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Ayn Rand - Another Communist (Satanist) Jew

August 3, 2015


Has anyone else
noticed that Ayn Rand's
doctrine is
characteristically Jewish?

Ayn Rand's influence is still powerful among libertarians today. They fail to see that she was created by the Illuminati to entrap them in a false dialectic.

Slightly revised from July 28, 2014
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Recently, I dusted off my old VCR and rediscovered my collection of movies on videotape.

When I was younger I used to scour movies for meaning and direction. I went to the theater once or twice a week and would purchase copies of the few films that spoke to me. Last week, I re-watched "The Passion of Ayn Rand" (1999) and was astonished at how intelligent it was.

It reminded me that movies used to inspire and stimulate. Often, a new movie was an "event." It spoke to our condition. As Cabalist possession has taken hold, art has been replaced by occultism, predictive programming, porn and social engineering.

Real art reveals truth.
The Ayn Rand movie gave my parched soul a rinse.

aaapassion.jpg(Left. Helen Mirren and Eric Stolz. Peter Fonda and Julie Delpy complete this exquisite acting ensemble. Chris Menaul directed.)


Ayn Rand didn't believe in passion. She believed in "reason." Yet she was a hypocrite. She fell in love with a disciple half her age, Nathaniel Branden, and then tried to destroy him when he dumped her for a younger woman.

The movie is based on the book by Branden's wife, Barbara. Although she too had been betrayed by her husband, she urged Rand not to destroy his career:

   Barbara Branden: I'm asking you to show compassion.
    Ayn Rand: Why?
    Barbara Branden: It's what humans do.

This cuts to the core of Ayn Rand's philosophy. She didn't believe in the existence of the soul. Our soul is our true identity. It is our connection to God, what makes us "human."

Rand didn't believe in God or religion, which she termed "the supernatural." She was a materialist. "Reason" is totally based on the senses:
"emotion ultimately derives from the thinking one has done, or has failed to do."

(In fact, reason divorced from moral absolutes is nothing but expedience.)

aaaaynrand.jpgAs a materialist, Ayn Rand (1905-1982) was identical to a Communist. Her real name was Alice Rosenbaum and she took her name from her typewriter. She could have been Ayn Remington, but that wasn't as catchy.


In addition to being a materialist, she was like a Communist Jew in another respect. Her whole doctrine ridiculed the Christian ethos.

Christ taught that the gospel of love is the path of human evolution. Love your neighbor as yourself. Be considerate. We are all part of one family. Personal and collective happiness require reciprocity.

Instead, Rand asked: "Why is it moral to serve the happiness of others, but not your own?"

I didn't realize that altruism had become a serious social problem.  Ayn Rand gave people permission to be selfish and greedy just like Freud allowed them to indulge their sexual libido.

A reader directed me to a 1928 journal entry where Rand exulted that the statement "what is good for me is right" expressed "the psychology of a real man."  What better description of the arrested development of the Cabalist Jew? See this solipsistic, narcissistic psychopathy operating in Israel today. They're not just God's Chosen people. They're the only people.

When are Christians going to wake up and realize that Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult, and the NWO represents its ascendency? The Illuminati will destroy the world in their quest to be God. 

(This was an advertising slogan for Rand's novel, "Atlas Shrugged", which has sold 7 million copies)


This explains Ayn Rand's "success."

She was part of the Illuminati dialectic. On the one hand, they constructed Communism and socialism, "collectivism;" and then they used Ayn Rand to posit its dialectic opposite, Rand's "Objectivism"  a form of individualism. While individualists and collectivists fight it out in aPunch and Judy Show, they don't see the puppet masters.

This dialectic is largely specious. Both reject God and the existence of the soul. "Collectivism" is simply a means to win popular support for a totalitarian government run by Illuminati Jews and their Masonic fart catchers. Objectivism releases these billionaire Illuminati psychopaths from conscience or any social obligation.

The Cabalist Jew believes that God is formless, unknowable and not even in the world. The Cabalist Jew alone is human, and channels God's Will.

aaaatlashrugged.jpegAtlas Shrugged is a novel about business titans like John Galt who go on strike because they are hampered by government regulation.

Who is John Galt?  He is Ayn Rand. He is the Cabalist Jew who demands the world accept him as God. He is Rothschild and Rockefeller.

He is the Illuminati.


Has anyone else remarked that Ayn Rand's doctrine is
Cabalist Jewish (and satanic)?

Only Christopher Jon Bjerknes.

Ayn Rand Backs Israel as does her namesake Rand Paul (Thanks Annette)

Background on Rand-Rosenbaum from Jewish Journal

See this interview with the engaging Nathaniel Branden who covers the same period in his book Judgment Day (1989.) The book reveals that Ayn Rand and was addicted to amphetamines which she began taking as a young woman as a weigh-loss remedy.

Makow- Cabalist Doctrine of Destruction is cause of human malady.
John Todd's Reference to "Atlas Shrugged" as Illuminati Codebook

First Comment by Dan: 

The tenants of Ayn Rand's 'Objectivism' are identical to those of Satanism.   Don't take my word for it;  Anton LaVey himself said her 'philosophy' was a source of inspiration writing 'The Satanic Bible'.  Levey boiled it down to a set of Satanic 'commandments' to spread the 'doctrine' to a broader masses of adolescent and/or lazy readers.

Henry's right that Rand's hypocrisy was noticed - she didn't meet her own dispassionate standards.  LeVey corrected her error by simply flipping it.

"Satanists see that Objectivism has enthroned reason above the individual as opposed to utilizing this sole means to knowledge as a tool to achieve a purpose. Satanism enthrones the individual as a whole, not reason, as the supreme standard to determine the value of actions (ethics)."

Of course that's how Rand actually lived anyway.

Unfortunately, Rand's mind set has become the de facto religion of Big Government, whether in Washington DC, Ottawa, enshrined in every state or province capitol building.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Ayn Rand - Another Communist (Satanist) Jew"

LC said (August 6, 2015):

You never fail to impress me, but this brief description of Ayn 'Rand' and her philosophy of "Objectivism" was superb!

Especially love that descriptive phrase: "Masonic fart catchers." In essence, an accurate portrayal.

Amazing how the Illuminati puppet show can assume the mantle of both "Left" and "Right" while they pull the strings of the unknowing.

With your pithy analysis, you have revealed them yet again.

Tom said (August 6, 2015):

Thanks so much for this article--long overdue. In my younger days I had a brief encounter with these people (heck, I was even spokesman for the Libertarian Party of South Florida for a while.) Got to meet Branden who claimed Rand once clawed him up pretty good, Murray Rothbard (we did not hit it off) and the like. I soon came to the conclusions so precisely expressed in your article.

The end result of Objectivism in 1-2 generations would be a vast population of destitute slaves and a small illuminist ruling class. Like Von Mises, Rosenbaum/Rand does not deal with unpleasantries like the long-term effects of interest on debt, unbalanced free trade, and the like.

I'd only add that her novel "We The Living" is certainly crypto-Jewish, i.e., the goyim are non living but the Jews (or Frankist/Illuminati types of them) are the living..

Horst said (August 6, 2015):

Just simply outstanding !!!

Excellence in one's profession is the ultimate goal of any ethical human being.

First I was impressed with the "logical" of her thesis, I even wrote to her organization and received a very prompt reply and solicitation to become a member.

However, I never really felt enthusiastic about joining, something was missing because someone was whispering into my ear...., you now have filled this "vacuum", of love, dignity, respect and deep relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

Tony B said (August 5, 2015):

Have you ever watched the movie "Dirty Dancing?" About a typical Jewish summer resort in the NY Catskills? Written by a Jewish gal, as I remember anyway, who stayed pretty true to life. The young Jewish girl in a vacationing family falls for one of the hired goy dancers and is roundly discouraged by her father in the main theme.

Two instances, especially (beside the obvious cast system) have always stuck with me from that movie because of their honesty about Judaism.

1. A young Jewish college student (hired as a waiter during the summer season at the hotel - wherein vacationing well-off Jews will fill his pockets), knocked up a goy dancer but refused to help her in any way, and when accosted by the Jewish vacationer girl, hands her a worn copy of "Atlas Shrugged" (or "The Fountainhead" - don't remember which) and says to her, matter of factually, "Some people matter, some don't," words very close to that.

2. The girl, who wants to join the peace corp and help humanity in some way, eventually confronts her father as she says words similar to, "You didn't mean all people, you just mean us" (or ours - something like that), a direct reference to Jews only.

I suspect that most goy missed the significance of these words but I'm surprised they made it out of Hollywood unless those who run that place thought of it as bragging. If memory serves, everyone who had to do with producing that film is Jewish.

LM said (August 4, 2015):

I think her book brings out good points regardless of what people really think,of her.

Endless ever increasing government regulations and stifling bureaucracies are real, negative things. Government has been used to attack industries in the past and currently. Government plays favorites with businesses and targets those it hates.

The idea of withholding something useful from government and the people to effect change and get people to see how important certain things are to them, is effective if you sre not getting any help and especially if you are being demonized by government. It sure beats civil war.

It is like the gun makers refusing to sell to government because they keep demonizing guns as the problem. Or when the gun owners/companies move to friendly states and they take their profits away.

Tony B said (August 4, 2015):

Yeah, Henry, made that connection many, many years ago. She was just too obvious.

The Libertarians, who spew the worst type of unbridled, cut throat capitalism, are totally the same thing. When Ron Paul says he did not name his son after her, he lies. No two ways about it.

Jennifer said (August 4, 2015):

Unfortunately, my communist mother was a fan of Ayn Rand. I only read The Virtue of Selfishness. Whatever failures I've had in my life, my mother chided me saying, 'I was stupid because I wasn't selfish enough!' But how does selfishness play into Love? In my 20s in South Hampton NY, I met some people who were among the Ayn Rand posse. They mentioned how friendly and supportive Ayn was to some beautiful young woman in their group but she turned acid mean and ugly when some man chose the beauty over her. They said that Ayn thought her intellect could woo any man… She had a rude awakening. Her selfishness couldn't get her Love.

Robert K said (August 3, 2015):

Ayn Rand's philosophy is the same as that of Aleister Crowley: "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". She was an advocate of reason, but reason, becoming rationalization as a cover for pursuing a goal arising from emotion, can be shaped to take you to any conclusion you want.

In effect, these people are claiming god-status for humans.

Compare this position with the one G.K. Chesterton put in the mouth of one of his fictional characters:

"...believe me, the worst and most miserable sort of idiot is he who seems to create and contain all things. Man is a creature; all his happiness consists in being a creature; or, as the Great Voice commanded us, in becoming a child. All his fun is in having a gift or present, which the child, with profound understanding, values because it is 'a surprise.'

But surprise implies that a thing came from outside ourselves; and gratitude that it comes from someone other than ourselves. It is thrust through the letter-box; it is thrown in at the window; it is thrown over the wall. Those limits are the lines of the very plan of human pleasure." (The Poet and the Lunatics, p. 104).

The fact that the clique at the head of Rand's purportedly individualistic philosophy called themselves "The Collective" leaves the impression that they were playing their followers for fools.

Larry C said (August 3, 2015):

Henry, as usual you claim "Christ taught that the gospel of love is the path of human evolution." when according to all versions of the New Testament, Christ taught that the gospel of love is the path of human redemption. (John 14:6)

Remember in previous discussions we learned, Satanism is "defined as the evolutionary development of the human soul." Satanism, Concise Dictionary of the Occult and New Age, p.229

Larry C said (August 3, 2015):

Henry, as usual you claim "Christ taught that the gospel of love is the path of human evolution." when according to all versions of the New Testament, Christ taught that the gospel of love is the path of human redemption. (John 14:6)

Remember in previous discussions we learned, Satanism is "defined as the evolutionary development of the human soul." Satanism, Concise Dictionary of the Occult and New Age, p.229

Richard Evans said (August 3, 2015):

"Her 'Objectivism' was an attempt to make a philosophy of psychopathy."

Rand swiped the maxim "What is good for me is right" from a young man whose exploits exhilarated her during 1928. She even started a novel about him titled, 'The Little Street'. Probably her handler or publisher told her the public wasn't ready for that stage of enlightenment yet. Her inspiration was William Edward Hickman - very famous that year for kidnapping a 12 year old banker's daughter from school under the pretense that her father had been injured and the girl was needed at the hospital immediately. When the father met Hickman, he could see his daughter in Hickman's car, so he gave him the money, but Hickman drove off and dumped the girl's corpse at the end of the block. He'd wired her eyes open to trick her father into thinking she was alive.

Rand's journals, published after her death, reveal her "passion" for the charming, cunning psychopath Hickman. She wrote, "A wonderful, free, light consciousness" born of the utter absence of any understanding of "the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people."

William Edward Hickman was no more Jewish than Ted Bundy. He was a psychopath. So was Ayn Rand. Her 'Objectivism' was an attempt to make a philosophy of psychopathy. But I believe what John Todd said about it - she wasn't a solitary 'genius' who popped out of Russia with a new Promethean teaching from Mt. Olympus. She was an Illuminati agent, given her mission during a sexual affair with Philip Rothschild. Nobody seems to have traced the genealogy of this women, but isn't there a very strong sense of generational Frankist 'pragmatism' in her persona?

anon said (July 31, 2014):

If nutty philosophes exist, few get air time. How many frequented both Phil
Donahue (left-wing) and Firing Line (right-wing)? Enter Ayn Rand.

Wm. F. Buckley (CFR, CIA, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta) interviewed Ayn
Rand on PBS. The interviews were adversarial, but each was phony.

Buckley's CIA job was herding right-wingers into big government world empire.
Buckley was notorious for duplicity in right-wing circles. His left-wing counterpart,
Noam Chomsky, was also CIA deep cover, according to MI-6 agent John Coleman

Buckley and Tavistock behind him used Rand as foil. She played scarecrow. Inhuman
evil awaits the fall of big government. Boo!

Think tanks also knew her cartoons gave left progressives a cherished Emmanuel
Goldstein portrait of right 'crazies.' If she scared right-wingers into Tavi-think,
how much more progressives.

The premise of Atlas Shrugged is false. Big Business does not despise Big Brother
as in that silly book. (Yes, I read it.)

Name it: Big Banks; Big Ag; Big Med; Big Pharma; Big Retail; Big Oil.

Now think. Look around. What do you see?

No patient or doctor wrote ObamaCare. Big Med wrote it, Big Brother signed
it, and his court rubber-stamped it with tortured legal theory.

Big Banks got beaucoup bucks from Big Brother (TARP I, II, III, QE I, II, III

Doug P said (July 30, 2014):

I think that Rands philosophy works for the business world but it is limited in that sense.

In the business world we relate by contract, not by status as many government officials would like - because it protects them from responsibility and from the burden of honest work, as Rand (correctly IMO) explained. Better to be a little bit ahead of your friends, neighbors and relatives by playing on a fixed field.

In the real world we interact at a greater level than contract. Faith exceeds material reality and shows a greater truth that is outside the bounds of reason. Rand didn't understand this, didn't understand Kant so she hated him. She had the work religion, the true spirit of the struggle for material gains and recognition, just as how Marx said we are defined.

Ron D said (July 29, 2014):

Ayn Rand's book 'the fountain head' is another codebook. In specificity it highlights the need for mediocrity and malfeasance as a system of control. This polemical work dissolute of morality demonstrates how 'middlemen' can take over any system of controls.

Looking at the CFR and Trilateral commission more than 5,000 profligate members who lack any moral fiber bow low before their Zionist Banker Masters feet. This same cadre of men and women are in the key places of world government and have announced they are 'coming out'. A new world order will rise from the ashes as they will burn it all down if necessary.

A very important book is necessary to add to one reading list is called 'Proofs of a Conspiracy' by John Robinson a Scottish Free Right Mason who was enamored by the excess and amoral nature of the French and Bavarian Illuminati. The book was written over two hundred years ago and covers the emergence of the rise of Zionist Elitism. It also covers the fact that Masonry does not end at 33 degrees. The book does not talk about witchcraft directly but one gets the strong sense the book is written from a realist point of view. So John Robinson, a man of moral fiber did not allow himself to be denigrated in the carnal goings on by these groups, or so it would appear.

Texe Marrs said (July 29, 2014):

Insightful article on Ayn Rand. You are so far ahead of others on so many things it is astounding. I have been researching Ayn Rand for some years now and believe she was a Communist agent. You are correct in labeling her exactly what she was, though she claimed to despise the Communist world.

More than that, she was most definitely a Zionist Jew nutcase. She stated in her Objectivism nonsense that she gave to no charities, didn't believe in serving anyone but herself.

BUT, she did give money to the state of Israel, which she backed 100 percent! Catch her monstrous comments about the Arabs when she was a guest on the Phil Donahue Show. She claimed they were not even humans.

Meanwhile, check out the website of her continuing organization---it is a Zionist front group, led by a Zionist Jew.



Thanks Texe

You are most generous. I tip my hat to you. The caliber and quantity of your work is unsurpassed.


CF said (July 29, 2014):

Henry, you deftly summarize the bipolar, yet unified essence of the Socialist/Communist vs. rampant, unrestrained capitalism (the Communist stereotype of the West) dialectic. All of which, when juxtaposed (as Rand did), causes a LOT of cognitive dissonance. Keeping people «dazed and confused» is part of the program.

Initially, years ago, I wanted to give Rand's Objectivist «philosophy» a chance. Instantly, there were major problems. Incredibly, painfully BAD writing; a prevailing dictatorial attitude (trashing the unselfish); and a completely imbalanced lack of simple human conscience - to name just a few.

Dealing with Rand's atheism and narcissism, all based on reason - of course, is like trying to prance over prepared hot coals (at a NLP seminar, run by some phoney with big teeth and coiffed hair); only instead of just hot coals, broken glass and rusty nails were also thrown in, for added effect.

Even if one could: Why? It's all the same poison snake oil, served by the same minions, dressed as those same hucksters... Yet, the suckers still line up.

Clearly, it doesn't take much to unleash greed in weak people, and P. Rothschild had an astonishingly LOW standard when it came to women - an effect caused by deep self-hatred, matched only by the burning hatred he had for all of humanity.

Marcos said (July 29, 2014):

Excellent article about the common core between Marxism and Objectivism.

Rand is an overestimated big mouth. Her so-called philosophy is a bunch of common sense tautology and clichés (who would be against meritocracy?) put together in order to infiltrate materialist individualism, which by no means is an obligatory consequence of merit and talent. Her thought is just an immense fallacy. Talent when shared is synergic and benefits not only the group, but it helps the source as well.

Notice that objectivism is the darling of gnostics and the basis of the "Illuminati Manifesto". The Illuminati are just parasites who would probably fail miserably as average intelligence individuals do if they didn't have their inherited money, connections and occult help. That's why they have to tell themselves all the time how superior they are. They need Ayn Rand for their psychological well being.

Debra said (July 29, 2014):

Upon her arrival to America from Russia, one of her first jobs was as an extra in the film “Ten Commandments”. How ironic, considering her philosophy broke them all. It seems she befriended Cecil B. DeMille and landed a minor writing job with the movie industry; a lucky break? Her books/writing style border on the occult being somewhat hypnotizing and full of contradictions for someone claiming an admiration for man’s ability to reason.

Nevertheless, the ability to reason is an important trait, but definitely outranked by Faith, True Love, and Charity (Love for one another) which is the total opposite of selfishness.

Robert K said (July 29, 2014):

It amazes me that in the interview of Branden he is still eulogizing Ayn Rand's apotheosis of reason. His book Judgment Day portrays her as driven ultimately by the most vicious, and destructive, emotions imaginable. She exemplified perfectly the adage that "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Dan said (July 28, 2014):

John Todd explained that Ayn Rand was Illuminati 40 years ago. More importantly, he explained the hidden agendas of the book, 'ATLAS SHRUGGED'. Please listen to this clip. Then download all the half hour tapes.

John Todd on Ayn Rand and ATLAS SHRUGGED, (1979)

Before anyone pops off that John Todd was a 'fake', I heard this 1979 tape in 1980, when Todd was only heard of through the occult grapevine. At the time I could tell he know a great deal - but I dismissed it and forgot about it. Thirty years later I found the tapes uploaded on the internet, and now on Youtube. I can attest that everything he said that I thought was ridiculous in 1980 has come to pass.

Deadeye Dick said (July 28, 2014):

A few more tidbits on Ayn Rand:

• Nathaniel Branden (Blumenthal) and wife Barbara (dec.) are/were both Jewish, as were most of Rand's inner circle like Alan

• Read here about Rand's admiration for serial killer William Hickman, who tortured and murdered a young girl and taunted her parents with the corpse:

Rand is a satanist, plain and simple, and her admirers are half-wits at best.

Some have asserted that John Galt is actually Phillipe de Rothschild – Rand was just popularizing the "will to power" and
"vice is virtue" ideas of Nietzche, Bentham, Mandeville and other satanists for mass consumption.

Rich said (July 28, 2014):

I read Atlas Shrugged for the first(and last) time about a year ago. While I can appreciate the philosophy of a laissez faire approach to business, I could not reconcile Rand's insistence of humans relinquishing themselves to there basest desires.

The book was at least twice as long as it needed to be, even to hammer into the reader the objectivist philosophy, and eventually took on the appearance of propaganda. The idea that people can fill the hole inside themselves with endless gain did not appeal to me, even though I consider myself an adherent to the capitalist model of business.

I do however believe Rand succeeds in showing how too much government intervention in business could eventually lead to poverty for us all, and a flight of talent from science and business, leaving the world to the parasitic social climbers.

Lastly, for someone who shunned religion, Rand certainly seemed to create a deity worthy of worship in John Galt, who was flawless in his adherence to his philosophy. His commitment to his beliefs is almost supernatural, and only possible of one born with no soul.

I find it interesting that Rand never put any of her characters in a position where they may have had to decide whether to help someone in desperate need, or stick to the objectivist philosophy and shun altruism.

JJ said (July 28, 2014):

Thanks for the movie review. Being something of a cinema buff myself, and trusting your judgment, I will seek it out, but I will not bother reading "Atlas Shrugged" or any other of Rand's books. The fact that she's an icon of may parents' soulless liberal academic generation is enough to put me off my food just thinking about having to endure what she's written. And a crypto Jew with a random pen name! Who knew?

It actually gets boring after a while. All these "revolutionaries" are the same! They have the same background and the same narrative...

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at