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Gay "Marriage" is a Cabalist Ruse

May 30, 2015


Using language to deceive.

What is not the same cannot be made the same simply by using the same term.

Same-Sex "Marriage" is Kabbalist Black Magic

Using the term "marriage" to describe gay unions is a brazen attempt to redefine reality by misusing language.

The fundamental lie of the Kabbalah is that reality is a function of thought. On the contrary, while their 'black magic' can manipulate our perception of reality, it cannot alter reality itself. 

Nevertheless, by inverting what is good, natural, and true in homage to their god Lucifer, they go a long way toward possessing us satanically.

by Tom Bothwell

Legalizing same-sex 'marriage' necessarily implies (if words are to retain any meaning at all) that same-sex 'marriage' is fundamentally equal, i.e., is essentially the same thing, as what we have hitherto regarded as marriage. But is this actually the case? Are they really the same? 

The heterosexual union and the homosexual 'union' are not the same, or even equivalent. When you bring a man and a woman together, there are new states of affairs that come into being. In the first place, a man and a woman can engage in a genital union based on their biological complementarity. They can also enjoy a deeper personal union on the basis of that special psychological, affective, and spiritual complementarity which the masculine/feminine polarity renders possible. 

Finally, the heterosexual union is marked by procreative potential, i.e., the possibility that their physical union could result in new life.

By contrast, every single one of these features, which are rightly regarded as beneficial to the well-being of the spouses, the stability of society, and the future of civilization, is entirely absent from the homosexual relationship. The heterosexual union is exclusively unique.

If I may draw a crude analogy, when you bring a key and its corresponding lock together, something new comes into existence: the power to lock and unlock doors. Two keys or two locks are entirely useless for such a purpose. Clearly, the relation between the lock and key is qualitatively different from the relation between two keys or two locks.  In no way can they be regarded as equal.

Using the same word and concept to describe both the heterosexual and the homosexual 'union' is an attempt to redefine reality by redefining our language and laws.

It would be like declaring by force of law that the shape hitherto known as a triangle is to be called a square and is to be treated as if it were a square. Changing the definition of a triangle or calling triangles squares will not succeed.

Whereas the interior angles of a square must add up to 360, the interior angles of a triangle must be 180 degrees. These states of affairs are independent of anyone's perception or preference and they can be known with apodictic certainty.

However, the fact that the legalization of same-sex 'marriage' is now argued for in the name of 'equality' also lends itself to a type of reductio ad absurdum of the whole position.  Are bisexuals also entitled to "equality"? 

Using the same logic, bisexuals should be allowed to be in a legal three-person marriage with one same-sex spouse and one opposite sex spouse. You can't 'discriminate' against bisexuals, now can you? Hmmm ... and what if one of those spouses is also bisexual ... and so on? Well, then we might have to have a long chain of married couples, that, if it were extended long enough, could possibly encompass a very large group of people indeed ... "One Love". 

It's ridiculous, but that's what you get when you insist on redefining marriage to suit an occult (satanic Jewish) agenda, instead of insisting that our words and concepts correspond to nature. 

Indeed, I fear that the occult purpose behind the legalization of same-sex 'marriage' is to so water-down the meaning of marriage so that the destruction of marriage as an institution (and with it the destruction of the natural family) will inevitably follow. 

Has anyone read Brave New World recently? Our rulers (the international central bankers) want to ensure that the atomized individual is helpless before the State.  Unfortunately these bankers have a pernicious all encompassing vision for mankind. In the words of Social Credit founder  C.H. Douglas (1879-1952) :

 "Most of us ... have a natural reluctance to accept 'occultism' as a considerable force in world affairs. There could hardly be a greater error - it is the primary adversary of Christian civilization. The forces of which it disposes are probably amoral; but the intention of those most evidently in possession of them is Satanic. The Jewish Cabala is one of its main roots." The Development of World Dominion (Sydney: Tidal Publications, 1969), 17.


 Douglas often recognized that the indiscriminate promotion of equality as a social objective was used as a tool by the globalist powers to distract, placate, and condition the masses so that tyranny could intensify unopposed.  Cf. C.H. Douglas, "Whose Service is Perfect Freedom" (Bullsbrook, Western Australia: 1983), 40 : "One of the delusions skilfully fostered by those Dark Forces which assail us, then, is the idea of human equality under a non-immanent Sovereignty. It is quite probable that this conception, held, where it is held, in defiance of everyday experience, observation, and history, arises from the inability to grasp the meaning of words, an inability which is coming under skilled observation in many quarters. It is perhaps unnecessary to pursue the disproof of the first aspect of it further than to suggest that, if no two persons in the world possess one attribute, a finger-print, alike, as experts contend, then it is hardly probable that even two persons could be found to possess every attribute alike."

Related- Makow- Doublespeak: Ten Illuminati Buzzwords

Makow Comment- Consider our dire predicament. Cabalists (i.e. Illuminati) who believe thinking or saying something makes it true, control government,  mass media, education and entertainment. No wonder they stage false flags like 9-11 and Sandy Hook. On the other hand, people like "Tom Bothwell" who affirm the truth must hide their identity for fear of losing their job.

First Comment from Kurt:

Tom Bothwell said:

"Indeed, I fear that the occult purpose behind the legalization of same-sex 'marriage' is to so water-down the meaning of marriage so that the destruction of marriage as an institution (and with it the destruction of the natural family) will inevitably follow."

Of course it is.

Why else would an issue of interest to only 5% of the 2% of the population who are homosexual be given such daily prominence in the media?

Besides diverting the public's attention from more pressing issues like open borders, ruinous 'free trade' agreements and immoral wars to advance Globalists interests it undermines the basic unit of society.

'Marriage' is really a legal contract sanctioned by the state. Any two people can enter into a similar legal contract at a lawyer's office. Critics will say that the State doesn't confer the same rights as marriage on a 'civil union' or a 'domestic partnership'.

If true, then this is where the battle should have gone. Have the legislators give 'civil unions' or 'domestic partnerships' the same status as 'marriage'. Leave the term 'marriage', 'husband and wife' and 'family' to the traditional meaning and you would have defused the majority of public opposition to the issue while guaranteeing 'civil rights' to the few misfits wanting it.

But that's not what the powers pushing the issue wanted. They want the traditional family unit eliminated along with culture, nationality and religion.

They want your children as soldiers for their New World Order.  


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Gay "Marriage" is a Cabalist Ruse"

CO said (June 1, 2015):

Even if they will never have the same physical "The heterosexual union" Bothwell speaks of, Spiritually and emotionally there really is no difference between the needs of straights and gays.

Gays can have the same full and rewarding life, mentally (and physically) as straight couples. Males and Females do indeed together fill a void so to speak and complement each other in certain areas the other might be missing. As mentioned above this is the same for gays as they also have the masculine/feminine polarity.

You might even consider a gay person more balanced in this regard, as they have a more equal blend of male/female qualities, thus needing less "fill in" from the partner. Every person ,male and female is "built" from both sexes. Hetero men have lets say on average a 20% feminine side and hetero females 20% male qualities. With gays it will be "out of whack". A gay man might be 60% male / 40% female. It could even go to 40% male /60 % female (the outright girly types we all know and call the typical gay )

We should also realize there are True Gays (more on that below) and gays originating from bad relations with parents / mis-bonding with parents during childhood and / or abused during childhood.

True gays are gay from a physical origin, they have developed that way as a baby in the womb. So not by "choice" you could say, as is the case with an abused child.

True gays are IMO a result of hormonal changes caused by abused foods and vaccines if not also spontaneously happening by mother nature as well. Did you know some animal species also have its occasional gay members? I doubt this is caused by disrupted social family interactions.. There are even self reproducing sharks and reptiles, having both sexes within.
Should we not give gays the possibility to be equal and make their own choices like the rest of us? This includes marriage. Gay marriage is part of the equality equation.
The true evil is that the illuminated ones are trying to break the concept of marriage to have more grip on us as individuals. Gay marriage in itself is not one of the big problems we have today.
Even if homosexuality is promoted to the extreme, gays will wont be able to take over fully.. ( Unless they get the baby farms up and running in the far future, and give those kids the gay social indoctrination treatment making it the new normal.. There must be some line society will not let them cross I hope..(?)

PS; i,m male, not gay. I live in Holland where homosexuality is more or less accepted. There are also many, many openly gay TV personalities here as well, too many for my likes.. I know enough gays though, also in my family.

Harry from Holland said (May 31, 2015):

Glad to hear some one dare to speak the truth.
I look at the power points in my house,

Behind the coverplate are two wires, in terms of energy one is charged possitive and the other negative.
If I was to put the two negative charged together nothing happens,

If I put the two positive charged together I shortcut the system and mu fuses blow out.

If I put a lightbulb between the possitive and negative wire my light will shine in the darkness.
Let There be light !!

Paul said (May 31, 2015):

"Using Language To Deceive"...

Several years ago I began to see what I call "Word Abuse", all around me on ad signs, the sides of trucks, everywhere- its' purpose IS to deceive. It takes the knowledge of what God has said and perverts it to its' desired end, a derailment from that which is holy ( wholly)and good. Word Abuse. Calling it for what it is.


Thanks Paul

One of the worst is "natural" flavors


David said (May 31, 2015):

So true, Henry. Confucius was asked once what his solution to the corruption and mendacity of his time was and he replied, "Rectify the language". Just as relevant today, as I listen to politicians say how they support the middle class and free enterprise, while doing everything in their power to destroy both. Or excusing the invasion and slaughter of countries that never harmed us as "defense" and "national security". So it is with gay "marriage", that sanctifies a lifestyle defined by anonymous serial sex with total strangers as somehow "holy". I know a gay couple who were "married" in a civil ceremony, and they still screw around on each other same as before their "consecration". What a sick society we live in.

BH said (May 31, 2015):

We have reached a stage where heterosexuals now have to dig deep into their vocabularies to defend what is self-evidently normal and good. Clever marketing techniques and elite cash have been deployed to promote what is clearly a developmental disorder. The education system has poisoned the minds of our children and set them against parents with traditional views. The controlled media has changed the perception of millions who see no problem with same sex marriage. Anyone who opposes this view is a bigot.

I struggle to think of solutions and ask myself how helpful is this information if it is known only by a few? It is possible that the psychopathic elite can be defeated, but not by opposing homosexuality head on.

They are guilty of many crimes against humanity and the exposure of any one could bring them down. In my view, their Achilles heel is 911. The amount of evidence is building like water behind a dam and increasing numbers disbelieve the official story. It’s only a matter of time. My only concern is that a cornered rat might do something dangerous.

AC said (May 31, 2015):

"Tom Bothwell's" Gay "Marriage" is a Cabalist Ruse is sheer genius, typical of what so often comes out in opposition to the dark inverters of reality and truth; pluses seldom found among Establishment brainiacs associated with this whole sordid affair.

Dan said (May 30, 2015):

In the Great Race to the Bottom that is the new, tolerant, politically correct, woman-positive multicultural Globalist world today, I keep thinking we'll hit bottom any day now, but it seems to be a bottomless pit with no end in sight.

Al Thompson said (May 30, 2015):

If the STATE, State, or state determines that homosexual marriage is now legal, in the eyes of most people the act of homos is still an abomination. Thus, the laws of the STATE, State, or state are meaningless and have no authority whatsoever. The reason is that God's laws, which are confirmed by nature, says that homosexuality is an abomination. Governments as we know them today are there to make mankind miserable and to horde the resources of the earth. In short, the state is a useless piece of fecal matter that should be abolished and replaced with a strong moral standard that God instituted; confirmed by nature.

It's as if the Congress passed a law suspending the law of gravity; good luck with that.

Satanic doctrines never have any authority and governments that operate under satanic or luciferian doctrines, have no moral authority for anything.

In the US Constitution, it says that the document is the "supreme law of the land." Excuse me? The supreme law of the land is what God provided and the evidence is noted through the observance of nature. And besides, the government that claims to be under the "constitution" disobeys it on a regular basis. Man's laws must conform to the natural law or nothing will work for the benefit of mankind.

Tony B said (May 30, 2015):

This war by purposeful misuse of words has been a favorite topic of mine for many years but I have never been able to adequately express it.

The article reminds me of another lying word misuse, now totally accepted by most: calling murder "abortion."

G said (May 30, 2015):


Look what I email I received just yesterday afternoon! Right on topic.

Your posted article today is not only timely but perfectly written.


From: Local 3888 Website
Subject: Union Notice #15-040: 2015 Toronto Pride Parade
Date: 29 May, 2015 2:12:29 PM EDT

Notice 15 - 040

Date: May 29, 2015
Subject: 2015 Toronto Pride Parade
To: All Members

All members are invited to join L3888 on June 28, 2015, as we celebrate our support of the LGBTQ2 community in this year's Pride parade. The parade usually draws over 1 million people to the route, making it the largest parade in the city.

Join us as we show our "Courage, Compassion and Service" by demonstrating support for the LGBTQ2 community as a whole and representing the many LGBTQ2 members and allies within Toronto Fire.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at