Illuminati Hand Seen in "Flat Earth" Conspiracy
February 12, 2016

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February 12, 2016
Beatrice said (February 13, 2016):
Not surprised at all Sir.
If you find the the geocentric model ridiculous why so have an article on it. Quite obvious so.
And not a very good one either I'd say. Any halfwit like myself can see water always lies flat. Or how about this then...
Six months from January 1 midday or 180 degrees on the heliocentric model you will find the day and night will flip. Another example is what I can see and sense. How come I can see the coast of Wales from the fishing port of Kilkeel in Northern Ireland with the aid of a good telescope?
Impossible on a globe of 25,000 kilometres according to spherical trigonometry.
There are hundreds of examples or proofs that say we do not live on a spinning ball going millions of miles per hour through open space. Your attempt to discredit where we really live is very poor indeed.
Ric said (February 13, 2016):
Ya know Henry, I have read your stuff over a long period of time and have always been a little bothered as to whether you were the 'real deal' - I've had to change my mind about quite a few over the years - some are a little slicker than others but, eventually the fakes, trolls and 'controlled opposition' agents turn the gun on their own feet and empty the mag. Think you just did the very same thing Henry. This 'flat earth' thing is going to bring a whole lot of inflated egos a whole lot of pain. Your panic-stricken, knee-jerk response to the rapidly growing movement is palpable.
So, Henry, you are either a full-on paid whore for the dark cabal OR you are too dumb/lazy/comfortable (whatever) to confront the matrix. My money is on the door that carries the sign 'Henry Makow - Illuminati Controlled Opposition'. Try and prove me wrong.
Everyone who disagrees with you is not controlled opposition.
I guess this means the Jewish Masonic conspiracy does not exist and Feminism is just wonderful.
Tony B said (February 13, 2016):
Egad, Henry, has practically everyone except you and me gone bats? This Steve guy (CIA?) uses the exact argument that made people agree that the earth is ROUND to try to discredit it. It was watching sailing ships gradually disappear starting from the waves washing the bottom sides to the very top of the highest point as they sailed further away that sealed "roundness" as truth.
I tend to think that the nations putting up all those satellites don't buy the flatness.
Do we know of any miners falling through the other side? Some of those mines get pretty deep, you know.
Also, since mathematics is used to explain all the things God made (to the points we understand), let's hear from real mathematicians on the subject. (I'm not pushing Einstein here, don't think he was all that accurate on such things.)
Perhaps we should turn the Hubble telescope toward earth. If these guys are correct it would be the only more or less permanent thing ever seen in space that isn't shaped pretty much like a ball. I'd like to see it myself, just for the novelty. God's biggest Frisbee.
But the best comment here is simply, "SO WHAT?" The world works as it is so who cares? Other than your site I never heard of this nonsense. Gee, guess I'm just out of touch.
BTW, what's to gain by lying to all the world's people about the shape of the earth? I suppose it's all in the book. (Sigh)
Steve said (February 12, 2016):
The flat earth theory is one of the fun ones, it doesn't mean much true or not to 99.999% of people, life goes on. The reason I like it is that I find all these pictures on the net of distance shots of 50 to 100 miles or more away that can't exist because they would be below the horizon on a round earth. Never has there been shown a 360 degree pan of earth and space in NASA history, I can view live cams world wide yet no one's left on in space watching earth and the Hubble telescope has never been aimed at the earth. What bothers me more is I can't find someone to refute these things well.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Bernard said (February 13, 2016):
I read your site first thing every morning when I awake. Great work on exposing NWO and their agenda. Got into Icke way back in 98.... not so keen on his style these days. There is one issue however, which you seem to have dismissed out of hand. This is the Flat Earth theory (don't dismiss me here now Henry, persevere). I guess I began some research into this about a year ago when it first appeared.
As you know, truthers should not believe anything until they research it themselves or it is self evident. There are many, many disinfo sites out there now and it is difficult to know who to watch to gather some relative info. I personally stick to yourself, Mr.Cati and Dr. Paul Marko of pineconeutopia.
I know you are perhaps a very busy man, but I believe it may be of interest to you and your research if you were to listen to Paul Marko on the Flat Earth topic. I know the subject may be distasteful to you (as it was to me) but, truth may demand some more info on this subject.
I wish you all the best Henry. There are many thousands of people out there who rely on you and others to try and come to grips with reality.