In Defence of Male and Female
January 13, 2017

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January 13, 2017
David said (January 15, 2017):
Henry, after 40+ years in the workforce employed by large US corporations burdened with labor laws that go out of their way to shield women from any consequences or responsibility for their actions, for me the operative phrase is "when the going gets tough, the feminists go A.W.O.L.".
I can't tell you how many times at 3am on a trouble call -- when reputations, revenue, infrastructure and quite possibly lives are at risk -- the only ones on the call and in the field trying to fix what's broken and pull everything out of a ditch are the menfolk, and usually it's white guys with grey hair!
All the women I've ever worked with who see themselves as "empowered" and "in control" are never around when the chips are down.
M said (January 14, 2017):
It's worth noting that in the Canadian immigration process, the presence of children counts for nothing, no additional points at all. Even high IQ, English speaking, educated children.
In face of the demographic disaster, this doesn't make any sense.
James C said (January 14, 2017):
The declining birth rate may have something to do with the fact that it costs $233,000 to raise a child from birth through age 17. Nobody has that kind of money anymore.
Rodney said (January 14, 2017):
I like your article and agree with most of what you say as usual. But you have left out the primary reason for low birth rates in Canada and the USA. BIRTH CONTROL methods.
Women would still be having more children per woman if not for the pill and the like. And let's not forget the 30 plus million abortions used a a backup if she still gets pregnant just in the US alone.
Talking about dysfunction at it's worst: a womans womb is a safe haven for 9 months for a baby to grow. The Communists (Satanist) have turned it into a coffin.
Boris said (January 14, 2017):
However, I find this diatribe regarding feminism has run its course. It is time to move on and stop giving it any more energy. Let's begin to move the discussion to a higher paradigm of thought and consciousness.
I have enclosed an excerpt from a book. You should examine this excerpt and consider evolving your philosophy accordingly and begin to provide a direction, a way out instead of just giving diatribes and discussing the problems. What you resist persists and resistance is futile. If one keeps just dissecting the problem, the universe is going to give you more problem to dissect for this is where the attention and thus "love" is focused. Focus on the solution and the problem ceases to exist.
"The Yokar told me that the ancient Atlanteans discovered the Life Force after many thousands of years of observing life unfolding before them. They determined that the energy of Life flows in a balanced way~that is~ a neutral quality. They realized that the Life Force is made up of three parts: a male or positive propulsive part~ a female or negative attractive part and a neutral part. As it flows~ it responds to the energetic consciousness of all living beings and becomes divided into varying degrees of polarized potential, male and female. The precise way in which the energy comes together manifests all reality according to what is required" ...
... "Exactly! By comparison, creative visualization is only part of the process. It's accurate in that the Life Force will follow consciousness. But in that technique, the person visualizes what he wants and will see himself already obtaining it without any other consideration. Doing that will short circuit the potential energy that might have been created by the visualization. Do you what I mean?" ...
... "Okay. You see Yokar said that real manifestation must follow the 'law of cooperation.' That means that no single conscious being can control everything. That would be dangerous! Instead, everything really cooperates with everything else. When you ask for something, you have to be willing that it will also be in harmony with what everything else needs."
Now this is true nature of the "male" and "female" ... co-creators upon this neutral plane where Dreams manifest: A usufruct in balance with divinity. This is the nature of God.
Duane said (January 14, 2017):
There is a fundamental flaw in this essay:
“Women have been selected for a task more important than anything men do. She creates life.â€
None of us can create life ... we are merely vehicles, reagents, substrates for processes that have been happening for eons.
We do not dictate how they happen (other than we currently have ways of stopping them happening). No woman sits there during pregnancy and orders the cells to structure themselves in a particular way ..... divide at a certain time..... and differentiate into the various structures that create the body. She is a vessel in which it happens .... she is not a creator ... but she can be a destroyer if she chooses.
Because you are involved in creation does not make you the creator.
It could be equally argued that as what you give birth too is destined to die ... then you are the creator of death if you stick to the “i am a creator†maxim.
We create nothing ... we are merely vehicles for its movement. Just because we may wave gods wand... it doesn’t make us god ... we didn’t make the wand ourselves in the first place.
That’s the major problem at the moment.... we don’t “make†babies as we are not makers.
To all women.... you have a womb... that makes you precious...... but you are not involved in what happens within it.... therefore you are not god.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Jim T said (January 15, 2017):
Again I write to say thank-you for setting forth a reasonable explanation of the male-female paradigm, becoming so misunderstood in our world in these latter days.
Let us face it: there is such a measure of "utter selfishness" all around us (see 2Timothy 3: 2), few are desirous to seek after the beauty of truth in the Sacred Scriptures, thus settling down to marriage in this life, is becoming nearly impossible as a formula to life!
Your explanation: "Equality makes sense only as a marriage of these two different kinds of power . . ." in my humble opinion, bridges the gap created by spiritual insufficiency as to the knowledge of a Loving Creator's highest attainable desire for His creation, and hopefully will help those suffering from too much selfish love, to reason their way to a better understanding of marriage and male female relationships, which may eventually bring them to the Word, and the true meaning as to what life here on the only fallen world in Yahuwah's creation, is all about.