As part of the war on gender, satanist educators
are ready to help children change their gender
without their parents' knowledge.
In a sane society, gender is determined by biology.
But Satanists are dehumanizing us by promoting
insanity, turning reality on its head, making unnatural
appear natural, sick appear healthy and evil good.
"This is very wrong, and a sign of many bad things to come. "
by Anonymous
Parents must know that their rights are being stripped of them WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE, and that the degeneracy and confusion that children face today is being supported and fed by people who pretend to be concerned about their education (principals, teachers, etc.).
A grade 8 child - 13-year-old Cassandra - at Cosburn Middle School is claiming to be transgendered, transitioning from female to becoming male, and is going by the name "James". All students, teachers and staff refer to this child as "him," "he," "his," and "James" instead of any female pronoun, or the name chosen for her by her parents.
In addition, the child does not change clothes for gym class in the change rooms with other students, and has requested to have an "all-gender" bathroom set up in the school so that she has a place to use the toilet that is not the girls' bathroom or boys' bathroom. One of the staff bathrooms has been converted to an "all-gender" bathroom to be used by both adults and children. Adults in the building seem to be numb to the the danger of having adults and children using the same bathroom (especially in a school where a teacher was arrested on child pornography charges only four years ago!)
The principal, David Finkelstein, left, has stated that the child has made the following explicit requests, and that everyone in the building MUST follow this protocol in order to protect "James' 'human rights'":
- These are the requests your child has made - requests which are being granted without your knowledge:
o Principals, teachers, staff and students are to refer to the child as "James," "he," "him," "his," etc. and deny the fact that there was ever a female child named Cassandra.
o While the child's parents are present, principals, staff and teachers are to revert back to using the words "Cassandra," "she," "her," etc. Teachers are asked to blatantly lie and deceive parents; they seem to be complying.
o The child is no longer required to use student bathrooms. An adult bathroom has been converted to an "all-gender, student / adult" bathroom where she can use the toilet and change for gym class. The directive has been that the child is using this "all-gender bathroom" for now, but that when she is ready, she will be allowed to use the boys' bathroom without question. In essence, the child is being given carte-blanche to use any washroom at any point (girl, boy, adult) which calls into question the safety, security and privacy of every other person in the building.
o Principals, teachers and staff are told NOT to inform the child's parents of their child's double-life and are being told to explicitly deceive and lie to the parents, to Cassandra (to the "transgendered" child), to the other children, to the community, and to themselves.
o The child has asked that this information be kept secret from her parents, and this request is being granted with no consideration for the rights of the parents.
This is highly problematic behaviour. The principal, vice-principal and teachers are lying to conform to the child's whim, instead of trying to alert the parents to the child's confusion about her sexuality. This is very wrong, and a sign of many bad things to come. The teachers' authority is being completely undermined, as is their God-given intelligent discrimination. They do not even have the right to be honest; they are being forced to outright lie and deceive with no consideration of how they might feel about it, or their own intelligence telling them it's wrong to do this.
(Left, If David Finkelstein had wanted to be a girl, would the rabbi have given him a Bat Mitzvah?)
The adults who are supposed to be taking care of children at school are actually encouraging her to separate from the authority of parents, make her own decisions and deceive her parents, and bringing an entire school and over 30 other adults into it with her. The teachers are essentially becoming clowns, bending to the will of a child, and putting all other children, as well as their own integrity and authority, on the line.
This child is obviously not OK, but is being encouraged - her lie is being sheltered and fostered, and will only bring her harm. Teachers are being forced to follow the dictates of a minor, and are being made fearful of speaking up by claiming that this is a human rights issue and needs to be followed the way the principal is stating.
It is scary to think that the child's parents and legal caretakers are being completely disregarded and treated as though do not have the privilege to help their own child with this problem as they choose.
This is part of the NWO agenda: the child does not belong to the parents, she/he/it belongs to the System. If parents are not informed, they cannot help their daughter! This is an extremely irresponsible behavior on the part of the Toronto District School Board, superintendent, principal, vice-principal. The media should also be alerted about this issue to expose these people, but the mainstream media will salivate all over this story - it's exactly in line with what they WANT to see happening to our children.
First Comment from Dan:
Media has been featuring a steady stream of news items from Ontario presenting school faculty and administrators empowered to engage in secret relationships with children. But this is an inversion of teacher-parent dynamics of the past.
In the State of Texas Education Code, Title 1; Subtitle E; Chapter 26; Sec. 26.001-c. expressly states that:
"A board of trustees, administrator, educator, or other person may not limit parental rights."
Consequently, Texas elementary school teachers and faculty aren't allowed to be alone with a child at any time, much less counsel a child on their "sexual rights" without the child's parents present. The only circumstance in which a school administration may temporarily withhold informing parents is when child abuse is suspected, in which case they have to refer it to CPS for investigation.
(left, Children of the Porn)
Fifteen years ago we thought we could rest assured that the weird situation in Ontario with pedophiles obviously entrenched in the machinery of child education, is Canada's problem alone. But now that we live in the Brave New World, we understand that Ontario is a beta testing ground. As goes Toronto goes California, and within a few years the US Supreme Court rules it national law.
All that's going on in Ontario is for social engineers working out the tactics for defeating North American parents. It's been a done deal in Sweden for decades, where sex "education" deployed way back in 1956. Look at at Sweden today. I submit that there is a direct correlation between 'deconstruction of gender' and cultural/national disintegration.
And that's what it's all about.
"Y-PEER, a youth initiative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), says "more needs to be done to ensure young people's sexual and reproductive rights" -- especially "the right to choose" ...
The statement also says all young people globally have the "right to confidentiality" and the right to "be free from judgment."
There it is. Under the guise of granting children the "right to confidentiality", anyone sanctioned to have professional contact with a child may establish a secret relationship with a child and call it confidential. I can imagine them even trying to give it the same protection as confidentiality of lawyers and doctors.
"What were you and Tommy doing for an hour in your car in the parking lot?"
"That's confidential, Your Honor."
SS said (November 16, 2015):
If by the time anyone takes any real actions, it will all be but over and we will have relinquished any humanity and opportunity we had.
I realize Solzhenitsyn was a tortured soul, but he got at least one epiphany right. that they should have been more informed and took
more DRASTIC action when there was opportunity.
Only when there is drastic fear of loss with people desist in their tyranny. Until then, a magnitude of unnecessary suffering will ensue
to a more exponential realization and regret later.