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Movie "Ant-Man: Is "Mindfulness" Satanic?

July 26, 2015

Movies used to be based on novels. But now that adults are being infantilized, they are based on comic books. "Ant-Man" is a new Disney movie that grossed $145 million in its first week. Our reviewer believes Ant-Man's espousal of "mindfulness" is part of the satanic agenda. 
I don't believe that "mindfulness" need be non-judgmental. On the contrary, I believe detachment from thought is healthy and necessary for survival. Our identity shifts from the malleable mind to our soul, which is ultimate reality, immutable and moral by nature. 

Are Eastern religions satanic?

by Aspen

One scene in Ant-Man unveils the entire purpose of this otherwise noisy, slam-bang, smart-aleck, ten-chuckles-a-minute affair. 

A brainy ex-con named Scott has been recruited by a mad scientist who discovered a technology to shrink and enlarge physical matter. The scientist wants Scott to shrink to the size of an ant and put a stop to an evil man's dastardly plans. 

However, Scott is having trouble managing the telepathic brain interface that controls the shrinking process.

 A woman named "Hope" informs Scott that he must "clear his mind of all distractions". Scott focuses on how much he loves his little daughter (whom he hasn't seen for years) -- and PING! The brain interface suddenly works like magic...or, we should say, rather, WITCHCRAFT.


What Scott is doing here is called "Mindfulness Meditation": "Mindfulness is the intentional acceptance and non-judgemental focus of one's attention...which can be trained by meditational practices that are described in detail in the Buddhist tradition...

"[This type of meditation offers] insight into the true nature of reality...namely the impermanence of and the unsatisfactoriness of every conditioned thing that exists, and non-self. With this insight, the practitioner becomes a so-called 'stream-enterer', the first stage on the path to liberation". (source: Wikipedia)

Passivity and loss of self are mainstays of satanic Eastern religions. What we're really seeing in Ant-Man is the programming of audiences to be comfortable with the increasingly important role of Eastern Witchcraft in interactive technology.

For brevity's sake, I will cite just one study amongst many which appears to demonstrate how this is happening:

"A BCI user needs to learn how to control their mental states in order to achieve the goal. Dr. Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Meditation defines mindfulness as 'paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally'... [This study] showed that subjects that have undergone...mindfulness meditation over 12 weeks significantly improved their BCI performance compared to a no treatment control group". 


BCI is nothing more than an extended branch of satanic witchcraft. In addition to themes of passivity and "loss of self", we see in active operation here such terms as "non-judgmental" and "liberation". 

Thus undeniable and firm connections are being exposed between technology, witchcraft, "Political Correctness", and EVERY SINGLE movement that uses the label "liberation": that would include Marxism, Liberation Theology, Sexual Liberation, Feminine Liberation, Black Liberation, LGBTQ (and whatever other letters they've attached now) Liberation...and the soon coming Pedophile Liberation, Bestiality Liberation, Spiritual Liberation, and so forth.

Each one of these things is INTERCONNECTED: they are each and every one a key component of the central satanic thesis that has been subverting the globe bit by bit, piece by piece.

We may put the pieces together into one concise, clear statement of purpose:


And all those families who went to see Ant-Man thought it was so much FUN! Tell you what: if you go to see any films -- ANY -- with the sort of mindless passivity that this film promotes, it is a certainty that SATAN's creeping little ants are going to eat you alive. First your mind, and ultimately your soul.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Movie "Ant-Man: Is "Mindfulness" Satanic?"

Chad said (July 27, 2015):

Here’s a hint. If it’s on the big screen, owned by the usual crowd, you can bet any movie that comes out is a venue for the Illuminati and NW0 agenda. The title character is just a stage figure, whether it’s Batman, X-Men or some comedic garbage. The real scene is what’s happening in the background. No opportunity is wasted to expose the audience to the indoctrination. Therefore, all we see on screen is as should be expected. It should be news if it wasn’t something Satanic.

The solution is to simply not waste your time or spend money on anything shown in movie theaters or released for viewing by the general public. The same goes for mainstream television and radio. Let’s not forget pop music concerts.

Glen said (July 26, 2015):

Actually I think it is the perfect movie for this time in America. Most citizens have the critical thinking skills of a piss ant. Most citizens have the "hive mentality" and merely run around in a crazed life in search of the next feel good moment. So many still believe if they can get their brand of "queen" elected all will be just as it should be. I have no doubt someone is trying to tell us we as Americans have devolved into a creature with the I.Q. of the common ant.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at