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Jews Bask in Gentile Praise

October 2, 2015


Although a non-Jew, Stephen Pease presents a view of Jews 
they find very flattering. He also reflects their self deception
about the true satanic nature of the Talmud, "social change" and 
the Jewish enterprise in general.

Jews love praise because anti Semitism has given them an
inferiority complex. They are disliked for reasons they cannot
fathom nor wish to consider.   

by Stephen L. Pease
The Debate Over Jewish Achievement

Jews have been part of my life in kindergarten, at  Harvard Business School , and throughout my professional career. It was from those experiences that I developed the notion that Jews are the world's most disproportionate high achievers.

A decade ago, I began intensive research to test out the hypothesis. Now, after writing  The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement , speaking on the subject, being interviewed on radio and TV, and soliciting criticisms and arguments to disprove the statement, I have come to believe it is simply true.

As a non-Jew, I am fascinated by the fact that a people which constitute 2/10ths of 1 percent of the world's population and 2 percent of the  U.S.  population, has made such enormous contributions to the betterment of humanity.

To cite some examples: In hi-tech entrepreneurship, Jewish names include: Intel (Grove and Vadasz), Google (Brin and Page), Oracle (Ellison), Microsoft (Balmer), Dell (Dell), Qualcom (Jacobs), Facebook (Zuckerberg and Sandberg).

In finance, the names are legion: Goldman Sachs, Rothschild, Warburg, Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts, Wells Fargo, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and many more.

As World Chess champions, Jews have held the title 54% of the time since 1866.

In the 113th United States Congress (2013-2015), Jews were elected to 11 percent of U.S. Senate seats.
Jews account for three [actually four] of the nine Supreme Court Justices. [Sotomeyer is a crypto]

More examples:
% of all
Nobel Prizes
History's Great Inventors (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Ivy League Students
Ivy League Presidents
Pulitzer Prize Non-fiction
Symphony Conductors
Academy Award Directors
Forbes  400 (2007)
Business Week  - Philanthropic 50
Kennedy  Center  Honors

Major Theories

My second book,   The Debate over Jewish Achievement  ,  traces major theories to explain this phenomenon...In the end, the debate over the factors behind the performance boil down to nature (genetics) and nurture (culture).

(Jews are taught that anti Semitism is due to envy)

My research concludes that, yes, genetic heritage and linkages between most of the world's Jews (the Mizrahim, Sephardim and Ashkenazim) date back thousands of years. But Judaism is not a "race," given that anyone can freely convert, and today you will find Chinese Jews, Ethiopian Jews, etc.

Rather, culture is the most important driving influence behind Jewish achievement. Among elements of that culture:

The huge premium Jews have placed on literacy and education for more than 2,000 years. Jews graduate from college at more than twice the national average. They attend the best schools, get better grades and go on to pursue productive careers. 

Most Jews believe in progress. They are not passive, nor resigned. They think they have a duty to help improve things. They believe in free will and intend to exercise their minds and body to advance the ball in the directions they feel important.

Jews have long maintained very strong family values. They divorce less. They are mostly members of two-parent families. The mother is loving, strong, demanding, and supportive. The father is equally engaged. Most religious holiday events, even for secular Jews, are major family events, as is Shabbat (Friday night dinner). Loyalty to family and kin is highly valued.

Jewish lifestyle is generally healthy in terms of diet, and the approach to drugs and alcohol is moderate. Kosher conformance has served many purposes, but historically, one of them has been to mandate healthy eating habits.

Jews typically demonstrate high levels of self-discipline (deferred gratification). We see it in their diet, their commitment to formal education, their careers, and their drive to achieve.

They encourage and develop their verbal skills and the inclination to speak up, make an argument, debate, and disagree if they feel strongly. Generally, reticence has not been esteemed. The Talmud is a religious tract, but it is also essentially an ongoing academic debate over the evolution of Jewish Law in light of changing circumstances.

(left, Defined by Cabala, Judaism is Satanism.)

Jews stand up for what they believe in. They have "grit." They champion causes important to them. Wallflowers they are not!

Ethical behavior has been inculcated in Jews by the Torah and Talmud. God demands it. 

Rationality is also embodied in the Talmud and in the lives of most Jews. One must deal with the facts on the ground and adapt. The Diaspora made anything less than this approach unfeasible. For most of 2,000 years, Jews had to exist as a small minority among other cultures, coexisting with countless other peoples, tribes, and cultures with substantially different beliefs and native languages. Staying alive demanded rationality and adaptability. 

Jews almost never adopt the mentality of victims deserving of an entitlement. God knows they have more right than most to have taken on that view, but they do not. They do not believe they are entitled. If anything, they help others who are downtrodden.

In the same vein, Jews feel a strong sense of duty to each other and to those less fortunate. Jews are among the most charitable and philanthropic of people.

There is nothing unique about any of these cultural attributes. In fact, most of them are consistent with the cultures of other high performing groups of people around the globe. Yet the combination and intensity makes for a uniquely Jewish experience, one that has undeniably produced more "good" far beyond expected norms.

It also demonstrates how more of us can achieve and contribute. We need not have Jewish genes to appreciate and learn from the Jews' stunning performance.
Related: Makow- Is Anti Semitism "Good for the Jews?"
 Jews often boast of their supposed intelligence, and their Evangelical lapdogs do also. But how smart are they?
My Jewish Problem: Jewish Superiority, Jewish Elite 
Why are Jews so Smart?

Makow Comment:

Jews have a culture of worldly attainment because Judaism sees salvation in material rather than spiritual terms. Jews are also successful because they network. Many are Freemasons (B'nai B'rith.) Having the Masonic banksters in this network increases their chances of success. But because of the occult nature of Judaism, Jews are also  more prone to mental disorders than Gentiles
and more likely to be gay.

First Comment from Kirk:

"Ethical behavior has been inculcated in Jews by the Torah and Talmud. God demands it."

Is that right Stephen? Talk about your "Rose Colored Glasses".

You mean "ethics" like this?

"If a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew, he is exempt from punishment."

-- Quoted from the Babylonian Talmud: Steinsaltz Edition, Sanhedrin 57A.

In his book Tanya, a text sacred to Chabad-Lubavitch Judaism, the founder of Chabad, Rabbi Shneur Zalman, teaches that Gentiles are "waste and refuse."

In chapter one of Tanya, Rabbi Zalman imparts the teaching that non-Jewish souls, "emanate from the unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever."

Or this...

"The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy (non-Jew), by his source and in his very essence, is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species ('shnei minim nifradim')."

-- Quoted from Rabbi Sadya Grama, Romemut Yisrael Ufarashat Hagalut. (Rabbi Grama is a graduate of Beth Medrash Govoha, a renowned Orthodox yeshiva in Lakewood, New Jersey)

Or perhaps this...

Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg is the founder and senior dean at the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva in Yitzhar. Ginsburg wrote the book Barch HaGever in praise of Israeli mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, who slaughtered dozens of Arabs as they prayed in the Ibrahim Mosque in Hebron. Ginsburg is also the rabbi who decreed that it is acceptable to kill a non-Jew for his liver if a Jew needs a liver transplant.

Anti-goyimism is the ideology that fuels Israeli oppression, dispossession and violence against Palestinians is the Israeli state religion of Orthodox Judaism. The attitude of contempt toward the Palestinians exhibited by the Israeli army is imparted by Talmudic Judaism. Collective punishment of the Palestinian people is the result of Orthodox rabbinic doctrine. Palestinians as well as true Christians (contempt for Jesus here: BT Gittin 56b and 57a; for Mary here: BT Sanhedrin 106A) are less than human in the eyes of the Orthodox rabbis of counterfeit "Israel," and in the view of the executives of the American news media and members of the teaching-stupid professorcracy.

Less "Rock Star Groupie" think, Stephen, as measured in material gain and/or social position and more objective, critical thought perhaps?
P.S. A reading of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's last book, "Two Hundred Years Together", would do you some good.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Jews Bask in Gentile Praise"

Paul said (October 4, 2015):

Great article!
Saying this from my own life experience, I see jews as highly intelligent, yet, unsettled.
It is this aspect that breaks my heart.
Jews....need lots of hugs!
If the desire to control mechanism was neutered, humanity would be forced to make their own choices and be blessed or cursed by them.
It is my belief that the bankers don'T desire this because that would mean huge riff raff (unpredictability ) in a controlled system.
Yet, it's this very system that ought to abandon mans' woes.

humble gentile

Al Thompson said (October 2, 2015):

Let's look at this realistically. This writer is overstating the talents of the Jews. It's really not a racial thing as much as it is cultural; the Satanic culture. This arises from Judaism and the rest of the religions are following the Satanic culture.

Jews wrote The Communist Manifesto and established a monopoly of government that they can manipulate. Israel is a communist country and so are most of the governments of the world. When any group of people have a monopoly over the government, finance, and industry then it isn't a big stretch to know that it is the plan of the Jews to dominate the world.

The big problem is that they do this at the expense of the public. Income tax is a communist Jew tax; no one can argue this point. The income tax is also a communist slave tax. And this is only one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto is the communist slave plan and every country I know of operates with some form of communism.
The Bible and natural law show that a man is entitled to the fruit of all of his labor. Of course, these Jews consider other people besides themselves; animals. You can tax the snot out of an animal. So we the dumb goyim keep praising our oppressors.

They have a monopoly over the banking systems. Remember, central banking is another part of the Communist Manifesto. So the Jews, establishing a monopoly, have achieved their riches at the expense of other people due to the repressive communist government. When someone wants to establish an alternative currency, they are thrown in jail. I could make a lot of money too if I could throw my competitor in jail. Normal people don't want to live like that.

So the criticism of Jews is not racial, but instead, it is indeed cultural. Many Jews think their shit don't stink. They are not special in the Biblical sense of the term.
Look at the filthy movies they produce and the horrible living environment they produce under the communist system. No wonder they were thrown out of so many countries.

Criticism of many Jews is warranted by their own evil behavior. They have no one to blame but themselves. People should be judged by their behavior and many Jews are so obnoxious, greedy, and generally bat-shit crazy that I find it hard to praise them at any level. Not all Jews are like them so it would be unfair to include honorable Jews. It is the Satanic Jew that is causing most of the problems in the world.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at