(left, Sana'a, capital of Yemen is a city of two million)
This Saudi-Zionist aggression has been a blessing in disguise.
Not only did it teach Yemenis to be even more self-reliant,
but it has unified a once deeply divided people...
"The maniacal Western influence over the last few decades enabled by traitorous politicians and businessmen is now facing resistance by the mostly traditionalist revolution of the people who have suffered too long in the hands of a few traitors to country and God. "
The author is a Yemeni housewife with a degree in English residing in central Sana'a. She is an example of the fact that Muslims are our allies in the resistance to Zionist Occupational Government. The Zionists are behind terrorism, ISIS and Islamophobia.
by Voiceless Yemen
Aside from being war torn, Yemen has been isolated from the global village for some 14 months now. However, in this globalist age, isolation may not be that awful for a conservative country like Yemen.
In September 2014, Yemen cemented a grassroots revolution by driving corrupt officials out of the country and taking control of the capital. Not surprisingly, Zionists armored by the West, UN and the remaining so-called Arab leaders (mostly monarchies) sprung into action. Initially a ten nation 'Arab Coalition' was later exposed to be a 20-nation coalition composed of super powers like US, Israel, UK and France. They weren't fighting terror groups but a whole nation and all its people. A complete siege/blockade of air, land and water was announced shortly after the start of the lopsided military venture. Most embassies had already vacated or closed. This would be the start of the price to pay for freedom and sovereignty.
The coalition air raids targeted everything in sight. Electric plants were some of the first causalities. Sanaa, the capital had already been experiencing power outages on a daily bases. One would at least get a couple of hours to cool the fridge and charge a phone or laptop. As the airstrikes intensified and continued into the second month, government generated electricity would be a thing of the past. Since May of last year, Sanaa has completely been off the grid.
Yemenis have been used to all types hardship for decades now: blackouts, weak currency, unemployment, corruption, inflation, water shortages, malnutrition, interrupted oil and gas deliveries and a lot more. For years now, Yemenis have learned to get by and make do with less day by day, year after year.
Since the start of the Saudi/Zionist aggression all this has doubled if not tripled. Gas and oil prices doubled, currency lost nearly 1/3 of its value. Cooking gas at one point was no where to be found for nearly two months. People turned to lumber and wooden ovens. With electricity, most turned to alternative energy in the form of solar power. Luckily 'the coalition' could not blow up the sun (300 days of sunshine a year) to keep us in the dark or else they would have.

(left, Lining and waiting for days just for fuel, a normal daily reality for Yemenis.)
The tragedy of this prolonged aggression has been a blessing in disguise. Not only did it teach Yemenis to be even more self-reliant, but it has unified what once were deeply divided people. Several decades of Saudi/US meddling in internal affairs had caused wide-scale corruption, injustice, sectarianism, tribalism and extremism. If this war/aggression could bring together longtime enemies, ex-president Saleh and the Houthis leader together in an alliance, you would have to call it a blessing. Both men have huge number of loyalists. Saleh is leader of the General Peoples Party, the largest party in the country. Al-Houthi, has the allegiance of prominent northern tribes as well as ever-growing followers especially after the war started. Both groups comprising the loyalty of nearly two-thirds of the population of Yemen.
Two years ago, no one would have imagined the words 'death to America, death to Israel, curse upon the Jews' plastered along the gates and walls of the government building including the presidential compound. A refreshing sight considering several years of essentially being governed by the Jewish US ambassador, Gerald Firestine.

Anti US, Israel slogans are all over streets in Sanaa in a growing trend of acceptance to resistance ideology
The Saudis have poured billions of dollars have been poured into Yemen to bribe and buy out tribe leaders and Shaykhs . The Muslim Brotherhood's Islah (reform) party enjoyed extensive support from the Saudis in exchange for the spreading of Wahhabi ideology and promoting sectarianism which did not exist a few years ago.
Businesses in Yemen were mostly in the hands of corrupt officials or Muslim brotherhood affiliates. Hameed Al-Ahmir is a crooked Islah party leader and sleazy businessman who owned everything from a telecommunication carrier (Sabafon) to commercial banks (Saba Bank) to oil and gas (Safir) and even KFC/Baskin Robbins franchises. He fled to Turkey and has being indicted for several counts of corruption including tax evasion. He also owns the television Chanel 'Suhail' which sports Masonic symbology in the form of incomplete pentagram.
Another extremely dominant business conglomerate in Yemen is the House of Hayel. Based in Taiz, Yemen's third largest city, the HoH literally owns trade and imports in Yemen. An empire erected practically over night by Hayel Sa'eed An'am who, wouldn't you know it, spent time in Britain before coming back to Yemen to start his business. The group even accounts for one-third of Yemen's total GDP!
So wicked and ever-expanding in its monopolizing efforts in Yemen, the group has yet to identify their partners in their title 'House of Hayel & Co.'. Rothschild maybe? The HoH owns disproportionately the most notable brands of Yemen from foodstuff to airlines. They are also in the business of banking, insurance, construction, real estate, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, cars dealerships and parts, plastic, television & entertainment, advertising, furniture, steel, toys, fashion, chemicals, electronics ect. You name it!
The shadiness of the group is even evident in their discriminatory practices of employing only natives of Taiz and being managed and run by mostly British executives. The group is also a loyal and staunch supporter of the House of Saud. All one has to do is turn on to their television channel, Al-sa'aedah.
Life in Yemen used to be simple not too long ago. Food was mostly grown organic. Cities weren't overcrowded. People preferred the country life, clean air and water, fresh milk and meat from healthy and free-range livestock. Seafood was abundant thanks to the vast coastlines. Yemen, birthplace of the coffee bean produces the finest and most expensive coffee on the market. It once produced 80% of the world's supply of coffee; now it only grows about 5%. But as Yemen started to embrace capitalism and accept globalization, a few corrupt individuals have benefited while most have gotten the short end of the stick.

Women too, not long ago were simple in nature. Today, and even more we have seen a dramatic increase in decay of society thanks in part to satellite television, smart phones, fashion and education run by businesses interested in profit and not preserving the moral fibre and integrity of society.
Today, in dense cities, there is intermixed universities, a larger percentage of make-up wearing, qat (national drug of choice) chewing, women smoking; things unheard of a decade or two ago. So evil and earthed is the conspiracy that even libido drugs (stimulants/enhancers) were found in chewing gum for women.
Young men are in no better situation. Economic hardships deny most youth their dream of marriage and family. Marriage in the early twenties is as basic and routine as a elementary education. Many young men who can't afford marriage turn to dating secretly which is unaccepted and dangerous here. Others find comfort in the internet through social networks or may even get addicted to drugs and vice in order to alleviate and cope with all the external pressures surrounding them.
Ultimately, this is what's at stake. The future of the youth of this conservative nation and the moral fibre of its society is under a speedy and effective attack.
This could explain why the US is reconstructing and renovating their embassy in Sanaa ahead of any outcome out of the peace dialog currently being held in Kuwait. Satan isn't about to relinquish all he has worked so hard to build (vice, secularism, consumerism etc.) and destroy (sovereignty, religion, morality tradition etc.) in Yemen.
The war on Yemen is not over by any means. It has merely reconvened in stealth mode, that's all. As long as there such footholds such as usury, central bank, chemtrails, vaccines and monopoly of trade and business; isolation no longer serves as a form punishment. Quite the opposite. In Yemen's case, isolation becomes the a chance to breath fresh air and clean up in the midst of this global satanic onslaught and the commencing one world conspiracy.
Peter said (May 4, 2016):
Now that I am up-to-date on our rotten world behavior,
I am very glad that the people there are getting together
to fight for their lost freedom.
The current British-led thugs need to be kicked out.
Our rag man in Wonderland needs to have the recon-
struction of the embassy halted. We need a new personality
with Common Sense and Common Decency to regain our
original selves from before 1840 to start over.