Trump's Troublesome Ties to Evangelicals
November 18, 2016

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November 18, 2016
Ken Adachi said (November 19, 2016):
Another guilt-by-association and conviction by paranoia character assassination of Donald Trump. It was bad enough BEFORE the election, now we get the post election drubbing. And he's still 60 days from even taking office. Will we lay the Great Chicago Fire on him too, by time he takes the oath of office?
The corrupt and twisted "Christianity" manufactured by 'End Times' evangelical con artists like Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, etc, etc is a completely separate topic of discussion - which I wrote about ELEVEN years ago called British Israel: -
from that of Donald Trump and to conflate the two, as if they were one and the same, is the very definition of guilt by association.
The list is growing. Other articles posted have claimed -without proof - that:
Trump's a Jew
Trump's a Freemason
Now, Trump's an Evangelical Christian Zionist.
Tomorrow, he'll undoubtedly be exposed as a Jesuit agent working for the Pope.
He's photographed with the tips of his fingers touching together and another photo is produced of Hitler doing the same, therefore Trump = Hitler or Trump's broadcasting his allegiance to the Iluminati Club with the castled finger hand sign (a la Merkel) . Is it possible, though, that Trump simply has the HABIT of touching his finger together like some people lightly clasp their hands together, while waiting, and sitting, and being photographed? .
Yeah, let's just keep nay-saying and dumping on Trump as much as possible - even two months before he takes office. That'll fix him for running and winning the presidency. The Rat Bastard. .
Cynthia Underwood replies:
Something didn’t set right with me when I read his comment. It does not sound genuine, nor completely truthful, twisted info. The article had absolutely nothing to do with D.T.’s “guilt by associationâ€. D.T. would never have been elected had he not promised the Evangelicals and the religious alt right unconditional support for the state of Israel. The religious alt right was created and is being used to support Israel, Zionism, the ZNWO and its political candidates. Zionism is not Christian or Jewish, it is satanism. The reason I could write the article is because I was born into this religious system and met many of its leaders. I know it like the back of my hand. I am also a personal friend with a victim of SRA by K.Copeland and other Charismatic leaders. It is a hub for Christian Zionism.
Ken Adachi said (November 19, 2016):
Another guilt-by-association and conviction by paranoia character assassination of Donald Trump. It was bad enough BEFORE the election, now we get the post election drubbing. And he's still 60 days from even taking office. Will we lay the Great Chicago Fire on him too, by time he takes the oath of office?
The corrupt and twisted "Christianity" manufactured by 'End Times' evangelical con artists like Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, etc, etc is a completely separate topic of discussion - which I wrote about ELEVEN years ago called British Israel: -
from that of Donald Trump and to conflate the two, as if they were one and the same, is the very definition of guilt by association.
The list is growing. Other articles posted have claimed -without proof - that:
Trump's a Jew
Trump's a Freemason
Now, Trump's an Evangelical Christian Zionist.
Tomorrow, he'll undoubtedly be exposed as a Jesuit agent working for the Pope.
He's photographed with the tips of his fingers touching together and another photo is produced of Hitler doing the same, therefore Trump = Hitler or Trump's broadcasting his allegiance to the Iluminati Club with the castled finger hand sign (a la Merkel) . Is it possible, though, that Trump simply has the HABIT of touching his finger together like some people lightly clasp their hands together, while waiting, and sitting, and being photographed? .
Yeah, let's just keep nay-saying and dumping on Trump as much as possible - even two months before he takes office. That'll fix him for running and winning the presidency. The Rat Bastard. .
James said (November 19, 2016):
The Zionists brought us World Wars I and II, and they will bring us World War III.
Elizabeth said (November 19, 2016):
Thanks for the Trump articles
You put the puzzle pieces together for me. I was a Trump supporter but throughout the campaign had misgivings. Things like Paula White, Simpsons cartoon depicting Trump as president or candidate, and recently Freemason hand signals and then his cabinet selections. I could find no answers on alternative media. It's like they so want Trump to be for America that they ignored the clues. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thanks Elizabeth
Don't wrote him off. He's a big improvement over Hilary and if he just keeps his promises on Russia, immigration and trade, and stop the attack on gender, he'll be fine.
Glen2 said (November 18, 2016):
Just a quick word of thanks to Henry for letting all his readers know what we are in for. It remains to be seen if Trump will bow to these crazies, the Zionist of both Judaism and Christianity. Good help you folks in the middle east if he does, as nothing and nobody will be safe when it comes to Israel's "greater Israel project".
Tony B said (November 18, 2016):
The woman who wrote this is apparently anti all religion but nevertheless she reveals more sad facts on Trump that no one wanted to talk about during the campaign.
This new information seems to show, through Trump, new gains for the talmudic world control of all people as revealed in the protocols of the elders of zion. Mind control of people who think of themselves as Christians but who actually worship the devil in disguise runs rampant today and Trump is involved.
Al Thompson said (November 18, 2016):
The English language doesn't contain words foul enough for me to describe these Christian pastors. They are horrific liars, thieves, cheats, murders, and child molesters. I used to go to churches like these and I caught the pastors of every one of them lying about the bible. I would get a nagging feeling to get out of whatever church I was in because something didn't feel right. I think it was my conscience telling me to get the hell out of there.
At the time, I didn't know about the Satanic symbols but I did know how they distorted the bible. All of these churches are in the same pathetic condition. At the time, I wasn't aware of Zionists but all of the pastors had their noses up Israel's rear end. It wasn't until I came across Henry's site that I realized that Christianity could be Judaism for gentiles. These false churches were set up to pacify believers in God, and the fact is that they are just as corrupted as the Communist Jews.
I don't know much about Paula White, but in the Bible, it says that a woman is not allowed to speak in the church. Whether you agree with it or not, that's what the text of the Bible says. So, if one really believed in the Bible then women wouldn't be speaking in the church. And that's just one issue that the charismatics mess up.
In later years, I found out that the church I attended was supposedly financed by the CIA or Illuminati. Given the nonsense I experienced, I wouldn't be surprised that was true.
I could write a book on these idiots but I have my mind to preserve.
JG said (November 18, 2016):
Kenneth Copeland was born in the same year and place as Buddy Holly, Lubbock Texas. He also had a brief music career.
The televangelists overwhelmingly support Israel in prophecy and still continue to deny or accept the reality of this present rogue state and it's crimes against Christians and humanity. They still are all silent on the murder of Rachael Corrie to this very day.
Apostasy is running rapid in the Commercialized Church today that rates itself by the dollars it brings in and not the souls it saves.
The Church like the prophets can't make Israel change it's ways or protect them from God's wrath. judgements.
Ryan said (November 18, 2016):
Trump is just as much a wolf in sheep’s clothing than these heathens. One and the same. So Trumps alliance to these degenerate TV evangelists is just more of the same phony reality TV drama Trump is so accustomed to. Win over the duped Christian masses with a staged photo op and he's suddenly in the good books. Its just all so predictable.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
YN said (November 20, 2016):
So true! Trump was the only choice we had, but there really wasn't a choice. I've been watching (Zionist) Charisma magazine and WND sing his praises. Did you read that the Sanhedrin are going to ask Trump to rebuild the temple(!?) ...and there's Netanyahu's endorsement. They're (WND) even declaring Trump's election to have been a miracle of God because of how the votes swung in the final hours. There's a Youtube video of Pence announcing that he and Trump support Israel. Unsettling.
Charismatic Christians are celebrating and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I'm a Christian, but not a charismatic, (I was, but I recently saw my way out of it, along with all the Zionist propaganda.) Your article is right on the mark about these people Henry! I only wish more Christians could break through the "anti-Semitism" stigma and see. :(
Again, thank you so much for your work!