happy. 

A mind obsessed with porn  is not good for much else. 

Porn addiction is easily treated by energy therapies. Sometimes it only takes a single session with a qualified therapist.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Porn Destroyed My Husband "

Henrique said (March 1, 2013):

Great intervention Friday by A. Migchels! Finally a man that has his head in the right place. I was watching with disgust your last article and how it was turning out, the ganging up on the woman without any empathy, just based on their own frustrated life experiences, and worst of all, the APOLOGY of the very tool used to the extreme to demoralize and destroy the biggest enemy the conspiracy has on the face of the Earth - US, heterosexual men.

I do feel somewhat sorry for those guys who suffered in the hands of greedy women and all that ( if those stories can even be completely trusted, for all we hear is one side) and I even have to admit that it's closer to me than anything, for my parents relationship was also what you could call a disgrace that ended up in divorce. But instead of grieving it forever and caving in to the system, surrendering to self-piety and complicity, and maybe growing up to become the next pimp-superstar, I kept believing in high morality and today I believe in it more with every day that passes, even not being religious ( morality has nothig to do with religion when it comes down to it. in my opinion ).

And I indeed had everything AGAINST me, for I'm from one of the ( I actually consider THE ) most hyper-sexualized country in the world [Brazil] - about everything here is soft-porn at least; the other day I was zapping and saw, in a Catholic channel, a middle-aged show host ( not ugly, BTW ) wearing a mini-skirt. I wish it was a joke, but it isn't.

In order to destroy families, you need to hyper-sexualize society; Russel, Kinsey, Freud, Adorno-Horkheimer-Marcuse and a host of other icons of the Brotherhood dedicated their whole lives to degrade and diminish morality and culture to reach this goal. As Alan Watt says, we're the most studied species on the planet, and they surely worked hard to distort our nature and everything around us. High morality, honor, intellect; these things are actually closely related, and they're worth killing and dying for. Long live sanity!

Kevin said (March 1, 2013):

Porn is a negative. Consider this: even if you are not certain about whether pornography is negative or positive, the fact that the media constantly pushes porn and the fact that porn is available EVERYWHERE now proves it is a negative. We all know the Jewish cabal would seek to veil porn, would seek to obfuscate porn, would seek to outlaw porn if it was, in fact, good for a man, a woman, or a relationship (or a child). Porn would be ridiculed. A laughingstock. Those who viewed it would be seen as either weak or stupid.

It should be unbelievable, but ubiquitous websites like tumblr (which any child can access freely) are FILLED with every kind of porn imaginable. Iceland, the only nation smart enough to tell the Banking Elite to go screw themselves, is now seeking to establish filters to prevent porn from polluting its people. Not surprisingly, Jews are the ones against these filters (see: ).

I find each letter to be of value as more than anything they, each in their own way, express how devalued and confused we've become thanks to the Jewish Zionist masters who control all modes of media and paint the picture for what we should aspire to be: ( psychopathic nut jobs which need massive doses of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol to simply attempt functioning in this insane world they've created).

Peter G said (March 1, 2013):

I started reading this article and found myself thinking "don't you think you're being a bit hard on this guy lady?"

Then when she starts banging on about living for Jesus i thought "Wow your hitting the bible pretty hard there Honey" and "It must have been quite hard work living with you - no wonder you
didn't get much..."

Then she's going on about all this guys faults all the time I'm having to duck out of the way of her swinging her eyeball plank around and
then i thought "maybe he is a mason" Just then LO and behold i cursor down a few more lines of text and there's the thing about them throwing out his masonic ring and paraphernalia.

They call themselves "Freemasons" this is the ultimate bit of Orwellian Doublespeak because they are in fact in profound bondage. I
call them Bond-masons because it really grips them to realize that they are more enslaved than any black man ever was.

Dwell upon my words Billy Bondmason the next time you are called upon to drink your brothers draught

Debra said (March 1, 2013):

Another excellent article Henry. Shows EXACTLY how the NWO Illuminati control the masses: through imagination. The power of the mind should
never be underestimated, but is all the time with false information being allowed into it combined with imagery causing a person to imagine and not even knowing they are imagining because it seems real.

We are surrounded by illusions.

Now you have it and know how they do it. Their method is paper thin like the 'paper girl' in porn.

Deb- Men, get a clue! said (March 1, 2013):

Many of the poster's on here are just idiots and it seems their idiotic responses are coming from men...go figure...I went through the exact same thing.

I was a little over weight in my young years and I'm talking maybe 10 lbs. When I started having children my husband became totally disinterested in me and denied me sex. He took matters into "his own hands" along with the aid of pornography. That's how most of my young years were spent.

I have talked to other men and they say it's easier just to pleasure themselves than to deal with the woman beside him. I always felt that strange because I was one of the women that really enjoyed sex. I think my drive was higher than my husbands but then I never really knew what his libido was because he was always
releasing himself and seemed to have a low sex drive to me.

Women don't drive men to porn. This woman could have had an affair and say her husband drove
her to it and that would totally be true! Sadly...that's what happened to me. Perhaps my husband drove me to it...but I cannot blame him for something I did wrong even if he was wrong in the first place.

I spent years with my children doing things without my husband as well. When men are living secret shameful lives they don't like to be seen in the light...Porn ruins the lives of men and destroys families. You idiot men on here need to get a clue.

Vivian said (March 1, 2013):

Re. Bill (below)

When I hear people tell me that there is nothing wrong with pornography, I wonder if they feel all human experiences should be experienced at distance and without restraint?

I see guys, watching sports vs. participating, watching the Daytona 500, but you never worked on a car in your life. You enjoy fine furniture, but have crafted none, not even a birdhouse, or tree house with your kid.

Or you're a chick, that has all this time to tan, streak your hair, get fake nails because it defines you? Spending time to cover the real you, so you look like someone else you saw in a movie, in this day in age oddly enough the "porn star" look is in. Talking about becoming what you hate.

Some of guys on this post talk about a "man's sex drive". When there was no birth control, do you think families fornicated to the degree they do now with all those mouths to feed? In those days I bet Dad busting hump all day doing manual labor like real men did back in they day wasn't looking to "waste" his energy and seed on frivolities. Poor chap probably didn't have time and quite frankly "bigger fish to fry".

When life started becoming too easy and convenient is when we started treating people the same way.

Well at least with the Food Network, maybe we can try watching food being eating by others and see if that helps with America's waistline.

Duane said (February 28, 2013):

I think the maxim here is "judge not lest you be judged".

Men are often ridiculed for putting women on a pedestal and worshiping them for what they think they can offer in a "golden romantic mind blowing" way. However , unless the apparently gentle invisible nature that this man apparently had is seen for what it is... an attempt to show restraint in the hope of true acceptance instead of constant judgement .... he will turn to that which she (and probably he) finds abominable.

She isn't giving him respect, she is looking for flaws and when this happens constantly a mans psyche will break and he will frankly stick two fingers up to the whole shebang.

As a friend said.... woman finds man, woman finds great qualities in the man, woman marries man, woman changes man, man loses qualities woman loved, woman leaves man and then blames him for it.

If this man was as strong as she said to reject freemasonry, she needs to realize that those sons of bitches are not going to take that rejection lightly and will haunt/taunt that man for the rest of his natural life. Freemasonry does not tolerate rejection. It will be subtle, and degrading with all the legalities behind it.

If she is still surprised that he is fucked up after all that then she does not deserve to call herself his wife.

Duane ...... currently undergoing the same shit but without a wife to go home to.

Susan said (February 28, 2013):

can relate to this woman inasmuch as i was in a relationship with a man (a 'religious' Jew) who was more interested in porn on tv than in the living, breathing me that was lying right beside him every night.

i could never understand why he would prefer a vision on a screen than me. some of the commentators to the article say that maybe the wives or girlfriends don't 'put out' enough, therefore driving the poor man to porn in order to relieve his needs. i was always willing and more than able to do this for my man, but still it wasn't enough. i think he had a bit of a complex about the fact that he is of the kohanim and i am a goy. Jews aren't meant to get jiggy with goys - that's what his god says, anyway. i used to ask him if his god thought it was ok to sit and masturbate to porn movies and waste his seed into a paper towel. apparently it must have been, cos he did that ALOT!!!

In my opinion, all porn, whether soft, hard or just in between is total and utter crap.

Lucy said (February 28, 2013):

So much denial from the posters here. Porn is evil, period. It destroys the soul and turns normal, loving, humans beings into animals that are ruled by their primal urges. Despite what the years of brainwashing has told you, sex is not a NEED or a RIGHT.

Sex is a gift that is to be shared within the confines of marriage, and is a language in itself between loving spouses (man and woman). Porn defiles this beautiful act and makes it something disgusting and repulsive. Those who defend it are defending poison.

Luke said (February 28, 2013):

This woman probably drove this man to seek pleasure where he could not find it, with his own wife. She even admitted it, "...but I have lived my life only to please God through Christ."

She placed religion before and in place of her husband. Oh, this really helped solve the problem..." I allowed him to not continue participating in anything in our lives except working to support us"

Lady, look in your own backyard first. Again, my suspicions are that she probably drove the fellow to this sort of outlet. In fact, she might learn something from watching some of the videos he had laying around.

Men, married or not, like to have a woman who is sensual and a bit erotic in their lives. In addition, it is not adultery for men to view porn movies, especially for married men. The latter are often married to women who are lacking in sexual performance or who are not putting-out at all.

Men's libidos do not fade with age, as it usually does in women. Living in Saudi Arabia, a man can have up to four wives...this fellow in the article would not have to worry much about when and how much sex, he could have.

Then again, some men do not care about sex at all. These are the kind that would not marry anyway. In a way, the women in the article was married already, to her religion. Just another form of adultery, if you like.



I think you overlooked where she said their intimate life had been perfect.


Bill said (February 28, 2013):

I normally enjoy reading your articles. Not this one. The self righteous tone and content reminded me of my ex wife. This is misandry at it's most insidious level. Christian Feminism is the worst form of demonic hypocrisy. It gives women - and the males who enable them - the cover they need to undermine the leadership role of their husbands.

Good, gentle, faithful men are defenseless against this type of attack. It is all a power play. Eve desiring her husband's role, Satan whispering in her ear "he's a PORN ADDICT" and she becomes a private investigator, looking for evidence against her loving husband, her financial supporter, the father of HER children.

She slowly hardens her heart against him and alienates HIS children against him behind his back, while he fails to notice - because he still see her and them through the innocent eyes of love and faith. She wins the pastor, her friends, their friends, maybe even his family over to her side and eventually she has eaten away his entire support network.

And yet she is still living in HIS home, driving HIS car, eating HIS food and spending HIS money like it's water. She is a black widow who should be condemned for her disloyalty and hated. The exact definition of a wicked and faithless women. And yet she spreads her poison far and wide with impunity - and it even given free space on! Unbelievable.

Porn is BAD, you say. I say porn is good. In a world where men's sexual and emotional needs go unmet, porn is a lifesaver. Of course women will hate porn because they cannot compete with it. It turns men on like they never could.

I was exposed to porn for the first time at age 13. It was amazing. The most exciting thing that ever happened to me. I still craved love and acceptance of others, but now I had a way to discover women and sex that no male mentor ever gave me. No female ever cared enough to expose herself to me. To this day, no female cares enough to make me feel the way that porn does. Oh, they will tease and make me believe that being with them will be better than a trip to the stars - but it never is. They all lie.

By the way, I am talking about normal porn, even kinky porn, but not BDSM, toilet or pedo porn. The things some people find arousing are quite perverted.

I can tell you this: Porn has been there to comfort me when all others had forsaken me. Through my divorce, i could only impose on my family (mom and brother) so much for a listening ear. My friends didn't want to "get in the middle." I moved to a new place. I had no one. God was silent - as always. I missed my daughter, but the court ordered her to stay with her mom.

But I was ordered to pay $4000/mo "family support." My ex wife bought a brand new house and a brand new car. Started dating men, one right after the other. Got support from everyone she met. I live in a condo alone with a 17 year old car. And you are going tell me that PORN is bad?

JG said (February 28, 2013):

Deirdre, Christ warned us about "adultery in the heart" . We deceive ourselves when we say porn is harmless because we are not betraying our wives by fornicating with another woman. The devil offers us the "counterfeit alternative" to sex and pornography has been a very effective tool for him. When your more in love with the "porn" than your wife, satan than has succeeded.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at