Ireland Was Always Ruled by Freemasonry
June 5, 2017

Dublin-- Ireland's
new Taoiseach (Prime Minister) will be the half-Indian, openly
homosexual Neoconservative Leo Varadkar - yet another proof of
Ireland's status as perhaps the most culturally Marxist country on
earth. How did things reach this pass? To answer that question one
must dispense with all the hackneyed guff that characterizes most msm
commentary on Ireland.
The first thing to remember about these narratives is that the repressive all-powerful Catholic Church" version of pre-1990s Ireland was invented and promulgated by those with the real power in the country. Ireland is ultra-cultural Marxist now, not because fifty years it was a Catholic theocracy, but because fifty years ago it was a masonic liberal state, and still is one now.
Don't take my word for it: A defining part of the Anglo-Irish Treaty which gave birth to the new nominally independent state in 1923, stipulated that no new law made by the new state could apply to the Freemasons in Ireland. As if to physically underscore who still called the shots in the new state, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Ireland sits directly across the road from Dail Eireann, the Irish parliament. Indeed there is strongly rumoured to be a secret underground passage between the two buildings.
Shortly after becoming Taoiseach in 2008, Brian Cowen was caught on a hot mike calling the Fine Gael party of which Varadkar was then a senior member,"Freemason Fuckers". A few months later a huge manufactured financial crisis beset Cowen's government, and he was removed in a palace coup in early 2011.

Cowen wasn't the first Irish politician to learn the cost of speaking out of turn about Ireland's real rulers. In 1986 the former Taoiseach Charles Haughey, left, questioned the incumbent, Garret Fitzgerald, about his attendance at the MI6 aligned Bilderberg gathering. A few weeks later Haughey's yacht capsized on a very calm day off the south coast of Ireland, and he narrowly escaped drowning. After that, he stopped talking about Bilderbergers and became almost as servile a lapdog of the Rothschilds as Fitzgerald.
A few years previously, Martin O'Donoghue, a senior colleague of Haughey's, was caught on tape telling Ray McSharry, another senior figure in the Haughey led Fianna Fail party, that there was "lots of money around" to bribe members of Fianna Fail in order to support a coup against Haughey. True to form, no one in the Irish media ever deemed this smoking gun evidence that Irish democracy was for sale to the highest bidder, worth discussing, much less investigating.
Yes, fictional: In the alleged Catholic theocracy of Eamon de Valera, there was no Catholic cathedral in the capital city of one of the most overwhelmingly Catholic countries in the world (around 95 per cent at the time). The main university, Trinity College was controlled by Anglo-masonic Protestants, as was the main newspaper, The Irish Times. Protestants had special privileges when it came to state education, and two of the state's first four Presidents were Protestants, even though Protestants accounted for less than five per cent of the population. The Mayor of Dublin was Jewish, though Jews were an even smaller minority than Protestants. Many major Irish firms, including the famous Guinness brewery, practiced open employment discrimination against Catholics until the late 1960s. Dublin city itself is laid out in an Anglo-Masonic occult grid.

If that weren't enough to refute the "Catholic theocracy" myth, almost all the prominent cultural figures in the post-independence era were rabid anti--Catholics, which didn't stop their works being force fed to generations of Irish Catholic schoolchildren - the 20th century Irish education syllabus encompassing everyone from the satanist WB Yeats, left, to the coprophile pervert James Joyce, to the Communist Sean O'Casey. What kind of Catholic confessional state would impose anti-Catholic propaganda on its schoolchildren through the compulsory education system?
Contrary to the mythology, the Irish media were rabidly anti-Catholic and ultra-liberal long before the Catholic clerical scandals of the 1990s. For instance In 1983 every single national newspaper and broadcast outlet fiercely opposed ending abortion. They adopted the same ultra liberal stance on all social and moral issues. Irish people were constantly told by their presstitute class that they were ultra-conservative hidebound Catholics, and having been thus rendered chronically insecure by this incessant Masonic badgering, they overcompensated to an extreme degree.
is the robotic cultural Marxism of modern Ireland more apparent than
in the wall of silence that surrounds immigration. The official
figure for persons born outside Ireland living here is 17 per cent.
This is clearly a huge underestimate, but even so it is still
significantly higher than the official figure for the U.K (13 per
cent). Yet immigration is the political issue in modern Britain,
whereas it is never discussed in Ireland - apart that is from the
liberal journalists who whine absurdly that we do not treat the new
arrivals with sufficient care.
In 1994, before the clerical scandals had even begun to enter public consciousness, Emmett Stagg, a prominent left-wing minister in the government at the time, was caught cavorting in Dublin's Phoenix Park with an underage male prostitute. Far from Stagg being prosecuted, or even forced to resign, his career continued to flourish, and he went on to become a minister in the 2011-2016 coalition government.
The Phoenix Park, incidentally, houses the official residence of the President of Ireland, and the current incumbent, the unspeakably camp septuagenarian, Michael D. Higgins is himself strongly rumoured to enjoy cruising the park at night. Higgins won the presidential election in 2011 with a comfortable majority, even though polls two days before had put him an astonishing twenty points behind his much more conservative rival.

His predecessor as President, the Trilateralist Anglo-Unionist Mary Robinson is also gay - though like Stagg and O'Higgins, married with children. Those in the know say she has been a Rothschild agent since her youth, having been set up in a luxurious apartment in central Dublin - complete with a maid - while studying for her law degree at Trinity College. Robinson's husband Nicholas was, at the time of her ascent to the presidency, the second most senior Freemason in Ireland - which may explain the mixture of ardent British Israelism and globalist liberalism which characterizes her politics.
Mary Robinson was long the darling of Irish Anglo-Liberals, but even so, throughout the 1970s and 1980s she could never manage to get elected to parliament in even the most liberal constituencies of south Dublin - unsurprising given her extremely gauche and unsympathetic public persona.
Yet out of nowhere she won the 1990 presidential election - one of many electoral outcomes which cast extreme doubt on the integrity of the Irish voting process. Her election was hailed both at home and abroad as the dawning of the new "post-Catholic" liberal Ireland, but this euphoric reaction seemed strangely choreographed - as if the media and state class had foreknowledge of this alleged cultural cataclysm. To add to the mystery of her triumph, deeply conservative rural backwaters were alleged to have voted almost unanimously for this deeply unappealing ultra-liberal candidate.
Not that these were by any stretch the only dodgy elections to have taken place in modern Ireland. In 2009 in the European parliamentary elections, a chance recount of votes revealed that 3,000 votes had been stolen from a pro-Palestinian anti-globalist and given to Neoconservative candidate. The telling thing about this was the reaction of the media - or rather the lack of same: they barely mentioned it. And the police refused to investigate.
Incidentally this fraud took place in the constituency of Varadkar's immediate predecessor as Taoiseach, Enda (aka Dame Edna) Kenny, a Rothschild toady and rumoured transvestite. In the Irish general election of 2016, another independent candidate in Dame Edna's constituency stated that he has proof for that 1,000 votes were stolen from him.
One of the great mindless clichés about Ireland is that it is a place suffused with "Catholic guilt". It's true, but not in the way it is usually meant. Irish people are taught from childhood, not to be guilty for their sins, but to be guilty for being Catholic. Literally every few weeks the media and political class launch coordinated propaganda offensive against Irish Catholicism - relating to just about every aspect of recent Irish Catholic history, from hospitals to schools to homes for unwed mothers. Again this intense relentless psychic driving offensive long predates the clerical scandals of the 1990s and beyond. The Irish people are so used to such emotional battering that they have long since stopped recognizing it for what it is
In a similar fashion the Irish Zio-media have also long peddled outlandish conspiracy theories about "Catholic secret societies" in order to deflect attention from the real secret power in Ireland: Anglo-Zionist masonry. To adapt the old Polish saying about the Jews, the Irish Masonic liberal cries out in pain about corrupt conspiracies while corruptly conspiring against you.
For instance while the media bellyached constantly about the corruption of builders linked to Haughey and other relatively populist politicians, the presence in senior government of former members of the Workers Party/Group B, a pseudo-communist Mi5 front and organized crime gang, is studiously ignored - not least because ex-Workers Party/MI5 hacks also dominate the media.
Catholic bashing has the great advantage of not only discrediting the Church, but of chronically demoralising the Irish people, thus rendering them spiritually incapable of asserting their rights when it comes to the immigration tsunami. If you're constantly told your country is a refuge for sadistic clerical perverts, why should you fight to protects its ethnic and cultural heritage?
As for the clerical scandals themselves, even Irish Protestants have acknowledged the double standard whereby clerical sexual abuse in all denominations apart from the Catholic Church is ignored by the Irish and global media. By the same token, the late northern Irish writer C.S. Lewis recalled in his memoir 'Surprised By Joy' that in the English Protestant boarding school he attended, sodomy of the prepubescent pupils by young adults was institutionalized.
After his death, his brother Warnie rebuked him for dwelling on this aspect of their school's culture - not because he disputed the facts C.S. recalled, but because his culture of institutionalized sodomy was common to all British private schools! Yet strangely enough Hollywood doesn't make a habit of producing blockbuster films about sexual abuse in Protestant Anglo-Masonic institutions.
David Duke and other white nationalists frequently lament the Jewish supremacist hatred of so called WASPs, but to judge by the output of Hollywood and the Zio-media in Ireland and elsewhere, the Tribal supremacists loathe white Catholics much more even than they loathe white Protestants.
John said (June 6, 2017):
Once more, truth to tell as always, you have knocked the nail on the head.
I was young catholic monk in early 70's in Dublin and Belfast and am aware of (the truth) of most things related in article.
I know that the Workers Party are unreconstructured gangsters, thugs, out and out cultural marxists---just as Sinn Fein has become the respectable equally culturally marxist low lifes.
I used to vote for them in Ireland---no longer! When I raised the feminazi agenda and abortion and same sex marriage and male victims of domestic violence/false testimonies I was ostracized.
Charlie Haughey was a lovable out-right rogue--as corrupt as they come, but by god he had real chutzpah and fulsome integrity on many issues. No wonder the scumbag Fine Gaelers wanted him removed.
And now Varadkar leads the most execrable zio-masonic party. Check out "Irish Savant" artcles on the loathsome, new world order Fine Gael creep/jew Alan Shatter. Now bum boy has taken the reins---(n)it was an unnatural progression for sunken zick Ireland.
Fascinating about the 1923 Anglo -Irish Treaty safeguarding of the masons---domiciled opposite Dail eEireann Parliament----gives a new construction to the agreement signed by Michael Collins, shot dead soon-after at ambush at Beal na mBlath in west Cork.
My sister is intimate of former president Mary McAleese and her brother and parents----ugh, what a loathsome being in the same mould as Mary Robinson