The ascent of Donald Trump is more than a change of tenant of the White House on 1600, Pennsylvania Ave. It is a momentous swing from Yin to Yang, from dark feminine to bright masculine paradigm, from Cybele to Christ. Tremendous resistance to the regime change proves its unique importance....
A Russian Jewish writer Dmitry Bykov considered it a standard Jewish stratagem: they send a woman to provoke a man with nasty words and insults; if he responds, they attack him in defending the offended womanhood, he wrote in his amusing Living Souls. The Jewish masterminds of the virago revolt - George Soros and his fellow billionaire Tom Steyer, who pledged $100 million for the regime change, utilized this time-honoured subterfuge.
The viragos were joined by LGBT, the evil Tetragrammaton, modern worshippers of Cybele [Mother Earth]. Cybele priests and worshippers castrated themselves in front of their goddess. This is the aim of the gender agenda: castration of the male. Now they have been defeated, as they were defeated centuries ago, and they are not taking it lying down.
So it is not a shift from Democrats to Republicans - it is a shift from Cybele to Christ. This esoteric side of the regime change had been clear to the protagonists. That's why Trump went to church hand in hand with his lady-wife just before the oath, thus ceremonially restoring the normal order of things. That's why Trump by his first blessed act has removed the LGBT smut page off the White House site, restoring its whiteness...
This is the end of the Yin era of gender disorder. The era of kind old ladies assuming leadership on behalf of the unseen puppeteers. The era of unisex toilets instead of equality. The era of political correctness instead of correcting policies. The era of men being ashamed of their manhood and of women manipulated by hedge fund managers...
Homosexuality has been the most glorified gender disorder in Yin era. Some of the male homosexuals were great artists, writers and warriors; however they had a troubled and treacherous personality. The best homosexual writer of the 20th century, Jean Genet, glorified cruelty, betrayal and murder in his wonderful Our Lady of Flowers. Art achievement is not a proof of a reliable good personality, more often, it is other way around.
We aren't allowed to say it anymore, but a few years ago it was received wisdom that homosexuals are treacherous and unreliable, definitely unsuitable for a public office of trust. This quality has endeared them with the Masters who need untrustworthy people, who would easily betray public trust, to fill important political positions.
A great Italian writer and war journalist Curzio Malaparte in his shocking book on American occupation/liberation of Naples called The Skin ("what a man will do, what deeds of heroism and infamy he can accomplish, to save his skin") noticed readiness of the homos to happily accept occupation and to please the invading army. For this sharp observation he had been ostracized by much of the modern media, but indeed native homosexuals are good for an occupying army. Israel takes care of Palestinian gays and even gives them a sort of asylum. Gay International (in words of Joseph Massad) has been instrumental in a sort of colonization of the Arab world. This could provide an additional explanation of why the Masters supported and promoted this unnatural behaviour, as they treat their own countries as occupied territories.
This is not a call for any action against these people beyond pushing them back to their dens. Mankind lives with such disorders and even gets some benefits from their outrages; but never before such a disorder has been "celebrated" as a new norm. There is nothing to celebrate. Go back to your closets, you poor tormented souls, together with BDSM, paedophiles and other pizza consumers, and stay there.
If there is a topic that generated a lot of dislike abroad for the US it was/is for pushing the same sex agenda. The US is/was the only superpower, so few countries refused to comply with their violent and vehement push for the deviants' "rights", but nobody liked it, not even Americans, judging by the election results.
One of the secrets of Putin's popularity in Russia is his stubborn resistance to the previous American regime demands to popularize sexual deviance. Private life in Russia is free and unhindered, but the deviants who want to celebrate their deviance in a public space in the presence of minors are stopped. In very tolerant France, President Hollande's insistence on forcing same-sex "marriage" in the face of huge popular opposition allowed him to achieve the lowest rating ever obtained by a ruling French leader. Hopefully President Trump will not force us to witness unnatural acts in public.
It would be good to roll the viragos back, too. They infect their impressionable sisters by their wild misbehaviour, and turn men's life into hell. Among good and great deeds of Putin I'd list his suppression of Pussy Riot, the previous incarnation of the pink vaginas marching on the White House.
Wherever you witness a battle against Logos, against Christ and against nature, you'd expect to meet some Jews. Indeed Jewish hedge fund managers paid for the pussy riots while Jewish-owned media provided them with free and plentiful publicity. So where do the Jews stand in relation to Trump?
Let's face it, the Jews do not like Trump (always excepting some individuals for free-will can beat ethnic affiliation any time). There are Zionist Jews including Prime Minister Netanyahu who think Trump can be good for the Jews. But then, there were Zionist Jews who thought Hitler would be good for the Jews. They tried, and succeeded in running a profitable business with Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1941. In the face of Jewish American establishment displeasure, they traded for millions of dollars with the Nazi enemy and profited hugely, as Germany experienced difficulties in its foreign trade because of the Jewish boycott. Hitler hoped this trade with the Zionists would improve his relations with the important American Jewish community, but in vain.
So it is an old Jewish stratagem: the main body of Jews fights an enemy, while a secondary hedging movement has a profitable relation with the enemy. Now, the main forces of Jews fight Trump and everything he stands for. The Jews in the Congress and Senate, Jews in the mass media from Hollywood to NY Times are against Trump. But the hedging secondary Zionist branch supports Trump as they hope he will give them a lot.
Now Israelis plan to annex some parts of the West Bank and they hope to bring the US embassy to Jerusalem. The Zionist Jews are in a rush because they are afraid Trump will understand sooner or later that he gets very little from the Zionists in return. Zionists can't influence the main Jewish body to any large extent. Google searching for "Trump antisemite" produces half a million hits; much of it is very recent. Let's just mention an opinion piece by Bernard-Henri Levy in the NY Times explaining that Trump is a swineherd who wants to destroy the Jews through his ostensibly kind acts. In short, extreme Zionists - or Ultra-Orthodox Jews - can't deliver goods Trump wants. So unless he wants to provide for them just for pleasure of being nice to some Jews, this relationship is not likely to last long, and may end in sorrow.
For the Jews support financial institutions from the Federal Reserve to banks to hedge funds; they profit from open borders, they are for immigration and they are usually against popular leaders and politicians. By every logical reason, they will be against Trump - while the Israelis will try to milk Trump as much and as fast as they can.
However, none of it, nor Jews neither viragos and deviants present a deadly threat. This is an opposition and a bother one can live with. The victory of the Yang can't and won't be total. Yin and Yang co-exist forever, it is just a question of proportion. President Trump should not even wish for total victory and elimination of Yin elements. It will suffice to push them into their proper subservient place, out of the centre of cultural and economic life. Subservience of the Yang is abnormal, but Yin should keep a modest place. Hopefully this will be achieved.
Israel Shamir can be reached at
Ken Adachi said (January 30, 2017):
What a first rate write-up and analysis. I would only add that the collective anger of traditional, conservative America is going to find full vent in the next year or two or three. The anger has been building for far too long.
It needs a national repudiation of the Marxist JWO degeneracy and perdition that has sullied the American spirit which has been thirsting for a return to societal decency, morality, and civility. It's going to be a much greater pendulum swing than a mere levelling of the scales. There's going to be a conservative backlash in many areas, but especially against the imposition of homosexual degeneracy in our schools and bathrooms. If Trump follows through with his promise to deport the many millions of illegals who richly deserve to be reunited with the land of their birth, then watch what happens to the mayors and city councils and police chiefs of those sanctuary cities. Despite the bravado and self assured hubris, watch them disappear like snowflakes in July.