Brendon O'Connell: Why I Seek Asylum in Iran
November 12, 2016

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November 12, 2016
Doug P said (November 13, 2016):
There is a very few people that I would be honored to meet in this rotten corrupt world. Ahmadinejad would be at the top of my list. He has a PhD in chemical engineering, is a holocaust questioner and seems to operate with integrity. He carries a lunch to work every day, made by his wife. Its just a job. I can't imagine him sacrificing children in a satanic ceremony to win favor with the Jew. Iran allows Jews to live there but keeps them isolated. Iran has been around for 3000 years, the USA, 200 years. Maybe the USA could learn from Iran.
Stephe Coleman said (November 13, 2016):
This is truly sad what happened to Bendon. His right to freedom of expression was squashed in a most disconcerting way.
I see western governments pushing a hidden agenda that few are noticing. The agenda of making everybody whiney victims. Once you are a victim, you can be nothing else and you are under "their" control. Victims will not take responsibility for their feelings and therefore will not seek to overcome hurt. Victims see it as always somebody else's fault, thus disempowering themselves.
So did Bendon take a bottle of offence and dastardly poison Keyser by pouring it into him? Those were Keyser's feelings and nobody else's feelings. Bendon simply brought up that which was already within Keyser... assuming that Keyser is not lying.
Likewise the feminist movement is all about victimhood, Go to any woman's shelter and there the counselors are missionaries promoting victimhood rather than empowerment. The only empowerment they are given is escaping from intolerable situations. Thus this movement overcompensates and turns women into tyrants, making them into unfit spouses and mothers.
Child Protective Services likewise promotes children and teen victims (whose brains are not yet fully developed) into tyrants and rule the roost over their own parents. I recall seeing a teen girl arguing with her mother about buying a dress, then threatening her mother with calling CPS if she didn't buy the dress.
It is victimhood that the governments are pushing and this is destroying western civilization. I'm not against women being empowered, but tyranny is not empowerment, it is narcissism.
Al Thompson said (November 12, 2016):
Apparently, criticizing Jews is a crime against mankind. These governments are communist. If they have a central bank, free public schools, income, property, and inheritance tax, then they are communist to the core. I don't know much about Iran but if Islam is the dominant religion, it comes from the same Satanic roots as Judaism. That also goes for Christianity. Religion is the main source of confusion as they pervert God's natural order.
Iran is probably a better place to live than Australia at this point and I hope Brendon can make it work. But the culture is so different and reality will probably set in shortly.
Looking at the women with the headscarves, I can say that they look very nice and dignified. Iranian women in general, look more appealing than the gutter-sluts called women in the United States and western countries. Most of the world's problems are centered around communism and religion and I think it is better to stay away from both.
Sid Green said (November 12, 2016):
Reading this article is very very very sad. I also regret to inform the writer that Iran and other Muslim countries are not outside of the NWO. Modern Islam is not even
based on what's in the Qur'an. Its interesting to note the influence of Judaism on Islamic doctrine. It seems Jewish scholarship has influenced Islam so much that Muslim scholars take traditionally Jewish positions about Christian issues. Fundamentalist Islam is a fake religion invented by western intelligence agencies. It's controlled by Western forces. If you read Sunni Literature out of Pakistan, it can look like it was written by a Rabbi.
In terms of the Iranian leadership, I have no idea how genuine they are, but I know the CIA was involved in putting them in power. Don't be naive. Be careful. You are in the middle east. People are acting nice. That's normal! If you have arrest warrants out in the west, don't trust people in Iran. Iran is crawling with Mossad. They even tried to convince the 60,000 Jews who still live there comfortably to move to Israel and be disenfranchised but they refused because they have it too good. The Orwellian nature of the Australian legislation, seemingly composed in my family's dinner discussion about the holocaust, then somehow elevated to executive levels, is extremely concerning. Last night I had a nightmare about the NWO beginning, with floodlights in all the streets rounding people up.
My main point is that in the middle east things are never as they seem, and especially with governemnts, you might be dealing with another branch of the CIA. Good luck. Did you consider converting to Judaism for survival? JK
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Jamie from Ireland said (November 13, 2016):
You come across to me as the quintessential Irish bare knuckle Boxer who just doesn't back down.
There are so many levels to this thing, you would have to have been continually warned to But out, wind your neck in, just let it go, listen son if I were you I would.... but you have stood firm to your beliefs against the obvious discrepancy's in our judiciary and how it is so easily manipulated or bi-passed not in occupied Germany but so called Free Australia.
The 87 Year old German Woman and the 94 Year Old former Camp Guard who joined up at 17 are both in jail in Germany as we speak. While a never ending stream of Zombies flock to Poland every year and spend the rest of time validating themselves to their friends back home with the details.
I remember reading an article in the early 90's when I was starting to "Waken Up" about a travel Journalist who had just visited Iran as they starting to issue Visa's again. To summarise he said Iran was the friendliest Country he had ever visited and that everyone wanted to speak English. When he was on one Bus the entire bus came down to speak to him and offer help/advice. He also found that most of the time when he asked for directions the person he was asking usually just "Came with him" to wherever he was going.
It completely exploded my media installed view of Iran and the Western Media forever.
It was my Eureka moment on my journey to truth and recognising the Western Media for what it is.... simply a Propagator of Myths projecting a false reality and World View on the Goyim a World View which has enslaved them.
I would however guess that Iran Utopia is awash with paid Mossad informants of the West so I would give your security proper thought.
Keep ducking and Diving...
but keep rammin it up them
Good Luck