FDR Turned Blind Eye to Soviet Spies
March 4, 2017

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March 4, 2017
Thom C said (March 5, 2017):
I came across a very interesting bit of info, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist named Westbrook Pegler broke a story a year before FDR died that his maternal grandfather made his riches in the Chinese opium trade. His name was Warren Delano, he was chief of operations for the Russell Trust, the same people who founded the Skull and Bones Society the Skull and Bones.
Here is a little list of people involved with Russel and Company and their opium dealings, I see that Skull and Bones member John Forbes Kerry also has his roots in the opium trade. Funny how Bush (who one source is claiming is related to Roosevelt) and Kerry were both members of Skull and Bones which was founded by the Russell Trust, and of course when they both ran for president and Tim Russert asked them about their membership and he died shortly after, rather unexpectedly.
Not only was Kerry instrumental in ensuring a second term for Bush Jr. in 2004, Kerry also presided over the Kerry Commission hearings in the 1980s, he was in charge of investigating the drug trade in Latin America and seemed to do a good job but then let's everything go and let's vice President Bush Senior of the hook. They start discussing John Kerry at the 49 minute mark.
Point of Order! - Producer & Director EMILE de ANTONIO takes us behind the BUSH (Senior) (1989)
JG said (March 5, 2017):
It seems as if de facto Communism has now taken center stage once again in America.
The plight of today's Israel and Zionism is no longer the primary concern of the Marxist Deep State that rules Washington today.
Israel must exist as a theocracy and not a godless state of Communism even if it does not recognize the true God of Biblical Israel.
And, this might be why Trump's support of Israel and Netanyahu is not buying him much favor with the Marxist Deep State media or their Democratic Congress.
The Deep State wants full cooperation on all political action and legislation that supports their agenda and support for Israel alone does not buy a politician insurance against harassment or even political ruin like it once did.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Tom said (March 6, 2017):
Although Harry Dexter White was a proven Soviet spy I think he was a globalist who used the Soviets as part of the globalist satanic elite's long term game. Some of the FDR peeps were communists for sure. Either way, they were all spies.