Pizzagate has become a household word. Last week a huge pedophile ring was busted. Hundreds of sickos were arrested and many children were saved. (Of course, the mainstream media was silent.)
The exploitation and rape of children can be found everywhere. It seems none of our institutions are immune, from the Church, to the wealthy elite, from locker rooms to the Washington, D.C. area. (Is it a coincidence that the worst criminal behavior takes place in an area populated by politicians?)
But nowhere is perversion more rampant than in Hollywood. The entertainment industry is a filthy, cesspool, and "Tinsel-Town" is crawling with sexual perverts. Hollywood is also completely run by Jews. (Another Coincidence?)

In 2011, Corey Feldman, left said, "I can tell you the Number-One problem in Hollywood was, and is, and always will be, pedophilia. That's the biggest problem in this industry. I was surrounded by them when I was 14-years-old; literally surrounded. Didn't even know it. It wasn't until I was old enough to realize what they were, what they wanted, and what they were about, and the types of people who were around me. . . they were like vultures."
Perhaps the most famous child-star of them all, Shirley Temple had her run-ins with these "vultures"- these predators who have promised to make big stars out of many young aspiring actors if they take a trip to the "casting couch".
Shirley wrote about her encounters with evil in her book, "Child Star: An Autobiography".

In 1939 when she was 11 years old, Shirley and her mother went to MGM Studios to discuss the possibility of having Shirley star as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. While alone with the Jewish producer, Arthur Freed, he immediately exposed himself to her. He said, "I have something made just for you". Shirley nervously laughed at him, and he became enraged and told her to get out of his office.
Meanwhile, right next door, Shirley's mother was being groped by MGM Studios head Louis B. Mayer (also a Jew) and she had to retreat from his office walking backwards.
Luckily, Shirley Temple did not get the part of Dorothy, but unfortunately Judy Garland did where she was reportedly molested multiple times by Louis Mayer and claimed he ruined her life.
When Shirley was 15 she met movie producer David Selznick (another Jew). He chased her around the room. She went back later for another meeting. This time he was more aggressive, and when she tried to leave the room, Selznick flipped a switch at his desk that locked the door! Fortunately Shirley was more athletic and fit than Selznick and she was able to dodge him until he grew tired of chasing her.
On another occasion, Shirley was attacked by the producer of the movie Mr. Belvedere Goes to College, Samuel G. Engel. She says she thought she was going to be raped. She had to get her agent to make him leave her alone by threatening to walk off the movie set. After the film was completed, Engel tried to force himself on her again.
A short time later, actor and movie producer George Jessel (Yep. Jew) invited her to his office to discuss an upcoming film. Once they were alone, he began grabbing her. Shirley put a stop to his advances with a well-placed knee to the groin.
This is what she'll admit to. But there is a darker story told by reading between the lines. She got her start in something called "Baby Burlesk" in which children aged 3-5 imitated adult stars from well known movies that contained plenty of sexual innuendo. In an interview, she said it got quite "rough." Children were separated from their mothers, she said, and put in a darkened box with ice in it until they realized movies were "a serious business."

After Temple docked "the Good Ship, Lolly-pop", she became an accomplished businesswoman and diplomat. According to her Wikipedia page, she became active in the Republican Party and made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 1967. At the behest of Henry Kissinger, President Nixon appointed Shirley as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly. Later she was appointed United States Ambassador to Ghana by President Ford. She was appointed Chief of Protocol of the United States and put in charge of Jimmy Carter's inauguration. She also served as U.S. Ambassador to Czechoslovakia under George H.W. Bush.
Temple served on the boards of directors of many large enterprises and organizations such as The Walt Disney Company, Del Monte Foods, Bank of America, the United States Commission for UNESCO, the United Nations Association and the National Wildlife Federation.
Temple was president of the Commonwealth Club of California, a public-affairs forum. The club claims to be non-partisan, and is full of partisan politicians of all political stripes. One of the club's current initiatives is called Climate One, which convenes leaders from business, government, and civil society to discuss a "low-carbon, global economy."
Temple was married to Charles Black, a Naval intelligence officer who was Assistant to the President of the Hawaiian Pineapple Company, and the son of James Black, president and chairman of Pacific Gas and Electric, and one of the richest young men in California.

I'm not sure if Shirley Temple was Illuminati, but you could certainly make an argument of guilt by association.
Shirley passed away at age 85 in 2014 from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). She was a long-time smoker, but hid it from her fans because she didn't want to set a bad example.
We will happily remember her as the pretty little girl with the curly locks, singing and dancing her heart out, but let us also never forget the danger posed by these godless pedophiles, who will remain a threat to children everywhere.
First Comment from Dan:
Shirley Temple's later career as a United States Ambassador to a succession of nations on the recommendation of none other than Henry Kissinger tells us that she was programmed to deliver secret encoded messages verbally, without remembering them. She was a diplomat for the US State Department from 1967 to 1992.
From her Wiki: "Temple got her start in foreign service after her failed run for Congress in 1967, when Henry Kissinger overheard her talking about Namibia at a party; he was surprised that she knew anything about it.[86] She was appointed delegate to the 24th United Nations General Assembly by President Richard M. Nixon (September - December 1969),[87][88][89] and was appointed United States Ambassador to Ghana (December 6, 1974 - July 13, 1976) by President Gerald R. Ford.[90] She was appointed first female Chief of Protocol of the United States (July 1, 1976 - January 21, 1977), and was in charge of arrangements for President Jimmy Carter's inauguration and inaugural ball.[90][91] She served as the United States Ambassador to Czechoslovakia (August 23, 1989 - July 12, 1992), having been appointed by President George H. W. Bush.[66] She was the first and only female US ambassador to Czechoslovakia."

Illuminati? That blouse is more than a strong fashion statement...
Red and black is Satanism.
Shirley Temple in 1990.
Pedro said (May 17, 2017):
Fritz Springmeir/Wheeler in their Deeper Insights into the Illuminati reckon that Temple/Black might have been under mind control. Her brother died from MS, which can be caused by the brain scarring operations they undergo to turn them into efficient unwitting robots, her Black husband was in the Pentagon as Colonel and lived at Bethseda (where JFK's body was taken(?) after the shooting, 45 minutes away). She co-founded the International MS Society representing the US there at the UN ( the year that Garland died from an overdose).
Further insights here about Jewish Influence in Mass Media.
this one worth quoting
""This [Hollywood]," complained novelist Theodore Dreiser in its big studio glory days, "is a selfish, self-concentrated, mean, loafing town. The business and political world is hard-boiled and cruel. The movies are solidly Jewish. They're dug in, employ only Jews with American names and buy only what they cannot abstract and disguise. And the dollar sign is the guide -- mentally and physically. That America should be led -- the mass -- by their direction is beyond all believing. In addition, they are arrogant, insolent, and contemptuous." [GOULD, p. 298] "There's enough sincerity in Hollywood," wrote H. L. Mencken, "to fill a peanut shell and still leave room for an agent's heart." [GITLIN, p. 145] The novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald summed up the Hollywood scene as "a Jewish holiday, a gentile tragedy." [GABLER, p. 2]"
and the show(s) goes on...
Worth noting they stole the camera technology from Edison on the East Coast and fled over the border to create Hollywood to escape paying out any shekels and the ultimately establish their own monopoly.
and Garland, her flagrantly homo father and dope peddling mother.