"Rape Culture" Hysteria Criminalizes Heterosexuality
November 22, 2015

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November 22, 2015
S said (November 24, 2015):
When I volunteered as a psychotherapist in a jail, false rape accusations were the most common of all false claims followed by false molestation charges. If the man in question refused to speak to the police his chances were much better to be released. But this man could be kept in jail up to 10 days without a charge before he has to be released. But by that time he has lost his job and is on the way to losing everything he ever worked for.
I've seen this a number of times with third parties claiming rape as a mode of revenge to destroy the man and his family.
Some women even go to the point of self-inflicted injury, but hospitals pretty much know the difference between real rape and self inflicted injuries. But if that comes up for trial it will cost a fortune to bring in medical experts and forget it if you have a public defender.
Do not under any circumstances talk to the police and do not return to be with this woman, she is worse than poison. Police will do all they can to make you confess with tactics developed from Nazi Germany. They will confuse you and break your spirit.... one gentleman told me that after 2 hours in interrogation he didn't know who he was anymore and was ready to confess that he was Osama Bin Laden himself. It took him weeks to get his orientation back.
Al Thompson said (November 22, 2015):
Libtard-feminists are women from hell. They are completely distorting women's role as wives and mothers and they are turning them into gutter sluts on steroids. i.e. Miley Cyrus A libtard has nothing to teach anyone as they have no morals and they cannot accept the idea of a man and a woman married under God's natural law. In addition, the state is the big culprit because it wants to control every aspect of life to their own hideous agenda.
Young people should not go to college unless their careers demand the subject matter; such as engineering. Instead, a young man should be able to start a family by the age of around 18 and support it on his own income. That would mean he would have to get interested in something around 12 to 14 years old.
The best solution to the "rape culture" would be to stop fornicating. How difficult is that? But when the system puts horny young people into a college environment away from home, it is going to lead to sexual promiscuity. Most colleges and universities are for idiots who have nothing else better to do and most of them are a bunch of lazy slugs. They'll read anything--whether it is true or not--and then claim they are educated. When they are done, they simply get drunk and screw. This is not a way to start out their lives.
It's better for them to stop fornicating and that will take away the "rape culture" issue. Fornication destroys everything in its path and gives the libtards something else to control.
Tony B said (November 22, 2015):
1. Since when was constitutionality not a test of the legality of a law? Or, since when is the federal government allowed to make law which nullifies constitutional guarantees as an attachment to grants of money?
2. Men in college need to forcefully march against the college authorities, forcing those authorities to REFUSE federal funds and stick by the laws of the state as well as by proper laws of reason.
Money and greed. Gets 'em every time.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
DB said (November 24, 2015):
Women who bear false witness ought be thrown in prison and have done to their own lives that which they did to their victim. Lose their jobs etc... Why is it years later ( if discovered at all) the woman who lied and destroyed lives gets off scot free? ( I think I know why- it serves the mechanical dialectical of divide and conquer, in tandem with the mental illness of feminism. It serves their agenda. So these tools, these infantile weapons get a free pass. And that is UNJUST!)
I am a woman, and it sickens me that there do exist women of such lack of character. The only time anyone ought cry rape is if she actually is raped. Period! The liars undermine both the rights of innocent men, and the rights of women who suffered actual rape. The whole dynamic is a rape of justice. Those who want to take passive aggressive revenge upon others are sick individuals who's actions ought be considered CRIMINAL.And it is they who ought to suffer the CONSEQUENCES of their deceitful acts! Besides IMO, they owe these men reparation. We really do need to return to natural law principles. The system that we have now is diseased. If it were sane or healthy, none of this evil would be allowed to take place and the truly guilty would get their consequences!