Rudolf Hess was Tortured "for Trying to End the War"
August 12, 2016

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August 12, 2016
Allen said (August 13, 2016):
Another accurate accounting of the Satanic duplicity and demonic perpetraters that follow their jew / masonic dictates into oblivion.
With "24" Protocols presented in "1899" and now clearly fulfillec-2017 is their antichrist stooge presentation-Marking 300 years since the British formation of the Grand Lodge......adding 1 through 24 yields 300-yet another way if expressing "666".
There is little spiritual resistance among MEN to all this-
perhaps because they have taken an oath.
The tree is KNOWN by its fruit.....or lack thereof.
Yahshua clearly stated that " when he returns will he find ANY emunah ( faith ) ?? The ovbious answer is clearly no.
Thank you, Henry, for another "hidden" parcel of history....
Psalm 37, Revelation 5:10, and others point to the Kingdom Age....where Yashua will reign-and like Lazarus ...the elect will be raised up for the marriage outlined in John 2 and exemplified in Psalm ( Tehillim ) 45.
Shalom. my friend
James C said (August 13, 2016):
I'm amazed that you would publish such a hideous distortion of history. To me this sounds like a shameless and blatant perpetuation of the commonly accepted fiction that Hitler was a raving warmonger. In truth, Hitler did everything he could to avoid a war with England. This historical fact is amply documented. The real raving warmongers were Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The Germans were fighting Communism. The Germans lost, and the entire world lost. And the entire world will soon pay the consequences for losing. There was no "Russian Revolution" in 1917. It was a Jewish Communist Revolution imposed on the Russian people from the outside and backed by Western bankers. Just as 2017 will witness another Jewish Communist Revolution imposed on the American people.
Glen said (August 12, 2016):
Wow, another piece of the truth puzzle falls into place. Once again it proves everything, and I mean everything we have been taught or told is a bold faced lie. I have seen mentioning's of the betrayal of Hess on other sights but I never knew it was this bad for him.
Once again the old saying "The truth is the truth even if no one believes it and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it" rings so very true.
Robert K said (August 12, 2016):
Many of your readers will recognize the name of Dr. Ewen Cameron as that of the psychiatrist head of the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill University whose attempts in the 1950s to wipe all memory from his patients through torturous methods (which he termed "depatterning", by means of "psychic driving") were secretly financed by the CIA. He was at various times president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, the American Psychiatric Association and the World Psychiatric Association. In his corrupt quest this mad scientist left "patients" unable to recognize their own children, incapable of caring for themselves at even a basic level, incontinent, etc. There is much information about him on the Internet, and in 1998 a 3-hour docudrama called "The Sleep Room" was made about his inhumane experimentation.
Interestingly, McGill University accounts this monster as one of its academic luminaries. The university's archival staff listings recount this among his achievements: "It was at Albany [State Medical School] that Cameron conducted his most important research on sensory deprivation, memory and aging.... Cameron's high reputation in the psychiatric field is attested by his appointment in 1945 to the American panel to examine Rudolf Hess at the Nuremberg trials [emphasis added]. Knowing what we do of Cameron's subsequent activities, one can only say, "Poor Hess!"
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
T said (August 14, 2016):
"Masonic Jews are the source of all malcontent (ie “debt/foreign invasion/poverty/inequality/political intrigue/corruption†etc), simply to use that as the excuse to go to war to topple prosperous monarchies and expand their zionist control:
WW1 was to eliminate Russia’s monarchy and establish the jewish socialist/soviet union.
WW2 was to eliminate Germany’s monarchy and establish Israel/the European Union (called the “league of nations†back then) to permanently keep the German nation down.
And WW3, whose roots in my opinion began back in 1963 with the assassination of Kennedy and will culminate in the vision of shillary clinton's policies, is to topple American exceptionalism and establish the Israeli union over the conquered middle east.
And all this jewish/zionist control is upon OUR taxes because they are fundamentally SOCIALISTS (“Nazi’s/national socialists). Everyone in Europe knows that the EU is a giant socialist state where the bureaucrats live like kings on taxpayers while giving scraps back as ‘grants/bailouts’ when its politically advantageous to them, using corrupt state apparatus to enforce the continued payment of taxes. And also notice that these nations never recover from the jewish socialist takeover. Look at Greece. Russia is now an oil oligarchy with huge Soviet sentiment. Germany is a marxist multicultural dump. And its now invading the US, UK, and Canada".